23 May 2017

Bridging The Vibration Gap

Between the Sixth Cosmic Domain (Cosmic Astral Plane) and the Seventh Cosmic Domain (Cosmic Physical Plane) there exists a gap in vibration. The highest vibrational frequencies of the  Seventh Cosmic Domain reach about 700 terahertz (that's 700 trillion hertz). This is in the ultra-violet range.

The lowest frequencies in the Sixth Cosmic Domain (the Divine Kingdom) reach about 800 trillion hertz. Between these two Cosmic Planes lies a gap of about 100 trillion hertz. This gap presents an obstacle to those humans who are striving to escape the physical plane. It works as a barrier, a ring-pass-not.The astral bodies of the vast majority of human-beings come nowhere close to vibrating as high as 700 Thz.

This is why, during this ending-cycle, human-beings are being urged to "raise your vibration". There's a functional need to do so, if one wants to move towards Liberation.

Periodically, according to Cosmic Law, the vibrations of the Divine Kingdom - the Sixth Cosmic Domain - are lowered, stepped down, as it were. They are lowered to a level that enables the lowest plane of the Sixth Cosmic Domain to blend and mix freely with the highest regions of the Seventh Cosmic Domain. It behaves sort of like a temporary bridge, built to last long enough to enable those who wish to escape from matter to do so.

This "gap" is a vacuum of pure ethers, originating from the Divine Kingdom, the Sixth Cosmic Domain. Because it exists as a connection between two entirely different nature-orders, it serves a special purpose. This is the Ark that is always built when major world-cycles are coming to a close. Like a life-boat, it stays in place, gathering all those who seek its refuge until the time comes when the cycle must ultimately end. At that point, the gangplank is lifted and, like a vast fisherman's net, the vibrational bridge that was temporarily extended from the Divine Kingdom begins to withdraw from the Seventh Cosmic Domain with its spiritual harvest in tow.

All candidates who possess an awakened Divine Spark are automatically linked to this special region between two Cosmic domains. They have become cells in the Living Body of the Gnosis. They have boarded the Ark. To remain aboard, the candidate must continue to strive, in complete self-surrender, to follow the Path no matter what obstacles may be placed before him or her. If one steps off the Ark to dally in the natural-world, beware. No one knows when that gangplank will be pulled up.

No matter what one has done previously in life, no matter how heinous or despicable a human-being may have behaved in the past, the opportunity for Redemption is open to all...to all. Forgiveness is at hand! The price? One must make a fundamental reversal in their thinking, willing, feeling and acting. This means that one must permanently and completely turn away from the world and renounce all the matter therein. The renunciation must be complete and without falsification. Only then will the restored link between the Spark and the Ark remain strong enough to lift the candidate out of the Pit of Despair and back to Divine Shores abandoned so long ago.

~ g

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