06 May 2017

Forgiveness And The Grace Of An Age

The below is quoted from Heavy Karmic Baggage:

"Of course, it is nearly impossible to expunge thousands of years of Karmic debt in one short human lifetime of 72 (on average) years. This is especially true when we are kept in ignorance and as a result continue to pile even more negative karma atop the heavy baggage that the microcosm already carries. This too, is seen as an injustice. But it is an injustice of our own making.

Fortunately, there is a way out. Even more fortunately, you are living in a time when the way out is being revealed to all mankind. This doesn't mean that all of mankind will accept the revelation, it simply means that the way out is being revealed so that all may have the opportunity to freely choose whether to abandon their ways and take advantage of That Which Is Being Offered.

The way out is Forgiveness. An attempt will be made to explain this in the next post."

How can we, as personalities, as projections of the microcosm, hope to eradicate the accumulated karma of our microcosm in the few short decades of life that are granted to us? Karma that has been accumulated over many thousands of years of periodic incarnations of different personalities?

The personality must locate the Path of Return, then follow it as a Golden Thread that will lead one out of the dialectical nature-born realm forever. It is this Path that the Christ Radiation* was referring to when it stated, through the man Jesus, that: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life".

* Never forget that the term 'Christ' refers not to a man who lived two thousand years ago, but to a mighty cosmic radiation, the Love Aspect of the Father. Any human-being who can accept, assimilate and radiate this divine vibration can become a 'Christ'. Jesus, the man, did so and lived His life as an example to all who were to come that "You shall do as I have done; yea, greater things than these you shall do".

We are currently riding the never-ending wheel of death and rebirth. There are a couple of key reasons why we continue to return to earth-life after a brief post-death journey in the reflection-sphere (the so-called 'after-life').


In brief, Desire means that the microcosm retains an urge to generate a new personality to return and experience earth-life once more. In short, the microcosm is enjoying (for lack of a better word) the experience of the lower vibrational existence and seeks to continue that experience.

Karma, as we have discussed, is the accumulation of unresolved Effects that have resulted from Causes that we, as past personalities, have put into motion. Because all Karma must be balanced on the plane upon which it was incurred, the microcosm is bound by this Cosmic law to generate a new personality to return to earth-life and take up the task.

As previously mentioned, this task is an immense one, and for all practical purposes, impossible to complete within the constraint of a single earth-life. However, there is a way.

When humanity "fell" into matter-born existence, the Logos, in line with the wishes of The All, also sent Divine emissaries to accompany fallen humanity into the Seventh Cosmic Domain. These Divine Beings carried with them the wisdom of the Gnosis, the Keys that humanity would need in order to find its way out of darkness and back to the Lighted Realms of the Sixth Cosmic Domain. Throughout innumerable ages, we're talking many hundreds of millions of years, these Divine guardians have worked tirelessly to help mankind find the Path that leads out of this Pit of Despair.

Along the way, there have been successes, there have been failures. Individuals who manage to locate the Path and who follow it to 'The Good End' are triumphantly lifted out of the Seventh, their accumulated karma is erased - and they are released from any future obligation to ride The Wheel. They disappear from the Physical Realm, never to be seen again by physical eyes.

Because of this, there is no concrete evidence left behind that documents the success of these successful Seekers. They have transfigured, and can no longer be viewed by physical eyes. As a result, humanity, which for the large part refuses to believe in the reality of anything which they cannot see with their physical eyes or touch with their physical hands, dismisses all notions of man's ability to be reborn in a Higher form. Remember the incredulous words of Nicodemus, not understanding due to ignorance of the facts: "Lord, how can a man be born again? Can he crawl back into his mother's womb?".

A brief word about 'ignorance'. To be ignorant does not mean the same as being stupid. Ignorance is when one errs due to the fact that one does not know better. 'Stupidity' is the act of erring despite knowing better. Nicodemus was a very learned man - in the ways of the world. However, he was ignorant of the Higher truths, he did not have Gnosis.

Periodically, the Logos grants all of humanity the opportunity to seize the gift of Gnosis and to make this transition collectively, as a group. These periods can be classified as major or minor cycles. It is at the end of such cycles that this Grace is extended to mankind. We are presently in the throes of such a period, by which mankind is being offered the Grace of an Age.

An Age is a period of time corresponding to the number of years that it takes for the Sun to transit one of the signs of the zodiac. It takes 2,160 years to pass through one sign of the zodiac. It takes 25,920 earth years to pass through all twelve signs. When Jesus, the man, walked the earth, it was the Age of Pisces, hence the many symbolic references to fish during his sojourn. Prior to his appearance, the holy language speaks of prior Ages using symbolism such as lambs (Aries), bulls (Taurus), twins (Gemini), etc. When it speaks of Aquarius, it refers to a 'Man with an Urn', as in:

"Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water. Follow him into the house where he entereth in." Luke 22:10

Follow him, indeed. The Man with the Pitcher of Water is Aquarius, which is pouring out over all of mankind the astral energies required by Man to recognize the times that we are in and to take the steps necessary to maximize our progress, to make our escape, as it were.

These Divine energies do not discriminate. They are radiated over all humanity and permeate all humanity. Those who react negatively can be easily identified by their actions. Why do you think there is so much error, violence and malice in the world today? It is because the Christine Radiations are not being well-received by some. Instead of moving towards Gnosis, they are repelled further into darkness. This is due to the rock-hard "I-centrality" of their microcosms.

Those who are receptive are given the help they need, as much as they need, when they need it, in order to guide them safely Home. Many are not even aware of what is taking place. They simply notice that they are 'changing'. Those who are aware of what is taking place have an obligation to spread the word, in the hope that sleeping brethren might awaken in time to take action.

This is why the holy language states that during the end times, "the sheep shall be separated from the goats". There will be two camps, those who are with the Gnosis, and those who are without Gnosis. There will be no in-between, no half-stepping. EACH MUST CHOOSE.

To summarize, in order to return to the Divine Sixth, all of the microcosm's earth karma must be eradicated. The microcosm itself must be purified. The Logos is completely aware of this and periodically offers mankind a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card, which is the Gnosis. All you have to do is resolve to make a fundamental reversal, turn your back on the things of this world, and dedicate your remaining days to doing that which must be done to return to the Divine Kingdom.

If you 'die' in the midst of this striving, you will not be forsaken. Because the fundamental vibration of your microcosm will have been elevated beyond a certain degree, you will be eligible to bypass the reflection-sphere (the fake heaven-world) and proceed instead to Shamballa, where you will complete The Great Work.

Those who are engaged in this process of microcosmic transmutation and are in the body when 'The End' comes, will be transformed, on the spot.

The key is to START NOW. You must begin the Process in order to benefit from the Process. Do not delay or put it off for tomorrow. There is no tomorrow. There is only Now. The natural world is luring mankind to sleep in order to lead him away from the Light. The aeons of this nature are completely within their rights to offer you this Grand Deception. It is you who must clear the crud from your eyes and see the deception for what it truly is. It is you must reject the World. It is you must make the fundamental reversal in your thinking, willing and desiring. The Choice is yours alone. No one can force you to make this change.

Once again, the Grace of an Age is being offered to all of humanity. Complete and permanent Forgiveness is at hand. May you be granted the wisdom to recognize the Glory of this Moment, and to accept the Loving Invitation that is being offered to us all.

~ g


Anonymous said...

When humanity "fell" into matter-born existence, the Logos, in line with the wishes of The All, also sent Divine emissaries to accompany fallen humanity into the Seventh Cosmic Domain. These Divine Beings carried with them the wisdom of the Gnosis, the Keys that humanity would need in order to find its way out of darkness and back to the Lighted Realms of the Sixth Cosmic Domain. Throughout innumerable ages, we're talking many hundreds of millions of years, these Divine guardians have worked tirelessly to help mankind find the Path that leads out of this Pit of Despair.

The above statement assumes the creator of the universe planned the fall and treats the universe as a giant chess board. He knows the result of every game whether its two grand masters playing each or two beginners playing each other, the result is always known. The only escape from this endless game of chess is simply to refuse to play, but even then the creator has factored this in as well.

What to do? Find a group that says it has the answer, which is so hard because today thousands of groups say they have the truth. OK, so you join a group and play their game and after many games and many years have passed by, you become a Grand Master (Golden Head)at the game. But its still a game and your allotted time has run out.

g' From the above it seems there is no such thing as free will because we can't choose to do anything of ourselves it is already decided like the rules or laws of chess. For example I could not say I will stop thinking for two minutes because thoughts are not ruled by my will but are free to drift in and out of my consciousness even while I'm dreaming.

Could you also say something about these Divine emissaries, are they angels that serve God as mentioned in the bible? And why do they come in pairs as mentioned in the Song of the Pearl? Thank you.

BrotherGee said...


re: "...statement assumes the creator of the universe planned the fall and treats the universe as a giant chess board...the result is always known"

The Creator does not "control" mankind. If control were the aim, the human life-wave would never have fallen. Mankind "fell" because we selfishly broke the few simple rules that were required for us to remain Divine. Sadly, now marooned in Hell, frustrated and with no memory of our High Birth, we erroneously curse God while refusing to point the finger at ourselves.

Creator contains all Potentialities within Itself. Creator enfolds all Possibilities. Creator is aware of all Probabilities but does not control the steps that an entity may take to reach any Desired Outcome.

When a Mother sends her child off to school, she does so with the Expectation that certain things will happen during the trip and that the Child will reach school, spend the day there, and return home safely. If the Child wanders off, skips school, or otherwise does something that falls outside the Plan, there is no guarantee that the Child will return Home safely.

"What to do? Find a group that says it has the answer, which is so hard because today thousands of groups say they have the truth."

It is true that the spiritual supermarket is cluttered with "junk truth". One should always be careful about joining any group. Here is where intuition must be trusted. If something doesn't feel right, if it does not resonate, one should keep one's distance.

Please do not confuse the term "Golden Head" with the concept of being an occult "Grand Master". There is no correlation between the two terms.

It is true that many waste their lives following false doctrines, and that time does indeed "run out" in the current incarnation for these unfortunate souls. However, one must realize that throughout one's entire life, it was one's own choices that produced the effects experienced, good or bad.

"From the above it seems there is no such thing as free will because we can't choose to do anything of ourselves it is already decided like the rules or laws of chess. "

Mankind has always had the freedom to Choose, to Will, to Desire and to Act. Here is the Key to Man's misery: when we choose, think, will and act with our own selfish desires in mind, we shall suffer the undesired consequences. When we re-learn how to choose, think, will and act in line with the Will of the Father, then our Divine status will be restored.

...continued in the next post.

~ g

BrotherGee said...


It is a mistake to believe that we cannot control our thoughts. Yes, thought-forms and thought-vibrations drift about us like so much flotsam, yet they cannot penetrate our mental aura unless we vibrate in resonance with that random thought. Like attracts like. So if certain thoughts are invading our space, it is because we are attuned to such thoughts.

If we wish to stop thinking random and "unwanted" thoughts, we should purify our thinking, so that our thoughts take on a higher vibration. Then we will cease to attract the lower thoughts that float around us, probing and waiting for an opportunity to become a part of us.

Of course, the ability to do the above requires that we cease thinking of ourselves as helpless victims of circumstance. We must accept responsibility for being here, straighten our backs and gather the courage, discernment and devotion required to find the Path of Return. The Path that will lead us out of here, back to our True Home.

"mentioned in the bible? And why do they come in pairs as mentioned in the Song of the Pearl? Thank you."

Only a portion of our life-wave selfishly transgressed Divine law and "fell" from the Divine Kingdom. The remaining portion stayed true to the Divine Plan of Evolution and did not transgress God's Laws. They are referred to as "Elohim" in the holy language. They remain our faithful and loving elder brothers. Knowing that we, the Fallen, were now marooned in a realm that was not designed for our microcosms to thrive in, they made the voluntary choice to follow us into this Hell as emissaries of the Divine Plan of Salvation. They are the Seraphim, Cherubim, archangels and angels spoken of in the holy language. Unfortunately, to the utter confusion of mankind, there are reflection-sphere entities who have been and will continue to impersonate the True Elohim. This muddies the waters of understanding even more.

i have not read 'Song of the Pearl', but i believe it is a work of fiction. Fiction cannot be relied on as Truth. This much i will say: in duality, things work better when both polarities work in harmony (positive-negative, male-female).

Remember: although currently under the influence of the nature aeons, we are not automatons. We DO have free choice. Unfortunately, we are choosing foolishly, responding to the influences of the aeons. Those are your puppet-masters, not God.

We have voluntarily given over control of our microcosm and the personality that inhabits it to negative forces. Break the spell, wake up from the trance, and regain control. We have always had the power to do so, but have been lacking the requisite amount of will and desire. Once we re-align our will with that of the Father, we will be provided with all of the Divine assistance we will need to escape our jailers.

~ g