31 December 2016

Rollover 2016

It's New Year's Eve 2016. So, what does that mean?

That means that today is the day before tomorrow.

There is no new beginning here, just a continuation of what is, a rollover.

January is not even the first month of the year. That designation goes to March.

January 1st is also not the first day of the "new" year. That designation goes to March 20th or 21st, or whatever happens to be the date of the spring equinox.

The above can be supported by the names of the months themselves:

September = 7th month - 'Sept' means seven.
October = 8th month - 'Oct' means eight
November = 9th month - 'Nov' means nine
December = 10th month - 'Dec' means ten

February is actually the 12th and final month of the year, which is why every fourth or "leap" year, a day has to be added to the month of  February to make up for the 1/4 days of the previous three years.

Everyone alive in the 1st century knew this to be true. Not sure of the reason why Julius Caesar mandated this radical change in the natural calendar, but the smell of shenanigans is in the air.

With that in mind, Happy January 1st, the start of the 11th month of the year.

~ g


Anonymous said...

Everything is backwards or upside down! What a false world we live in!


BrotherGee said...

Exactly, Anonymous! This is literally true. Almost every historical "truth" advanced to us on this planet is a reversal of true events or an outright lie. The real Original Divine Truths have been suppressed, perverted or tampered with by the agents of the Prince of This World.

Do not despair. Once we have recognized this, we are freer than we have ever been. A Liar needs to have the targeted audience believe his Lies. We are no longer cooperating with this arrangement, and have separated ourselves from the Lie.

Wrote a crude post about this a few years ago...

Upside-Down and Backwards

~ g

The Finance Dude said...

hey g- let me add another layer - not only is it backwards, not only is it upside down, the real hard one for most to see, let alone DO SOMETHING WITH, is the inside out nature of this time/space...we must learn to invert...b/c our nature is inverted here...its a twisted beauty if u ask me...

The undoing - I call, fractal engineering :) and i am writing on it...though still finding a "writing" voice...
