"When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic." - Dresden James
We're born into the world as innocent babes. What do we know of things? Nothing.
Who teaches us? Our parents. And what if they're wrong? We learn wrong. And if they unknowingly pass on a lie?
We learn The Lie.
Who teaches us next? Our schools. And what if the teachers and textbooks are wrong? We learn wrong. And if the teachers and textbooks lie, even unwittingly or unknowingly?
We learn The Lie.
Who teaches us next? Society. And what if a society, its leaders, its morals, its sciences, its histories, its religions are wrong? Or are based upon lies? Or have been deliberately tampered with to deceive us?
We live The Lie.
What if all earth knowledge, the Truth of Man's origins, his true earth history and pre-history, his relationship with God, the Cosmos and The Creation had been manipulated, changed, hidden, tampered with for centuries until only there were only a select few who knew the Truth? What if these few, hoarded what was rightfully Humanity's birthright, passing it down as an inheritance to exploit while conspiring to feed us The Lie, so that they could control us, maintain dominion over us and subdue the world to their advantage? Would we know the difference?
How? How would we know what is Truth? All our mortal life, we've only lived what we've learned from others. Our knowledge of things is only as good as theirs. And who taught our "teachers"? Our teachers learned from those who were as blindly dependent upon ones who came before them as we have been to those who came before us. And thus and so, backwards through "recorded history".
The only way to know Truth is to independently search it out. It will not come find us for it has been deliberately buried. We must recognize that for every so-called "fact" presented to us, there are likely several Truths behind it that will prove the "fact" to be a fabrication or an outright lie. We must never accept anything on face value. We must stop disbelieving what seems unbelievable. The Elite's plan of deception DEPENDS ON THAT! The more fantastic the occurrence, the more you can be sure that there is evil behind it. These creatures know human nature better than you and I know one another. They know that when confronted with a situation of over-whelming proportions, the majority of humanity, unable to cope with or interpret events, will shut down their minds in defense. This allows a stronger group of minds to come in and take over their thought processes for a time. Virtually telling us what to think, how a thing happened, why it happened, what to do now, etc. Only after time passes, do people slowly regain their autonomy over their minds, and begin to question. When they do question, they're called "conspiracy theorists, nuts or kooks". This is usually enough to quiet these inquiring minds because the majority of humanity professes that "I'm an INDIVIDUAL!" when in fact, they desire only to "fit in". No one wants to be called crazy. Especially if they have a career to protect or a family to feed.
The few who go forth are persecuted, ridiculed and discredited. If they persist, or get too close to the truth, then suddenly there's the "ruining of the reputation", the "tragic accident", the "unexpected suicide", or the "mysterious plane crash". By the way, whenever an airliner crashes, try taking a look at the flight manifest to see who was aboard. Don't think these evil monsters would blink twice about having to kill 200 just to get one or two. Remember Congressman Ron Brown? JFK, Jr? The Governor of Missouri a couple of years ago? Senator Paul Wellstone (D-Minnesota) not too long ago?
-- The Phoenix Journals --
The point is, the Elite have a Plan that works. They keep using the same template and we keep falling for it, all because we find it "too fantastic" or "impossible" to believe that there could be a world-wide conspiracy to control the human race. THIS PLAYS RIGHT INTO THEIR HANDS! Please read The Phoenix Journals. These writings are direct from Those Who Know The Truth and have been sent forth by God to lay it out for us because our time here is short. Here you will learn:
Learn how the Bible has been extensively tampered with. Get the Gospel of Jesus as it was recorded by Judas Iscariot (who, by the way, did not betray Jesus). As for Jesus, his real name was Imannuel. He specifically warned us that in 2,000 years our time would be up. He said that Satan would reign for a 1,000 years before Armageddon. Check your history. Who do you think has been running things for the LAST 1,000 YEARS OR SO? This and many other things were edited out of the Gospels. There is nothing that they will stop at in their efforts to control us. Read what really happened, told by the One who was there. That's right, by the One who was there.
Learn why the majority of so-called, self-styled Jews are not really descended from Palestine/Judea. They are actually of Caucasus-Russo-Turkish ancestry. They are the descendents of the Khazaria kingdom which flourished between the Black Sea and the Crimean Sea (circa 650-950 A.D.). Oh, you've never heard of Khazaria? Of course you haven't. You weren't supposed to.
Learn that UFO's are real, they are here, they have always been here, and that we've been lied to. The Elite are using the "non-interference" doctrine of these FRIENDLY beings to buy themselves more time to manipulate and guide us towards their Final Solution. So-called "Greys", cattle-mutilations, the "abduction-examinations scenarios" have all been orchestrated by our Government to place an unwarranted fear in the citizenry regarding our extra-terrestrial brothers. This is so that when our brothers are finally forced to arrive to help us, we will react in fear and/or attempt to destroy those who will be our last hope for survival.
Get the instructions on what we must do to prepare for the transition of the Earth. Don't be caught unprepared. You must know what to do when all hell begins to break loose.
Learn where AIDS came from. Who created it and it's purpose. You know that you've always had a suspicion. NOW FIND OUT!!!
Learn what the Tavistock Institute is and how it birthed mind control programs in the U.S. that have taken hold of virtually the entire population.
Who are the Elite? Take a dollar bill, turn it over. See the Pyramid and the All-Seeing-Eye? The pyramid without a capstone represents all of the institutions that are involved in our daily lives. The smaller pyramid on top with the All-Seeing Eye represents the Elite, who control those institutions, thereby, controlling us while remaining unseen. They love rubbing stuff like this in our faces because they know that we are, well, we WERE too stupid to know any better.
Learn how and why these Khazarian-Zionists were behind the French and Russian Revolutions, World Wars I and II, etc. Mel Gibson is not an anti-Semite. Mel Gibson spoke the truth when he said that Jews were behind all the wars in the world. But he is tied to Hollywood for his livelihood, and Hollywood is controlled by the Khazarian-Zionists. Oh, he sounds like an "anti-Semite"? That is merely a Khazarian-Zionist code-word for "destroy this person". The majority of Jews alive today are not of Semitic ancestry. Again, they are of Russo-Turko-Caucasian extraction. In fact, Arabs are legitimately Semitic. That's how completely we've been sold a crock of s---.
Learn of the hierarchy and organization of the Elite, more commonly known as The Illuminati. The Bilderbergers, The Council on Foreign Relations, the TriLateral Commission, the Committee of 300, the Royal Institute for International Affairs, The Club of Rome, etc. Who belongs to these organizations, whose members meet in secret, yet BELONG TO OR CONTROL YOUR GOVERNMENT? Who do they take their orders from? Oh, you didn't know about these organizations? Of course not. You weren't supposed to.
-- The Phoenix Journals --
Learn how the Khazarian-Zionists plotted numerous times to hijack the American banking system until they finally succeeded in tricking Congress to approve their plan. It's called The Federal Reserve Bank. This bank, by the way, is not "federal", has no "reserves" and it's stock is privately owned by persons whose identities are kept secret. It pays no taxes and is never audited. Come on. It is not a bank; it is a criminal syndicate whose purpose is to bring about the economic collapse of the United States Government and its citizens.
Learn how the reins of control for these massive conspiracies trace their roots back to England. The British Khazarians have NEVER STOPPED FIGHTING TO REGAIN CONTROL OF THEIR COLONIES because of the importance of the United States to their global plan. The War of 1812 was fought because their second attempt at establishing a central bank for the U.S. had been voted down by Congress in 1811. Not in the history books? Of course it isn't!
Learn that the link from Khazaria to England lies in the history of the European House of Rothschilds (Germany, France) and their relationship with The Bank of England. From there, the Rothschilds reached across the Atlantic to find the greediest, most cunning bankers they could find to give them a foothold in the States. One of those men was J. P. Morgan, who with his cohorts was the mastermind behind tricking the U.S. into chartering its own central bank (something Washington and Jefferson both fought strongly against). The result was -- The Federal Reserve Bank. These criminal bankers then conspired to take us off the gold standard and finally succeeded. Our money is now backed by nothing. The Government owes all it's debt to the Fed.
I sound like a nut? A kook? A conspiracy theorist? So be it! At least I took the time to read, discover and decide for myself. Don't reject things out of hand because it sounds "too fantastic". We'll spend ten bucks to go sit in the dark, munch popcorn and watch some mind-shaping fantasy imposed upon us by Khazarian-Zionist controlled Hollywood, but when truth is offered for FREE, men turn away in disbelief and ridicule. If we do not begin to wake up, and wake up now, then we will truly have been had.
Each one's fate is his or her own responsibility. If things turn out badly for us at the moment of Decision, we will have no one to blame but ourselves. How did we think God was going to warn us? What did we expect? Clouds and winged chariots? We are being warned in the only way (Internet) that will reach the majority of us in the fastest amount of time, for time is indeed short. We are being warned using the only free media left in the world, because everything else is fully controlled by the Elite. The Word has to go forth, and WE must be the Messengers. If you don’t want to read it, then please just pass this on to someone else. There is no more time. The time to choose is NOW.
Please read The Phoenix Journals. Please.
1 comment:
No, Brother Gee, spot on with all info in this post. I've discovered all this plus more through out the course of last 2-3 years. Now, I think we must not get stuck in the plan...I call it 'feedback loop'...like a computer program...because the plan is so brilliantly planned...we will get sucked right into it without a clue...and it's already happening...WE have been living this same story for god only knows how long(that's a pun- get it- we are god...:) Read my other posts on your blog and you'll get more of what I'm talking about.
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