04 September 2012

The Lightless Prison

It is important to understand that aeons do not force humans to think or act in a certain way. In this nature-order, the human entity always, always has free choice. The old truism states:

"Aeons impel, they do not compel".

The fact that humanity is bombarded by aeonic influences every minute of every day does not absolve us of  responsibility for our thoughts and actions. We cannot use the excuse that "the devil made me do it". In the end, we choose what influences we will respond to, and how.

Weakness or addiction are also invalid as excuses. A weakness for a particular sensation is a karmic or  hereditary challenge that the human entity has to overcome during its incarnation. Aeons will always exploit the path of least resistance in the personality. In other words, if there are "weak spots", in your character, whether emotional or mental, you can be sure that those weak spots will be probed, attacked and stimulated by aeonic forces, until you are impelled to either react or suppress a response.

Suppressing a response is only a temporary solution. The weak spot still exists. All you've done is bury it for a time - like those carnival games of "Whack-A-Mole", where every time you hit a mole, it pops up in another hole. This is what humanity struggles with in the fallen nature-of-death every second of every day.


Evil is in everyone; it is inherent in the personality. It can command you and it will command you, and unfortunately you will find satisfaction in it as long as you act out of your blood culture. Unless you make every effort to undergo a very radical change, you will remain in this situation which pulls you down and keeps you down.

So man finds himself in the state of captivity described by Paul in Romans 7: 'By virtue of the light that touches me, I turn towards the light and definitely want to do what is good, but the power existing in my blood dominates me, and consequently, I do what is evil'

How can one escape from the grip of one's own blood-type and the ensuing clouding of the consciousness? Hermes' answer is:

"... do not allow yourself to be carried along by the violence of the stream, but let those among you who are able to reach the harbour of salvation make use of the counter-current to put into port.

Look for Him who will take you by the hand and lead you to the gates of the Gnosis, where the clear light shines in which there is no darkness; where no one is drunk, but all are sober and look up with their hearts to Him who wishes to be known.

But listen well: His Voice cannot be heard and His Name cannot be pronounced, nor can material eyes view Him. Only the Spirit-Soul is capable of doing so. That is why you should tear up the garment you are wearing: the fabric of ignorance, the basis of malignity, the fetter of corruption, the lightless prison".

From "The Fetters of the Blood" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis Vol. II - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Aeons are our creation. They are the accumulated thought-forms of humanity going back millions of years. Because we created them, we share a commonality. Our fourfold physical body is in total agreement with these vibrations. As long as we remain a nature-born being, we will have to contend with the internal struggle between the evil we wish not to do and the good that we want to do.

In order to free ourselves from this cycle of futility, we must live from a new body, composed of ethers not-of-this-world. That is what the Path of Return is about. Gnosis, Transmutation, Transfiguration. This is the road to Freedom.

~ g

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