02 September 2010

Seek The Kingdom

A portion of a conversation recently read, from Readiness for Gnosis - Seeking:


Q. . . .It is like a person who is afraid of a lion. Although, by choosing to learn about the animal, facing it, and understanding it's personality and nature, this same person, if he chose, could stick his head in the lion's mouth without breaking a bead of sweat off his brow........All because he took the time to study his source of fear, despair, woe, and now understands it. Unmoved, unaffected, at peace with the threat only inches away. Now, on the other hand, if one acts in fear of this animal, it will know instinctively by one's thoughts and actions and may turn to tear you apart.

This same scenario is what is going on in this world. A world (as with any other) that is directly effected by the understanding, actions, and thoughts of people that dwell on it's surface. If it is dreaded and feared, it will be a dread and threat the whole time. If it is understood and studied, it will be a pleasant life in the face of constant threats that are created by others. And if the planet's inhabitants as a whole have understanding of both the positive and the negative aspects of life (The Natural Balance), it is then a world that lives under divine plan or law, and does not suffer any of the harsh conditions that are considered hell in a hand basket. . .

A. Well there is subtle error here, which demonstrates again that you are depending on your very limited intellectual faculty to interpret the Truth, the Reality of things, which is impossible to do. For how can a scientist with his microscope understand the living, vibrating Reality that is the Cause behind the microscope itself? How can the tiny part understand the Whole unless it becomes one with the Whole?

What I am saying is that we may only observe and understand that which we focus upon. If this world of phenomena (not noumena, note) is focussed upon by the phenomenal mind of man, then how will he ever understand the noumena that is the living Reality behind all phenomena?

Mankind has been trying to understand this world of changing appearances for ages and ages, yet still suffering and misery exists. So why has mankind not overcome this? The answer is: because he is looking in the wrong direction. He is trying to understand an illusion, which has no absolute reality and therefore all his efforts amount to a hopeless, utterly futile pursuit. This is why the fallen universe is restless, leaving no person alone and at peace, and this is why no true happiness and peace may be found in this world, ever. It is also why all realized beings eventually leave this world entirely, in order to return to the divine Universe, which vibrates above the created universe. "My Kingdom is not of this world." - Jesus.

The Gnosis explains this clearly for those with eyes to see. However, if one is not yet Seeking the Truth, if one believes he or she already knows the Truth, then one will not be able to See and so take benefit from the liberating Teaching of the Christed Ones. This is our point with regard to yourself. If you believe that you are already happy and living in Truth, in Bliss, then your cup is full and you will not be able to receive any new Wine. Indeed, if you are already there, then you will have no interest or need to further utilize your limited intellect to study anything, including our writings, for which you have applied. Furthermore, if you truly are Enlightened, if you had already reached the Goal of supreme Wisdom, then in radiating Christ-Consciousness (divine Love) would you not be attracting spiritual aspirants in the thousands, as did Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tzu, etc.? And if not, then why are you not a Seeker like the rest of us? If I am not in a state of divine ecstasy, then I know I have further to go and so Seek. This is fundamental reasoning, no?

If I do not Seek in the right way and for the right reasons, then I will never Find, and I will, under the insuperable Law of Cause and Effect, find myself back yet again on the wheel of birth, suffering and death in this illusion we call 'life' to try once more to find the Philosopher's Stone, the Summum Bonum, the Jewel in the Lotus, the one Goal of all unenlightened life. Once we understand these things there is no other sane choice but to Seek True Life, and this is the most wonderful journey in the world, for in it there is Purpose, and where there is divine Purpose there is also Joy.


Again, "My Kingdom Is Not Of This World". The Christed One did not mince words with this statement. Feel free to interpret it literally. To remain attached to earth-"life" is to reject the Divine Reunion that awaits those who are able to shake off the cobwebs and successfully withdraw their focus from the material plane. Seek the Truth. Seek ye first the Kingdom...all else will be added unto you.

~~ g

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