14 December 2016

The End?

Whenever there is an extinction event on Earth, a.k.a. "the end of the world" (of which there have been countless many), a couple of things happen:

1. a group of prepared human-beings are removed from the physical plane and into a higher state-of-consciousness. State-of-consciousness is state-of-life.

2. A group of unprepared human-beings are removed from the Earth-plane in a mostly unpleasant manner. Their microcosms are recycled and they are lined up for another set of rides on the Wheel of Death and Rebirth.

3. Some of the Unprepared survive the catastrophes and live to tell the story of The Destroyer. The reports that have come to us down through the ages have been extremely unsettling to many. So much so, that when humans think of an ending-cycle, they only see horror and destruction. They do not see cleansing and recycling. Nor do they see the Great Transformation that has taken place for those who were moved to a Higher state-of-life.

Unfortunately, those who are taken to Higher Realms do not return to Earth, and so, they are unable to tell us their wonderful, glorious story. We are unable to see the truth behind the "end-of-the-world", which is that it does not signify "The End", but rather a New Beginning for both prepared and unprepared humanity. When the planet is overrun with negativity, when humanity has completely rejected God and is immersed in their own sinful pleasures, that is the cue for the Earth to shake man from her back like fleas. It is also the cue for the Christ Power, the Reaper, to return to Earth and gather up all those who are ready and prepared.

Thus, mankind has been left with half a story. We truly believe that the "end-of-the-world" is really "The End". When messengers appear to tell us that this is not the case, that "The End" is really both an End and a Beginning, we scoff with disbelief. This is where Faith must come into play. One has to believe, with an intuitive Inner Knowing, that we were created for a much, much higher purpose than we know. How many times have we squandered our opportunity to escape this prison-planet? How many times more will we fail?

Once more, a Golden Opportunity is being presented to mankind. The Start / Finish line has again been reached. Don't wait for the last minute to try and board the Ark. Purchase your ticket now, and hold on to it.

~ g


Anonymous said...

2012 came and went.......then it was 2016, it too is about to pass. 'End of days' are played out ad nauseum since time immemorial. Are we really witnessing the 'birth pangs' or is it something that our grandchildren will look back on with a chuckle.
This is by no means a sarcastic or sardonic query.
You see, a couple of your previous posts are that extra terrestrial intelligence played a large part in seeding life on this planet. Are these ET also subject to this periodic 'cleansing' process. Their highly 'advanced' state suggests that they have had the opportunity to 'progress' (at least from a technically and scientific point of view) and this would not have been possible if they had theirs clocks reset so to speak. Could it be possible that Earth too is on that road...unless of course Trump and Putin decide to blow us all up first. It is quite evident that all forms of governance that we have witnessed thus far have been monumental failures and the crowning glory is our financial system. Is it just the next stage in the cosmic evolution ladder?
Having said that I would like to admit that it is quite possible that I might be suffering from the following
"Most people don't really want the Truth.
They just want constant reassurance that what they believe is the Truth."

BrotherGee said...


Just because the world didn't explode in 2012 doesn't mean that 'nothing happened'. 2012 was about a celestial alignment that has positioned the solar system in the path of a very high Cosmic vibration. One can liken it to gradually moving out of the shade and into the sunlight.

Everything in the Physical plane has a beginning and an end. Once physical entities reach an 'end', there is usually a fresh beginning, unless the microcosm is so corrupted that it cannot be saved. Look about you. Plants, trees, the seasons, all meet their 'end' eventually, to begin again after a period of rest. It is short-sighted to believe that the Earth does not have a recycle date, and has not undergone recycling in the past.

As for ETs, all Physical-plane entities are subject to periodic Harvest. This means graduation to higher densities for some, repeated turns on the Wheel for others. Being technologically or scientifically advanced has nothing to do with the spiritual side of the entity. It is this spiritual side that these periodic Harvests are concerned with. In this Physical universe, an entity can be tremendously advanced intellectually, but completely backwards spiritually and devoid of love or compassion.

Harvest is not a planetary phenomena, it encompasses entire solar systems, galaxies, etc. Whether other cycles match up with ours, one cannot say.

Yes, Earth is on the same road as her humanity, along with other planets in this solar system. She is headed for Harvest, as she has fulfilled her useful life as a host for ungrateful Mankind.

No one is going to be allowed to 'blow up' the Earth. The planet will be preserved.

December 21st is the first day of winter. But does the temperature drop to zero right away? Although the winter solstice represents the 'official' first day of winter, the winter weather usually does not come until many weeks later, especially in recent times.

It is the same with the Harvest. Although man can predict planetary alignments, such as the predicted alignment of this solar system with the center of the Milky Way Galaxy which occurred back in December 2012, man cannot predict exactly when the end-times will kick into high gear. We can, however, look to past revelations for the signs that this time is upon us. Only those who are willfully blind would refuse to see that we are at the darkest period of our history, and that it is always most dark before the dawn of a New Day.

One does not have to believe that these things will take place. If one has not investigated for one's self, one will usually have only denial and ridicule to offer in place of an intuitive knowing. When the Moment arrives, they will be totally unprepared...again. The recommendation here is for these ones to conduct some serious research before dismissing what is a Cosmic certainty. One should first examine any and all evidence extant regarding the matter and then make a decision as to veracity. That decision should be made from an informed point-of-view, and not from the ostrich's point-of-view.

Or, one could simply choose to wait and see.

~ g

Anonymous said...

There is always a degree of condescension associated when dealing with so called people 'in the know'. The very fact that I took time to read your blog and post this query would suggest that I have at least invested more than a little time in matters of spirituality and topics more than mundane.
It is quite evident from your blog posts dating from 2006, that you yourself have progressed in your understanding and comprehension of spirituality. At least provide this concession to someone who is asking something that he/she might not have completely understood.
All energy in the universe is neutral, timeless and dimensionless. Our creativity and capacity for pattern recognition in the primordial soup is the link between the macrocosm and microcosm, the timeless world of waves and the solid world of things. Observation is an act of creation through limitations in inherited thinking. The moment we thus name or label something, you also negate it to all other possibilities and potential, thus not only creating it but also pinning it. The universe is created in several incomprehensible layers of vibration. Yes indeed, all things will 'end' and it is the nature of the limited observable universe that everything is spiraling or cyclic in nature. The world 'ends' for individualized aspect of the All and indeed on a collective level too. Right now we are witnessing an acceleration of individual awakening the world over.
Peace `G

BrotherGee said...

No condescension was intended or implied.

Peace, friend.

The Finance Dude said...

re: end times - every generation is led to believe in a collective end, as intuitively we recognize our own end, and for the lucky few, we recognize the end of the body's life, so that we may live another one, anew...but the collective end times ad naseum is a feature of the realm of lies...having said that, can you read the stars?

perhaps learning a little about the cosmic map of cyclical creation may aid one in deciphering for one's self, what is really happening as Nostradamus was simply reading the star map and interpreting it into broad english language...it also works on the microcosm...

being neutral to these discussions - often times that which we see in other people is simply our own shadow projected onto the external experience/person, practically begging for its moment of awareness to be recognized for it lives!

the arrogance/condensation is coming from within the one Eye, the Ego - desiring to feel "in the know" as the reader may now see...

anon says all the energy is neutral - no, that is in fact, untrue - the space is neutral, the energy is charged (doctrine of polarity), electro-magnetic and pulsating in so many layers of waves its unfathomable, but able to be experienced - or we wouldnt be enjoying this moment...

naming doesnt negate possibilities so much as naming simply binds a bond into boundaries and the supreme power can not bind itself permanently, but may dissolved and destroy all bonds...

BrotherGee said...

Yes, there have been many false flags. The unwise are lured into a false state of passivity by the error of countless former "prophets". Yet, even the most clueless scientist will admit that the Earth has experienced several major cataclysms in its 4.5 billion year history.

The stars do tell the story, but not enough people are schooled in the Language of the Stars. If they were, they would recognize that mankind has reached the end of a 25,920 year cycle of time. This event always heralds a cleansing and a New Beginning.

No one knows the exact date and hour. The wise (those who have studied the matter with insight, intuition and remembrance) know that we have now crossed a Threshold.

All are entitled to interpret the times as it relates to their own level of Understanding. All will be revealed soon enough.

The job of the messenger is not to Prove, but to Warn. If the Warning falls on stony ground, so be it.

~ g

The Finance Dude said...

i can attest, that threshold is firmly in the past - the Aquarian downloads are taking on a spectacular fractal form...bottoms up! :)

Anonymous said...

ALL IS Energy, and IS Neutral until manifested/created/observed. Energy attains polarity only when it is projected into duality. Space cannot be quantified as 'neutral' because space and time are the manifestations within which vibrations are possible. There IS no 'empty' space. Did the vibration cause space and time or did space/time give rise to vibrations. We get caught up in 'our' own delusions.
I think in our projection from the ALL to outermost visages of the manifestation of the ALL, it is the journey from veil of forgetfulness to the memory and recollection of our 'divine' birth right, in due time it will be all be answered so that WE willingly implode into the next epoch of the universal cycle. Let us not stub our feet on the pebbles on the path, there are mountains ahead.

My fondest regards to Anonymous, 'finance dude' and `g.

PS: The written word is one of the most ineffective means of communication. E-motion (or energy in motion) is the closest that truly convey information.

BrotherGee said...

Best regards, my friend.

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~ g