10 April 2020

"The Visitors"

There is another possible component to the Great Deception that one should be aware of. This involves a so-called "alien" visitation or "invasion".


At a given point in time, there will or may be a peaceful landing of off-planet entities.

These entities will indicate that they are returning to the planet to offer their assistance to mankind. They may allege that they created the human race even though they will not look human. Humanity, which is always looking to be led and always ready to give away its own freedoms in return for some imagined from of security, will largely fall for this charade.

The following is being shared from "Bringers of the Dawn":

“Humans are going to need to be tricked before they can become aware. Many of you may find that you will be very frustrated. You will see things that others will not see; you will see a mass mania occurring upon this planet, and you will not be able to live with it. You will see masses of people walk toward a false god that is foolishness.

Remember the movie "V" that was shown on television a few years ago (1984)? That movie gives you some idea of the cunning and conniving of certain entities who will come from space; some people will indeed worship them and think they are absolutely powerful masters. We are saying that these scenarios are going to prove true. There is a pending merging of human consciousness and the extraterrestrial presence upon this planet. It is being marketed to you at a rapid rate.

Many of you who have studied and used your own discernment will be shocked and appalled at the foolishness and ideological worship that the rest of the human race will express toward certain beings from space who pass themselves off as your creators even though they do not have bodies that look like yours. They will be able to do many things and will share many technologies. They will perhaps cure certain diseases that they helped create in the first place by teaching germ warfare to your planetary scientists.

You will become disgusted with society because you will not fit with the new gods, and you will retreat. Do you understand that the new gods may be lizards? You think that's a little funny? Hold onto your seats, because you have no idea what is coming. If we told you everything that was coming, you would have scattered a long time ago.”

These "visitors" will arrive at a critical point in human history, when humanity is backed into a corner, or at its wit's end over some dire situation. They will "come in peace" and offer to "fix" everything. In exchange, humanity will eagerly turn over leadership of the world to them. These entities will have the same ulterior motives as the Dark forces and Light-Spirits of the reflection-sphere: the need to nourish and sustain themselves with the astral emanations of human-beings.


A set of "aliens" mount an invasion of the Earth which the planet is unprepared/under-prepared for. Earth will struggle to repel the invaders until a second set of "aliens" come to the rescue. The "savior" aliens will be lauded as heroes and welcomed with open arms as our "brothers". Again, they may not have a human appearance.

The twist will be that the "savior" aliens and the invading aliens will be working together to deceive humanity.

Once the "savior" aliens have been welcomed among us, then the events in Scenario-1 can begin to unfold.


Our controllers have spent years preparing humanity for this through movies and television programs ("program" is a word that defines itself). Think "Independence Day", War of the Worlds", "V", etc. You are hereby advised to think very carefully if humanity is ever confronted with these "visitors". In fact, any global scenario that is presented from here on out should be regarded with a side-eye.

Our controllers are working very hard to keep humanity off-balance, confused and in fear. When human-beings are in a state of fear, it is much easier to convince us to hand over control of our lives to a "savior" of some type.

Again, you are free to be skeptical of the foregoing, that is fine. Continue to use your own discernment in all things. You are asked only to remember this information. Mentally file it away for
possible future reference.

The success of these plans depend largely upon humanity's ignorance, unpreparedness and stubborn refusal to fathom or accept the idea that such events could even be possible.

All Love,

~ g


Anonymous said...

Thank you for bringing the this post... All love, Chanett

Anonymous said...

Wow Brother G. I must admit when I read this post, I thought it was a bit out there. But The Pentagon has just declassified three videos of UFOs. It begins...or maybe not. Thoughts?

P.S. Love this blog. Thanks for all the posts.

BrotherGee said...


Understood, my friend. Things that are outside of normal, everyday human experience will always be regarded with skepticism, disbelief, etc. This is fine because we should never accept anything that is presented to us on its face. We should always use our own discernment, conduct our own research, look for resonance.

That said, the event that you referenced - release of declassified UFO videos - does represent the beginning of a plan to gradually "condition" humanity to be less dismissive of UFOs and more accepting of the reality of off-planet life forms. Many people will not believe a thing until their "authorities" give them "permission" to believe. That is what the release is about. Without certifying anything, the U.S. government is subliminally telling the masses "Yeah, there's stuff flying in our skies that we cannot identify". They then leave it to humanity to connect the dots.

You will probably see more examples of "official" acceptance of UFOs going forward.

~ g

Anonymous said...

Are all aliens bad? What about Pleidians?

BrotherGee said...


Humanity has been conditioned ('brainwashed' might be the better word) to believe that life-forms from other star-systems and galaxies are a "threat" to humanity. Those that control the world want us to believe this is so because that irrational fear is critical to the success of their future plan to stage an "invasion" of Earth.

We live in a duality, a dialectical universe where pairs-of-opposites are the rule. If there are so-called "good" aliens then there must also be so-called "bad" aliens. This 'goodness' and 'badness' is relative. For example, one alien civilization may see nothing wrong with genetically modifying human-beings and/or raising them as a food source. Other alien civilizations might take exception to this. We on Earth would classify this as "bad" behavior but to the civilization that dines on humans, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the practice. "Good" and "Bad" are relative concepts that are subject to interpretation in this Cosmic Domain.

This planet is a planet of Free Choice and must remain so for the sake of humanity's proper evolution. That is why the planet is under a 'quarantine' of sorts that prevents negative entities from attacking or landing. Any negative alien entities that are currently on the planet do not come from space. They either live within the Earth (underground tunnels, underwater caves, etc.) or in the astral-etheric regions of the planet and have always been here.

Our controllers have been able to reverse-engineer so-called "flying saucers" and there is now a fleet of these vehicles standing by for use in deceiving the public. Many of the sightings that are reported are of these home-made craft. The ultimate threat is not from outer space but from right here on Earth.

There are helpful off-planet entities who work to keep mankind from making stupid mistakes like detonating nuclear weapons. Others are working to stabilize the planet which is wobbling on its axis in case you haven't noticed. There are groups working at the North and South Poles performing critical maintenance for mankind as this cycle rushes to a close. These benevolent entities are aware of God's Plan for mankind and will not interfere with or contact human-beings unless free-will mutual agreements have been made. Sometimes they will briefly show themselves in our skies to give humans something to think about so that we can make up our own minds on the subject. It is true that once a person sees a UFO with their own eyes, that person is never the same.

To answer your question: Pleiadians have historically been labeled as "good", along with Sirians, Lyrans, Arcturans, etc. Orion and Zeta Reticuli have very poor reputations.

FYI, there is life on Venus and other planets in this solar system but human eyes cannot detect that life because human-beings do not yet have the necessary sense organs to be able to perceive life in those cosmic realms.

Your controllers want you to believe there are only "bad" aliens and to doubt the existence of life on other planets because they want you to feel like an orphaned child who has nobody to turn to except the corrupt leadership that currently rules this planet.

Just remember that every global or national event that takes place on this planet is a show, a "performance" that is carefully designed to manipulate and trick you into giving away your Divine rights of free choice and free thought. Therefore, always use discernment, no matter how fantastic or convincing the "show" may be.

~ g

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking the time to explain, Brother G. Very helpful, as always. Bless you.