16 June 2011

Don't Forget To Laugh

THESE are tumultuous and pivotal times. The magnitude of what is occurring and what looms just over the horizon can be overwhelming at times, to some. This post is to remind everyone that even though there is serious work to do and critical issues to face, we must never get so bogged down in the enormity of it all that we lose our ability to Love, Laugh and Have Fun.

Laughter is literally 'good medicine'. It is extremely beneficial for us on unseen levels, as it helps to relieve stress. Stress and tension are major factors contributing to the blocking of our chakras and other important centers of force. Such blockages ultimately result in dis-ease. If we wish to be able to effectively assist the Earth's cleansing process and our own self-purification, our force centres must be kept free of dross and blockages.

Laughter releases certain beneficent hormones. It boosts the emotions and helps to clear the mental arena. It is a wonderful release valve, as well as a helper in keeping humans youthful and vital.

Yes, we are facing Events of enormous proportions. Certainly, each may have a certain level of trepidation regarding what is going to become of the Earth and her inhabitants. Always look on the positive side. This is about Re-Birth, not Death. This is about creating a New Earth, not destruction. This is about Higher Evolution in the glory of a more Peaceful Realm, not hell and damnation. For all who have longed for and worked on behalf of Universal Love and Righteousness, these are Joyous times, indeed. Remember these things, and smile.

Then go out and have some FUN!. Yes, have a little fun in "the matrix". There are plenty of things that we can and should enjoy. The problems arise when we become overly fixated on the enjoyment that certain objects bring us. This is where wrong attachments can lead us back into the lower realms of materialism and selfishness.

No, enjoy whatever it may be, as long as it is not harmful to you, your fellow man, your fellow creatures or to the Earth. As you have your "fun", remember to give the experience to God. Don't hold onto it. Enjoy things in the moment and then say to yourself, "I am here enjoying this as Creator's emissary. Through me, He is able to Experience the wonder of His material Creation".

So, please...every now and then, do something fun.

And remember to laugh every chance you get. :-)

~ g

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