14 May 2011

Your Multi-Dimensional Self

The Seven Planes of Existence - C. W. Leadbeater

By way of review, there are seven Cosmic Planes. Humanity experiences on the lowest, or seventh Cosmic (Physical) Plane. This seventh Cosmic Plane is sub-divided into seven sub-planes (represented in the diagram above).  The density of matter for these planes range from very fine (1) to very dense, or gross (7).

The vehicles of man span all seven planes, or densities. These densities are often referred to as dimensions. Hence, man is in essence, a multi-dimensional being. He is a combination of Spirit-Soul-Matter.

The top triangle represents the three-fold Spirit portion of man.
The second triangle represents the three-fold Soul of man with its vehicle of experience, the causal body.
The mental, astral, etheric/physical bodies represent the three-fold, temporal  man with its vehicle of experience, the physical body.

On each of the causal, lower mental, etheric and physical planes exists a copy of the physical body. Each body is able to function with complete autonomy upon its own plane. These bodies resemble the man in outward appearance only. There are no internal organs (as we know them) and the manner of "sensing" their surroundings differs from the five senses used here on the physical plane.

Spirit propagates a human soul, whose function is to propagate in turn, a three-fold physical body that can navigate the lower physical planes. The vibrational experiences and sensations recorded by the three-fold physical body are relayed to the Soul, which assimilates them and relays only the highest vibrations back to Spirit. The lower ones are retained and become part of the microcosmic karma. This karma returns to Earth upon rebirth, where the Soul attempts, once again, to transmute the man's gross, coarse vibrations into something higher.

Spirit consciousness is closest to God, The Logos, The Creator. Matter, or physical consciousness, is farthest from the Divine. The Soul is the go-between, the Messenger, that is used by Spirit to attempt to bridge this divide. The Divine Plan of Evolution for humanity was/is that Spirit should unite with Matter to bring God-Consciousness to the physical plane. Thus, the lowest, densest, darkest plane of existence would be brought into Union with the Divine, spawning the reality of man's long-sought vision of Heaven on Earth.

We are here as emissaries of Spirit, to effect this Unification. Unfortunately, this Great Endeavor was hijacked and side-tracked millions of years ago. It has taken us since then to return to a point where it is possible for not just a few, but for many, to complete this Union. These are special times. Earth is undergoing an initiation, She is moving to a higher state of consciousness. Because humans are composed of the same material as the Earth, there is an opportunity for those who prepare spiritually to also move into a higher state of conscious awareness.

Unfortunately, the dark, gross component of this dualistic, emergency order of physical existence is pulling many in the other direction. All are exposed to the sparkling glamour of the false, temporal, material world. Those who fall to the enticements of the material world do so without realizing that they are effectively making a Choice. By their acts, they are choosing to remain in the lower depths, generating fresh karma, pinning their Souls ever more firmly to the Wheel of Death and Rebirth.

As you go about the perceived "misery" of your daily, mundane, physical existence, try not to think of yourself as just some poor slob stuck on the treadmill of human suffering. Try not to feel as if your Spirit is being crushed by the dark, that you are a hopeless "have-not" watching helplessly as the "haves" rub their opulence in your face. The "haves" possess nothing! All that they have will inevitably fade and die. Their riches will crumble to dust in their hands. But those "have-nots" who recognize that they are multi-dimensional beings with the power to write their own ticket out of this drab existence - and take steps to do so - are richer than all the multi-billionaires on Earth combined. For they are choosing to awaken from the Sleep of the Ages in order to take advantage of The Shift of The Ages.

This requires a 180 degree reversal of thinking on the part of the incarnate human. As a rule of thumb, anything society says is good for you is probably not. Conversely, anything that is banned by governments or religions is done so to keep you from discovering some truth or secret. Television and film teach man how not to behave. Advertisements encourage us to ingest thousands of unhealthy chemicals everyday. Smiling faces gracing tobacco, alcohol and meat ads tell us to "Go ahead! Smoke, drink and eat rotting flesh! Nothing will happen to you! Get with it. Be 'cool'!". Of course, this is a lie. Their partners at the other end of life, the doctors and pharmaceutical companies, will then make fat profits off of prolonging the failing lives of those who were too ignorant to see that they were being fooled. Life ends, the Purpose of Incarnation remains unfulfilled and man is doomed to return again, keeping the Beast alive.

Don't fall victim to this fate (again). Break the cycle. Seek true Knowledge. Learn of your true nature. Man, Know Thyself! A door has been opened, a Great Key has been turned. The Gatekeeper beckons. Leave the low behaviors and negativity of physical existence behind. Look within for comfort and Wisdom. Above all, ask The Christ to enter your heart, so that It may do the work of cleansing your temple.

Whenever you start thinking that "I am only human", take another look at the diagram above and remember that you are not.

~ g

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