03 July 2009

Demonstration of Choice

The Sifting and the Sorting Time is nearing completion. For some time now, Humanity has been involved in making the Choice that will define their futures for countless thousands of years to come.

The Lower Worlds of Sensation, Materialism and Pain?


The Higher Realms of Love, Harmonious Interaction and Further Evolution?

People are making their Choices right this second and do not know it. Because the Choice is made not by saying "I choose" but by doing. We must DEMONSTRATE OUR CHOICE. Each Act we perform, each Reaction we have, each Thought, every Emotion all produce an effect in our Invisible Bodies. Those Acts, Reactions, Emotions and Thoughts that are Unselfish and generated for the Benefit of others will increase the brightness, color and strength of our auric Light.

This allows us to receive more of the in-streaming Light that is flooding the Earth at this time. We are able to carry and transmit more of this Light to Mother Earth and to our Brothers and Sisters around us. This is part of our function here on Earth. To hold and maintain Light thereby making it available for use by others, even if they are unaware of being touched by such Light. Those who choose to live their Lives in such a way as to assist in this process are, in essence, making of themselves Vessels for the collection and distribution of the Love Vibration to the Planet. Could this possibly be the True meaning of "The Grail" legend?

We are at a critical period where All are being tested. Those who "Believe", "Feel", or "Know" that something is about to take place may question themselves (and their sanity!) from time to time. This is normal, although not to be over-indulged in. The time for Doubt is long past. We have cast our die with what we Know and Feel to be right. We must continue in our Duties, continue trying to fill our "chance" meetings, our interactions with friends and loved ones with as much Unselfish Love as we can possibly muster. Even if our Kindness does not appear to bear immediate Fruits, does not mean that it won't. We may never get to see the great and small things that our Unselfish Actions have spawned. They are the "message in a bottle" that we place gently in the river and allow to float anonymously towards the Sea. We may not be given to know upon which shore our message will come to rest.

We must simply "Serve and keep Serving. Give and continue to Give".

All Love,

~~ G

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