29 December 2016

The Dormant Principle

"Several wisdom teachings speak about an immortal Divine Principle lying dormant in every human-being that is just waiting to wake up and be active. Based on that awakened and active Divine Principle, the human-being can become a bridge between Time and Eternity.

What matters is not that we will enter Eternity, but that the Eternal Being within us may be vivified. That is the core of all Gnostic teachings and also of esoteric Christianity: the human-being is twofold, both mortal and immortal"

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The mortal part is the physical body and the mortal soul, composed of the etheric, astral and mental vehicles, all of which disintegrate over time after physical death, so-called.

The Immortal part is the microcosm itself. The microcosm is the container for all of the temporary, successive mortal personalities. It persists throughout eternity.

The Divine Principle is the Spirit-Spark Atom or Divine Spark, positioned in the mathematical center of the microcosm, a location which corresponds to the right ventricle of the physical heart of the human-being.

This Divine Principle is dormant in the majority of human-beings who possess it, but can be awakened when a microcosm, after a long experience of futility and sorrow, repeatedly failing to generate a human personality that will seek and find the Key to Immortality, finally succeeds in generating a human personality that will choose to renounce the world and all the matter therein. Such a human-being will then cease to expect or desire anything of this world, and will set his or her yearning for that which is not-of-this-world. As the entity sets a focus upon that which is not-of-this-world, That Which Is Not-Of-This-World will step forward to touch the Spark. A Child of God will be re-born.

As a result of this Light-birth, a New Soul will be constructed to replace the old, mortal soul. A new, purified etheric body will also be constructed from pure, Divine ethers. The new Soul-Body combination will be of such purity that Spirit will finally be able to make use of it. The Divine Tri-Unity will be re-established within a glorified microcosm. Spirit-Soul-Body will once again form a Divine bridge between Eternity and Time.

~ g

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