26 May 2011

The Other Reality - Conclusion

"HOW did you lose the ability to shift your awareness from deity to identity, from form to meta-form? How did you lose God-consciousness? How did you "fall" into the illusion of separation?

I will tell you.

It was through a simple lack of faith.

It was through a loss of confidence in the absolute perfection of the universal design. This was brought about by the entry of a single factor into your existence: fear, the serpent in the Garden, "the Devil" in history.

Through a subtle process of reasoning, this being encouraged you to move in a pattern of activity that has come to be called "Original Sin." It was a pattern of activity that you were never designed to move in. With a clever and subtle lie, you were convinced to not exactly stop trusting in God, but to stop trusting exclusively in God.

The moment you did this, your consciousness began to shift from God-centeredness to self-centeredness, and for the first time, you became more aware of your identity in form than of your identity in God. This shift in awareness was minimal at first, but enough to begin what was to become a long spiral downward through denser and denser levels of energy-bondage and restraint. For Satan, your tempter, is the materializing influence who in its right place is responsible for the bonding of energy in the creation of matter.

As you began to focus more and more upon your identity in form, you began thinking in terms of defending that form with unnecessary and cumbersome ego structures. It became harder for you to avoid identifying with your experience. You began to carry over past patterns of behavioral response into new relationships. This made you less effective in those relationships because you were no longer fully present, no longer using the fullness of your potential. You were beginning to build up around yourself energized thought structures that imprisoned you. You were drawn by simple gravitational attraction, to those realms of space where energy was in the process of being bonded, where matter was being created. Particles of physical substance began to gather along the magnetic lines of your thought structures, and you began to identify with denser and denser levels of physical expression.

This process went on for a long while before you actually found yourself in any kind of physical Garden. When you did, you had already fallen a long way from your original state of grace, but you were still functioning on a level of awareness far enough above and beyond your present condition to give rise to all the myths and legends of a physical paradise. The physical Garden of Eden lasted for many centuries of Earth time before the momentum of the materializing processes caused you to rely so much upon the physical senses that you became cut off from the direct nourishment of divine light.

In reality, you have never been cut off from this nourishment, but as your sense of identity became almost exclusively wedded to your physical bodies, their growing density began demanding more and more Earth substance for their support. You finally reached a point where you could no longer meet the demands of your physical bodies without "work". It is at this point that your chronicles state that you were "driven from the Garden." In truth, you were never driven from the Garden. The Garden is still there, surrounding you even now.

Language is only capable of communicating on one level at a time. Yet the Fall was a simultaneous multileveled occurrence. While you were clothing yourself with increasing layers of material identification, you were also becoming more and more fragmented within yourself. As you began to bring into your relationships a sense of identity based on previous relationships, you were not only lessening your own presence and effectiveness in current relationships, you were also creating separation within yourself. None of your past experiences were comprehensive enough to fully identify with in the present moment, yet you began to rely on them for your understanding of and approach to the present moment. Thus, the whole process of the Fall was accompanied by a corresponding fragmentation of your sense of identity, your very sense of self.

By the time of the physical Garden of Eden, you were already perceiving yourself to be "more than one". The sexual process came into play in order to produce physical projections within which these apparently separate entities you had split yourself into could take form. Even to this day, these apparently separate beings are but your own fragmented reflections. In the fallen state, you perceive them as separate and distinct.

Yet, despite all this talk of a Fall and Original Sin, you are not held prisoner by events that transpired in the dim reaches of your collective memory. You are not born into sin. You are born daily into the Presence of God, yet daily you re-enact the original foolishness that is recorded in all your ancient chronicles. Daily you commit Original Sin; daily you eat of the forbidden fruit, and it is from moment to moment that you keep yourself imprisoned by allowing a dubious rational thought process to come between you and your immediate sensing of God's will. This was the hesitation that led to your initial fail from grace, and it is the same hesitation that keeps you now in a fallen state. There should rightly be no interval between the determination of the need to take action and the implementation of that action. This "rational interference" is what caused you to stumble in your primal dance of trust with God.

You are now, in effect, sleeping under the influence of what could almost be seen as a spell, an illusion that prevents you from experiencing the clarity of perception that is your natural birthright. Our mission to this planet is to awaken you from sleep by whatever means necessary".

"The Other Reality" - The Starseed Transmissions - Ken Carey

Next: Commentary

~ g

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