29 May 2017

From Animal-Being To Soul-Being

"Nature-born man has the same bodily principles as every other animal. Every human-being lives and acts like an animal, each one according to his type. An animal feeds on what it can find, disregarding the lives of others. Natural man is no exception in this regard, although in contrast to other animals, he can think and speak and thus rule over them.

In a threatening and hostile world, natural man cannot help but submit automatically to what is called "culture". But however civilized he may be, whether he has a title before or after his name, whether he lives life with a smile or with a tear, with money or without, he remains, as a nature-born man, an animal-being.

In this animal state-of-being you are called by the Gnosis. Why? Because all of you have the possibility of emerging from your animal condition. This possibility arises from the fact that there is a Divine, incorporeal principle in the center of the microcosm that surrounds you. This Divine Principle corresponds with your heart.

If you want to discover this Principle, which we call The Rose, the proto-atom or the Christ-atom, you will have to devote your whole I of nature, with all it is and possesses, in self-surrender - that is, with absolute dedication, deep interest and intense longing - to the center of your microcosm, the Christ-atom. Only in this way will the True Immortal Soul be born.

You will change from a being of nature into a Soul-being. If you follow the path of the Soul-being with persistence, seriously accepting all the consequences; if the being of nature provides proof of having merged into the Soul-being, this Soul-being will be granted the Spirit-Soul, Pymander, the God-Man Principle, the Holy Grail.

From "Oneness (II)" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. II - Jan van Rijckenborgh

~ g

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