14 April 2011

Release That Which Is Holding You Back

Many unawakened Servers are still struggling within "the matrix", allowing themselves to be dragged under by the crafty designs of the dark brothers. This matrix, as was aptly defined in the move of the same name, is "the world that has been pulled over your eyes". One's difficulties may be the result of an over-identification with the personality and/or pre-occupation with negative events from one's "past".

We have reached a point where those who incarnated on this planet fully intending to participate in the Divine Mission must now make the herculean effort to awaken from their slumber and remember their true calling.


AS GREATER LIGHT CONTINUES TO ILLUMINATE THE PLANETARY CONSCIOUSNESS, darkness is necessarily accentuated, for where there is light there must exist its corresponding shadow, or contrast, for in a dualistic universe one cannot exist and is meaningless without the other. More specifically, there has existed for millions of years a great protective barrier of spiritual force around our planet that was instigated and has been dutifully maintained by the Earth's own planetary Hierarchy.

This ethereal bulwark regulates the incoming flow of various energies, forces and souls to Earth, while it also functions as a shield from cosmic evil. Without such a measure humanity would have experienced much greater oppression and hardship than that which it has known heretofore. In this time leading up to the birth of the New World, certain doorways are being opened in the barrier in order to allow for a larger influx of benign entities into our Earthly spheres where their aid may be rendered. However, these doorways are presently also being used for access by entities who are rather less than friendly, even though such wayward souls have the karmic right to be here on Earth.

Servers are high-priority targets for the dark forces, of course, due to the inherent threat that they pose to the dominion of evil upon Earth, and consequently Servers will find that they generally receive attention from the brothers of shadow before that of Divinity.

Individuals with any trace of selfishness, e.g., fear, pride, etc., and even those bearing genuine goodwill but possessing weak, indecisive or rigid and thus impressionable minds, are the easiest and, therefore, favourite victims of the opposing forces, and certain awakening Servers who have yet to reconsecrate their lives in service to the Divine Plan are today being successfully victimised from the inner planes in order to minimise their chances of responding positively to their wake-up calls.

As a result, these unsuspecting Servers may suffer a variety of emotional, psychological and even physical afflictions, ranging from headaches and unnatural fatigue to advanced occult possession. As the planetary deadline approaches and as all conditions upon Earth - both good and evil, Truth and falsehood - intensify, Servers who in their forgetfulness may have become severely impaired as personalities will be presented with one of two critical choices: they must either search for and find a genuinely serviceful group, the common focus to which they should selflessly dedicate their lives (thus effecting their own healing), or they may choose to remain in the sombre gloom of selfhood and uncertainty whereby they will eventually be withdrawn from the physical plane having failed their assignment.

It should be understood well by all Servers who have yet to reunite with other kindred souls for the purposes of furthering the One Divine Work upon Earth, that true, spiritual group communion creates an impregnable protective energy field, effectively warding off all evil so that higher spiritual forces may successfully enter the physical plane. Such a radiatory field will be an indispensable asset to any group during the approaching and inevitable onslaught of malevolent and blindly-destructive powers.

These materialistic powers, which are ever pitted against spiritual progress, always tread the path of least resistance, and so they begin their maligned attack upon certain personalities at the very earliest opportunity: when the foetus is still building its new physical body in the womb. It has been scientifically proven that an unborn child experiences to a significant degree whatever the mother experiences, and thus negative influences aimed at specific individuals (particularly Servers) begin before birth via the parents. Such wilful interference generally continues throughout childhood, and many Servers may recall particular traumatic incidents that occurred very early in their lives which, upon due reflection, they may discern are responsible for certain personal dispositions or impairments that still presently exist.

Surreptitiously then, a seed of fear may be planted within a Server's personality vehicle during childhood, and this often occurs most profoundly at about the age of six or seven years old when the child's emotional constitution begins to become integrated within the individual and so is able to be permanently infected. The basic intention of evil after it has struck its first blow is for the growth of its seed to be promoted within the impressionable child by its surrounding environment which, of course, includes family, friends and acquaintances, the negative influence of whom is often further assured by perpetual incitement by those residing within hidden quarters who strive, consciously or unconsciously, under the banner of the antichrist*.

Emotional or psychological poisoning in the early stages of a child's development may so easily create serious character disorders that, in turn, provide a doorway through which agents of evil may further infect the Server by negative occult impression. In so fortifying the personality weaknesses of the imitation ego, an attempt is made to render Servers incapable of fulfilling their spiritual duty later in life.

A common pattern experienced by Servers is that of years of unreasonable persecution and abuse by others who may sometimes even appear to have a perfectly irrational personal hatred for them due to the provocation of unseen entities who are themselves at the mercy and command of masters of evil. Such violations over extended periods do little to nurture a positive and loving attitude in many Servers, and today a large number of them demonstrate various levels of psycho-emotional infirmity, which is, of course, exactly what was intended by the opposing forces.

Yet it should not be forgotten that, prior to the voluntary adoption of the veil of forgetfulness in physical embodiment, the likely incidence of such negative interference was fully apprehended and accepted by each Server as being an intrinsic factor of their sacrificial mission. All Servers understood well how evil minds seek to incite fear, doubt, anger and the like in their victims, thus rendering them easy to control; yet they also knew how all damage to the lower vehicles of consciousness could be effectively healed. Today, it is time for Servers to recollect that knowledge in order that they may be better prepared to help a world in need.

From "Opposing Forces" - Servers of the Divine Plan

[end quoting]

No matter how "real" our life's circumstances were or are, it is imperative that we attain the realization, the recollection, that none of it matters. The only thing that matters is that we wake up, abandon our response to the sharp stick of life that continuously pokes us in the eye. Mark these words, YOU ARE BEING DISTRACTED WITH THE INTENT TO DISABLE. This, because an awakened you is a severe threat to the deluded, dark energies who mistakenly feel that they can thwart the Divine Plan of Salvation unfolding upon this planet. The longer they can keep you floundering in the common B.S. that is "everyday life", the longer they can keep you from lending your considerable, but latent, energies to the cause of Transformation for this planet and her inhabitants.

Wake up! Let go of the issues, the problems, the disappointments, the obstacles. Fake, fake, fake and fake. All fake, a trick, a trap. Take up your helmet and your shield and begin the service you had every intention of rendering before you came here.

Don't wait until it's in your face to discover that this was all true. Prepare now, the hour is already very late. Remember,"the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night". There is no guarantee that there will be adequate warning. Heck, we've been given more than enough warnings. Get your Mind right, get your Heart right, get your Soul right. Then go forward, seek True Knowledge and serve your fellow souls in any small way you can. Don't let anything hold you back, no matter how "real" it may feel or appear. Release it all.

Wake UP! Wake up and embrace your destiny.

~ g


Kevin said...

Hi Brother Gee

Could the illness of a family member possibly constitute an occult interference or even a type of posession specifically to distract other family members from 'Waking Up'?

BrotherGee said...

Hi, Kevin.

The short answer to this question is 'yes'. It is quite possible that the illness of a loved one can be used to deter one from one's Path, especially if there is a strong attachment involved.

However, one size does not fit all. Not every case of illness can be characterized as an attack. For example, if a person is using an illness to manipulate and control a Server, that qualifies as a negative binding. Once recognized, one must then make a decision as to what one is going to do about it.

On the other hand, if one is bound to caring for another who has a serious illness and is in need of legitimate assistance, this qualifies as an Opportunity for Service and could never be construed as a distraction. After all, it is through our unselfish service to others that the greatest Soul growth and progress can be made.

Only we can determine whether a relationship, obligation or attachment is part of an occult plan to throw us off the Path or a genuine opportunity for selfless Service, Karmic repayment, Soul Growth, etc.

There is a school of thought that advises candidates for liberation not to allow any attachments to hold them back. This can be understood when it comes to bad marriages and bad friendships, but the suffering of another human being is a qualitatively different sort of attachment.

No matter what our circumstances may be, it is up to us to apprehend their nature, apprehend our soul-state and not allow anything to influence us into negative thinking, such as, "I am so trapped here", or "Why do I have to do this?" or "I wish I could just run away from it all". There is no running. We are eminently capable of being able to advance spiritually while handling matrix duties (“be in the world, not of the world”). This requires effort on our part. The Christ attended to the needs of the unenlightened masses, even to the point of physical endangerment, yet he still managed to find time to "go off to the mountains" and spiritually strengthen himself when it was necessary. We must maintain a constant focus on that which is Higher and Spiritual, while the physical part of us continues to serve here in the fallen realms, to the best of our ability.

Ultimately, whatever obligations we are under, as we are the ones who are closest to the situation, we are the ones who will have to determine whether these relationships, obligations or attachments are meant to harm us or to teach us. Those that are determined as harmful should be released. Those we determine to be learning/serving opportunities, we should embrace.