13 May 2017

The Third Way (One Flew Over)

There are three roads that can lead one to Final Liberation from matter:

The First Way: 

Live your life as a nature-born human-being. Focus and restrict your striving to the aims of the material world. Seek no further, and if you do seek seek on the horizontal plane, allow human "authorities" such as the churches of the established religions, their priests, pastors, imans, monks and gurus to interpret the holy language for you and stand as sole intermediaries between you and God, a privilege for which you will have to pay for, of course.

Live only to obtain human goals, (i.e., get rich or die trying) and hope for the best in some fantasy after-life that has been brainwashed into you by those church authorities.

Die and head for the reflection-sphere, the temporary heaven-worlds, where your remaining subtle bodies will eventually dissolve, forcing your microcosm to generate yet another new personality to send into the world in search of The Pearl of Great Price. Repeat this process over and over again, for long ages of time.

It will take long ages of time and many Rebirths, but you will eventually find The Third Way.

The Second Way:

Live your life as a nature-born human-being. Expand your striving to include the occult world. The word "occult" means " hidden". Study the invisible worlds, the ways of the reflection-sphere, astrological correspondences, magnetic healing, etc. White magic, black magic, ascended masters and grandmasters. Learn how to 'split the personality' so that you can travel in the reflection-sphere fully conscious. Learn all there is to know about the invisible realms, its levels and hierarchies. Learn how to live an after-death experience in the reflection-sphere that will enable you to retain the use of your astral and mental bodies for thousands and thousands of years, thereby avoiding dissolution of the subtle bodies and illegally prolonging your stay in the heaven-worlds. Learn the artificial methods used by those with occult training to avoid reincarnating on earth.

You become a light-spirit, or perhaps a black magician. Yes, you are free of The Wheel, but you become a parasite, having to resort to siphoning the astral energy of physical human-beings on earth in order to maintain your form in the reflection-sphere. In essence, you have become an aeon yourself. For you, death of the personality has only been delayed.

It will take many long eternities, but if you can reject reflection-sphere life, you may eventually find The Third Way.

The Third Way:

You've lived many lives as a nature-born human-being. You're struck with the urge to seek "something higher". You try the churches. Hypocrisy and falsehoods. You study the occult path. If you're observant, you realize that the occult path does not offer a true liberation. Empty-handed, you continue to search. Theosophy, New Age, channeled teachings, extra-terrestrial messages. All fragments, all a confusing maze of 'truth'. Who can we trust to provide us with the 'truth'? What doctrine can satisfy our desperate seeking? In frustration you throw up your hands and resign yourself to a pointless existence on a pointless world. A helpless puppet in the hands of Fate, doomed to forever chase a 'truth' that must exist but appears to have been purposely hidden from you.

The First and Second Ways have failed you. Thankfully, there is a Third Way:

You leave behind the temporary things of the material-world. You leave behind the false promises of the reflection-sphere. You learn that there is a Divine Realm that exists apart from the physical realm. You learn that you carry a Divine Spark within your microcosm which contains great powers, powers that are still linked to the Divine Realm. This Divine Atom lies sleeping, waiting for the right personality to come along and awaken it.

Once awakened, the True Man will slowly begin to emerge. A Divine Personality will gradually re-assert its control over the microcosm. The broken link with Spirit will be repaired. You learn that for the candidate walking the Path of Return, physical death will lead  not to the reflection-sphere but to Shamballa, where the candidate will complete the mighty process of Transfiguration, in peace, among brothers.

You learn that "finding the Truth" involves taking leave of a world that you can see, in order to become part of a World that you cannot see...yet.

Congratulations. You have found The Third Way.

Wire, briar, limber, lock,
Three geese in a flock;
One flew East,
One flew West,
One flew Over 
the Cuckoo's Nest.
O-U-T spells out.
Goose swoops down
And plucks you out.

~ g

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