13 April 2011

As A Man Thinketh

The following is submitted for your consideration:

"THOUGHT, then, is a vibration, and as a man thinks so does he vibrate his brain cells.

How many people really think?

Thought is a particular development of ideas, something entirely apart from the "hit-or-miss," "ramshackle" process which was supposed to be thought.

Let us begin to think; let us choose the material from which we shall build our temples the temple of the "Living God."

The process that the average man calls thought is not consecutive thinking. God hasten the day when people will realize that all that is, has been or will be, is the result of thought.

Thought is both creative and destructive. Not only are we making our bodies now, but we are making those which we shall wear in the future.

By the future I mean when the individual is reincarnated.

A great thinker has said : "Know this mighty fact, the soul is but the fruitage of thought tinctured and tarnished with the emotions, passions and desires of the flesh."

First, as regards the physical body. Thought selects the food by which the body is nourished. The cells of the body are being constantly destroyed and rebuilt. The purest food possible to obtain will construct a pure body. Vegetables, fruits and grains are of much finer construction than flesh, and hence can vibrate to much higher rates of motion.

Flesh is decaying animal matter and is detrimental to the highest development of man. Much flesh-eating thoroughly coarsens the body, and the marks of his calling are stamped on the face of the butcher.

Another example is that of a man who drinks. Alcohol brings about exactly the same result. The body cannot respond to any of the higher vibrations. Just as surely as the note you strike on the piano must produce a certain tone, just so surely will your body answer to the same rate of vibration around it that it vibrates to in itself.

The high cost of flesh food during the war (WW I) has been a blessing in disguise, for it was the only means whereby people could be brought to realize that they could still live if they never ate meat. Then, after a time, they will begin to realize that they can enjoy much better health without it.

If you wished to do a fine, delicate piece of work, you would not use coarse or unwieldy instruments in doing it.

Just as true is it that the vehicle of the spirit Solomon's Temple must be delicately and finely constructed.

The body must be kept scrupulously clean and be given sufficient exercise.

If your body is not satisfactory to you, it is because you have indulged in thoughts that have marred its construction.

It is never too late to do something toward the reconstruction and regeneration of the body.

Start NOW.

Each cell of the body is a living, throbbing intelligence. Each cell actually reaches out and grasps from out the water of life that living stream of blood that is the life of the body just the material it needs in its construction.

"The quality of the force called into action in any kingdom determines the quality of the offspring."

You are directly responsible for each thought that occupies your brain.

The soul is the thought man and the emotional man that occupies the physical bodies and resembles it in form and feature. We do not here refer to the Spiritual Ego.

If, then, our thoughts build our bodies, what thoughts are the cell lives of the body filled with ? We must naturally see that they are, in vast numbers, filled with thoughts of fear, strife and blood. Fears of microbes, disease, poverty, the neighbors, the weather, the night air, the dark, burglars, etc., etc.

Eternal strife for wealth, position and power, for material benefits. Benefits, so-called.

All this brings about war, the cell life gorged with blood, calling for the blood of its brothers.

Is not the cause of war clear?

Do not thoughts pollute the very air? Is it not true that our thoughts affect those around us? What about the cells that we throw off from our bodies every minute cells that we have built and that are impregnated with our thoughts?

What is the matter with the people in the world? For there is nothing the matter with the world itself.

Each cell, then, that we throw off from our bodies, hour by hour and day by day, bears the stamp of our thoughts upon it. These go to make up the record of our lives, which those whose eyes are opened can read. In occultism this is called the Akashic record.

Then each man is the recording angel.

When the thoughts of the disciple are purified from every undesirable thought then he becomes the son of the Master for his thought flows like a river through the Consciousness of his Lord".

"As A Man Thinketh In His Heart, So Is He" -- excerpted from God-Man: The Word Made Flesh -- G.W. Perry & Inez Carey (1920)

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