27 February 2013
Truth Without Proof
This post is an answer to recent questions posed by andrew on 25 February. It is posted here for the benefit of all ~ g
"Has anyone currently following the path of liberation ever reached the divine realm?"
The most well-known example was recorded in the life of Jesus, the Christed One. In an act of supreme love for humanity, he purposely lived his life as a step-by-step primer on how to obtain Liberation. He allowed himself to be brutalized in order to show that the death of the physical body can be transcended. When they rolled back the stone to his grave, the grave was empty. It was empty because his material body had been absorbed by and merged with his etheric double. The only people who were able to see him from that point on were those of his disciples and apostles who possessed etheric vision. This is the most heavily-documented case of successful transfiguration / liberation that we have before us. The sad thing about it is that most people believe that it is a fairy-tale or an outright fabrication. The proof was left for us to examine, and we refuse to see it. During the time this divine avatar walked the earth, there were no tv's, radios or recording devices. But what he did was so over-the-top amazing that the story has been preserved for over 2,000 years.
However, if by "currently" you mean in the last five, ten or twenty years, etc., the answer is that i, personally, have no idea. In order to transfigure, a candidate must attract and assimilate a significant quantity of gnostic Light-power. In addition to that, he or she must know that there is a process, must know how to apply the process and must know how to navigate that process.
The radiations of the Gnosis follow laws of periodicity. This means that in regular cycles, like clockwork, these divine energies pass through the solar system and then withdraw again. It can be likened to a light-house beacon, constantly sweeping in a 360-degree circle. First light, then darkness, then light, then darkness. For humanity, this Beacon of Light has once more swung in our direction and its tremendous Power is about to fully wash over mankind.
In centuries past, as far back as Atlantean times and before, there was not enough gnostic light-power permeating this realm to assist candidates in their quest to transfigure. Therefore, mystery-schools were established that would provide assistance to those who were found to be worthy. The candidate was given guidance and a 'boost' as it were. This was the age of the gurus and the masters, who, by their own divine state-of-being could transmit the divine fire to their students. Even with the presence of these schools, past harvests have been very small. Nevertheless, we are left with clues. What happened to the Maya? What happened to the residents of Machu Picchu in Peru and Chaco Canyon in the U.S.? Archaeologists postulate all sorts of baseless theories because they are unable to fathom the idea of entire groups of people disappearing from the physical realm.
We have reached a point in time where the atmospheric revolution is bringing the Christine radiations to a crescendo. Very soon it will be possible for not just one person to transfigure, but many, many hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions. This is the opportunity that now stands before mankind and is poised to commence at a given moment in the not-to-far-distant future.
One may say, "because I have not seen this with my own eyes, I refuse to believe it". This is understandable, and was foretold via the story of the apostle Thomas. There are many who will not believe, due to many incarnations of living under the influence of this nature-order, where 'reason' prevails and intuition is ignored.
"...it appears that in the divine realm we do not have physical bodies"
When we refer to the divine realms, we are referring to the Sixth Cosmic Plane, a sevenfold domain that inter-penetrates our sevenfold Seventh Cosmic Plane but is not a part of it. Any entity that manages to escape this physical plane and return to the divine Sixth Cosmic Plane will be able to self-generate a bodily figure without the need for sexual reproduction. The body that they choose to manifest can be built of the materials of any of the seven divisions of this Seventh Cosmic Plane.
Man is so attached to his body that he believes that without the body, he will cease to exist. Mark well the following and do not forget it:
You have a body. You are not your body.
Let's say you turn off everything in your home and sit silently in the pitch darkness with your eyes closed. You can't see anything or your body. Do you still exist? Of course, you do. You are not your body. You are a consciousness inhabiting a dense, physical body for use in navigating a dense, physical world. The body may disintegrate, but the consciousness will persist.
The answer to the question of whether divine beings still have the use of a body is yes. A body is generated when it is desired or necessary to fulfill a function. Whatever form these divine ones need to manifest is but a thought away.
The divine realms of the Sixth Cosmic Plane are called divine because of their unbroken link with The Father. Just because we can't see the inhabitants of this realm doesn't mean that they are not there. They have form and substance on their plane-of-existence. Not only that, but they are able to observe us and everything on the planes below them without any trouble at all.
"...So how do these etheric beings communicate?"
The inhabitants of the divine Sixth Cosmic Plane are not 'etheric' beings, as we use the term. They are more along the lines of divine astral beings. It is not known how these divine inhabitants of the Sixth Cosmic Domain communicate. One can be certain that it is not with words. Vocalized speech is something used in this dense, physical world. It is not the method of communication for higher worlds.
Etheric beings, who inhabit the rung above us in this physical, undivine Seventh Cosmic Plane, communicate via thought - telepathy. It is a fact that prior to the fall of Atlantis, the entire planet was telepathic. When the planet dropped in density from etheric to physical, this telepathic ability was gradually lost to the mass of humanity. In telepathy, thoughts are transmitted from one mind to another as images, or pictures, which contain a tremendous amount of information. The receiving mind responds to the image and 'translates' it into a concept that the mind can grasp intuitively. That's why after humanity lost its telepathic ability, the first languages were pictograms, which gradually degenerated into symbols and finally letters. However, we are now embarking upon an evolutionary up-swing and are about to merge once more with the etheric-sphere. As a result, we will regain our lost telepathic abilities.
This is why it is important to learn to think in a purified manner now, before these events come about. On the New Earth there will be no room for deception or lies. The condition of our auras will be visible to all and will show the truth about who we are, unlike now, when the most despicable thoughts and feelings can be hidden behind a bright smile or a pretty face. We will be an 'open book', as it were. Therefore, we should work on making sure that our 'book' contains nothing that will hurt or harm another.
"...It seems there would be a danger that the astral entities from the un-divine realm could invent Spiritual Schools for ether bleeding"
This is a real danger and many have been victimized by such deceptions. There are organizations that are flat-out frauds, these are easy to unmask. The problems arise with organizations or groups who possess a portion of the Truth, which will naturally attract those who are seeking the same. If the seeker does not pay attention to certain signs, he or she will be progressively misled until there comes a point where the realization will dawn that they have reached a dead-end in such groups. Sometimes, it takes years of wasted time to realize this. Disillusionment or a falling away from seeking could be the result. This means victory for the forces of darkness. Every soul who is discouraged from seeking strengthens the aeons of this nature.
There are also groups or organizations that start out with the Truth and the best of intentions but when the link with Spirit is lost, the teachings crystallize and become dogmatic. Some of these same groups also suffer from the foibles of the human personality. In-fighting, jealousy, egoism, etc., all combine to ruin and destroy the purpose of the group. The examples are extensive. All of these types of linkages can result in ether-bleedings from the sincere seeker. So, how does one protect oneself from falling into any of these traps?
One must learn to recognize and distinguish between that which is True and that which is not. Signs to look for:
- constant requests for money
- attempts to control or dominate you
- egoism, where you or the leaders of a group are flattered and exalted
- emphasis on titles, positions, initiations
- emphasis on occult practices, astral travel, etc.
- constant bickering, arguing or disagreements among members
Any sign of self-maintenance or worldly aspiration is a sure sign that the organization is not linked with the Power-Field of the Gnosis.
"What proof do we have?"
There is no visible 'proof'. That is where faith comes in. Documented symbolically and literally in the New Testament is the entire process of Transfiguration, the Path and its pitfalls, etc. The letters of Paul to the Ephesians, Galations, Romans, etc., were not sent to the masses, but were intended for the disciples of the Christ, those who had chosen to follow his example and were treading The Path. If these epistles are read in that light, much understanding should result. The four Gospels chronicle The Path, in symbolic detail, from Bethlehem to Golgotha. The gnostic writings of the Pistis Sophia, although written in a veiled style that may be difficult to understand without wise interpretation, also discusses this process, step-by-step and in detail.
The Great Pyramid of Giza is a veritable prophecy in stone. It was designed in such a way that the entire transfiguristic journey of mankind is recorded in the types of stone used, the measurement of certain angles and their placement, the correspondence of royal cubits to years, etc. With the mathematical key, one can tell the entire story of this current cycle and know how it is destined to end.
'Proof' abounds, but many times we are unable to recognize it because our eyes are blinded by the need to "see" everything spelled out before us. Again, this is where faith comes in. This is a test where all of the answers cannot be given to us. We must do much of the work ourselves.
In closing, a couple of quotes:
"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen" Hebrews 11:1
"There is going to be a Harvest, as you might call it, a Harvest of Souls that will shortly occur on your planet. We are attempting to extract the greatest possible harvest from this planet. This is our mission, for we are the Harvesters.
In order to be most efficient, we are attempting to create first a state of seeking among the people of this planet who desire to seek… We offer them no concrete proof, as they have a way of expressing it. We offer them Truth. This is an important function of our mission - to offer Truth without proof. In this way, the motivation will, in each and every case, come from within the individual" - Ra
Truth without Proof. This is how it must be. You must discern for yourself what is True. One can lay it all out for you, but in the end, the decision to go forward will have to be based upon how you feel about what has been presented to you.
~ g
23 February 2013
The Power-Field Of The Gnosis
We who attempt to travel the Path that leads to Liberation embark upon a great undertaking. Through long experience, repeated disappointments and bitter sorrows, we come to the realization that this world is not what has been presented to us, that it is a lie and a prison. The realization dawns upon us that there has to be more, there must be more. Why would a beneficent Divinity create humanity simply to allow it to struggle through, then die, in darkness and ignorance?
No, there must be more! And so, we search, we quest, we seek. For exactly what, we do not know. We are only aware of the fact that we do not know.
This seeking attitude persists. In the process, we gain insight into our condition. Many options are explored. Some initially appear to have merit, but after a while, something inside of us realizes that it is not the way, that we are being misled somehow. We feel that much further removed from the Truth. And so, we drop that option and move on. Searching, seeking, questing. For what, we do not know.
At the point where we begin to feel that we will never find the Truth, when the temptation to abandon the quest begins to approach us, or, in hopelessness we begin to think of settling for one of man's cultural-mystical-occult options we reach a bottoming-out, a nadir. Inwardly, we are in torment. From that torment and frustration, a great yearning develops. A yearning for the absolute truth of things. We may cry 'Please, I need to know! What is the absolute Truth? What is the true purpose of life?'
The Law is immutable. Like Attracts Like. Those who seek a Truth that does not originate from this nature-order will attract forces that are not of this nature-order. But how does this happen?
We have talked about the spirit-spark atom, the latent Divine-Spark that sleeps within the human microcosm and is aligned with the upper right ventricle of the physical heart. This Divine-Spark is not composed of any of the natural elements found in the periodic table. It is composed of Divine Matter. It is a single atom of Divinity originating in a realm above this physical realm. That is why it sleeps, because it can find no affinity here in this nature-of-death.
It is only when the seeking human being reaches the point of yearning as described above that the possibility of awakening this Divine-Spark can become a reality.
The breastbone of the human being is called the sternum. The word 'sternum' means 'to radiate'. To ordinary man, its purpose is simply to anchor the ribs in place. But, as with most parts of the human body, it has a higher, more esoteric function.
The sternum sits in front of the heart, which is the seat of the desires. It is divided into three parts - one of attraction, one of repulsion and one of neutrality, or indifference. Remember that we are surrounded by the impulses and forces emanating from the archons and aeons of this nature. The human being will only respond to - or attract - those aeonic impulses which are in resonance with what radiates from him. Forces which do not resonate with a person's state-of-being will be repelled, they will not be allowed entry into the heart. Similarly, if there is no interest one way or the other, the neutral part of the sternum will radiate indifference.
In the situation we are describing, that of an intense yearning for salvation from this vale of tears, the heart of the human being will radiate that yearning via the sternum. This radiation will attract a response, not from the natural aeons, but from the Power-Field of the Thirteenth Aeon. This Divine Response will then touch the Divine-Spark of the human being. Why? Because there is a resonance! There is an affinity! The Spark, composed of matter which is not-of-this-world, will respond to the incoming Divine-Touch which is also not-of-this-world.
This Divine-Touch will set the spirit-spark atom to vibrating. This vibration radiates outwards and has a special effect upon the thymus gland, a ductless gland which sits directly in front of the heart and behind the sternum. This gland, which is active in children and dormant in adults, has never been truly understood by modern 'science'. The vibrations emanating from the awakening Divine-Spark will stimulate this gland, resulting in the production of a peculiar hormone. This thymus-hormone will be injected directly into the blood-stream, in the manner of all hormones. The blood, now laden with the new thymus-hormone, will almost immediately reach the brain of the human being. In an instant, a slight change will come over the consciousness. The human will begin to think new thoughts, thoughts that do not originate from the natural order of things. A link has been established with the Thirteenth Aeon - the Power-Field of the Gnosis.
This link, although powerful, is also tenuous. If it is not constantly reinforced by a steadfast orientation towards the Gnosis, it will be expelled from the human system via the liver, which is responsible for eliminating foreign influences from the body. Nothing is more foreign to the natural, undivine physical body than a divine force. Therefore, the human, having now forged a link with the Gnosis, must continue along this Path with unceasing focus and in complete self-surrender. If this formula is evidenced and supported by a new attitude to life, the incoming Gnostic radiations will establish a beachhead in the human system. The liver will no longer be able to eliminate this divine force from the body. The weaving of the Golden Wedding Garment will have begun.
To those who have already attained this state-of-being, continue onwards. The Path that you have embarked upon cannot be turned away from without serious consequences. This is why we are told to "count the cost" before we begin this Journey, for there is no turning back. To turn away from the Gnosis after receiving the Divine-Touch would result in a Fall, and could result in severe damage to the human system. Remain steadfast and maintain Faith in this Way of the Cross. It is like being led out of a pitch-dark tunnel with only a slender thread to follow. Hold onto that Golden Thread. It is the Divine Life-line that links us to the Power-Field of the Gnosis. Maintaining a firm grasp on this Life-line will lead us all to the Ultimate Victory over death.
In closing, The Path of Liberation is one that cannot, nor should not, be walked alone. We must walk it together, in group-unity. As the axiom states, there is strength in numbers. But where is the group of like-minded individuals with which we can join forces? Are there such people? Where are they located on the physical plane, in the midst of the misery that we see all around us? How do they keep in contact with one another?
We will talk about this in the next few posts, when we discuss The Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross.
~ g
21 February 2013
The Creation Of The Thirteenth Aeon - Conclusion
What happens now? There is, of course, a physical interaction between the new aeon and all the members of the fellowship. The magnetic forces transmuted by the plan drive the participants culture, to actions, and hence, to results.
But these results are not satisfactory yet. What is the reason for this? The reason is that the transmuted electromagnetic forces have been extracted from the ordinary dualistic nature and cannot lead to results other than those that are characteristic of the dualistic field of nature.
However, the fellowship of the plan of liberation does not lose courage but goes on. Without altering the basic tenets of its philosophy, it makes certain corrections to its thinking, and from out of its experience, it deepens its philosophy. Inevitably, there will come a time that the fellowship discovers that if it is to have any success, the electromagnetic forces of the nature-of-death cannot be used as its working hypothesis. Consequently, while its members are gazing up into the wide expanses of the universe, there arises in the fellowship a mighty longing for a different basic life-force.
The first desire for salvation has been born out of insight! And from this first desire for salvation is born the first direct contact, albeit very elementary, with the Gnosis, with the true Divine nature, which does not have its origins in the nature-of-death. From this moment on, the Thirteenth Aeon absorbs not only the forces of ordinary nature but also the forces of Original Nature. We could say: the Johannine aeon is born.
A remarkable change starts to occur in the bodies of those who belong to the new fellowship. The magnetic systems of the auric being, the head, and the heart begin to adapt to the new situation. It is a situation in which certain paths are made straight, bodily, structurally and fundamentally.
The development continues, sometimes with fits and starts. Obvious progress is being made. The fellowship is exhilarated by a new joy. However, I-centrality is still playing tricks on the fellowship. A great deal of affliction, experience, and reflection is necessary before desire for salvation is followed by self-surrender, by a new group unity from which the "I" is totally excluded.
The fellowship struggles on, and so the Thirteenth Aeon is attuned ever more finely to the divine magnetic circle. It is beginning to lose its earthly qualities to an ever greater extent. In conformity with this culture, the Thirteenth Aeon exercises increasing influence on all those who have been attracted by its sphere.
And so we can see clearly before us that at a certain moment there is a Thirteenth Aeon, numerous archons, and a very large fellowship of those who are in the world, but when it comes to the point, are no longer of this world. Their electromagnetic quality and nature have reached the stage in which there is hardly anything earthly left.
We shall also see very clearly that when the moments of crisis develop in ordinary nature, as discussed previously, and all the aeons and the archons are deprived of a third of their power, the Thirteenth Aeon has nothing of which it can be deprived, because it does not transmute any dualistic magnetic forces. It does not violate ordinary nature in any way. And so it is left totally undisturbed, as are all those who belong to its sphere. And so, when in the ordinary course of natural events, a culture starts its descending curve, the cultural path of those who belong to the Thirteenth aeon will continue upwards from power to power and from glory to glory.
For the rest of humanity, the wheel turns downwards back to the beginning, and when a new Day of Manifestation dawns and humanity again struggles towards its cultural development, the situation in the world manifestation has become slightly different. For in the previous Day of Manifestation, there was a large group belonging to the Thirteenth Aeon, a group of liberated ones, a group of those redeemed from the earth. This group does not forsake humanity, for it does not aim at its own salvation. They have already reached that! There is no self-maintenance there. This group is directed to those who are still of and in the nature-of-death. It sends to them messengers and prophets and enlightened ones to call them. When those who are called turn, through their experience, to the Johannine path, they need only link their fellowship as a new link to a chain.
Thus, the universal fellowship of the Thirteenth Aeon becomes ever more radiant and glorious, ever more powerful and magnificent, and the ascent of the sanctified is made ever easier. This is why Pistis Sophia can say:
'And if they invoke the mysteries of the magic of those who are in the Thirteenth Aeon, they will accomplish them well and surely, because I have not taken away any power from that region...'.
May you comprehend the idea of this process of salvation as highly reasonable and walk this joyful way with us.
"The Creation of the Thirteenth Aeon" The Gnostic Mysteries of the Pistis Sophia - J. van Rijckenborgh
From the depths of duality, out of the morass of self-focused and self-maintaining thinking of the masses of mankind, a separate yearning arose, a desire for escape from this nature-of-death and a return to the Original Kingdom.
First one person maintains this thought, then another, and another, and another. Gradually over time, something inevitable happens: a certain divine force is attracted and accumulates; an aeon is formed. As aeons nourish and are nourished by their creators, continued applied focus of those who believe in this Thirteenth Aeon strengthens it.
The difference between the Thirteenth Aeon and the aeons of ordinary nature is that the Thirteenth Aeon draws its power from a divine region not-of-this-world. It then makes this divine power, the Gnosis, available to all those who nestle beneath its wings. Through this divine force, those who are linked to the Thirteenth Aeon will be given all that they will require to effect transfiguration and obtain liberation from this nature-of-death.
"But those who received Him, to them He gave the power to become sons of God..." John 1:12
Those who are able to avail themselves of this power, to board the Ark that leads to True Freedom, will then join the host of others who have already completed the Great Work, in ages past. After a period of rejoicing, these ones will once again turn their gaze to the nature-of-death. They will extend a hand and reach back to help awaken those who are left behind, just as that hand was extended to them. The glory of the Thirteenth Aeon will remain with mankind until the last fallen microcosm is lifted from the nature-of-death and back into the Original Divine Realms. One for all, all for one.
Dei Gloria Intacta!
~ g
19 February 2013
The Creation Of The Thirteenth Aeon - Part III
We should see the archons and aeons as electromagnetic transformers made by humanity. They compel all the fundamental magnetic currents of dualistic nature to be transformed, channelled and transmuted by them.
In this way a completely natural and periodic electromagnetic conflict is created in the dualistic universe. As soon as the power of the archons and aeons begins to transgress a certain limit, an inter-cosmic revolution develops in order to restore the upset universal balance pertaining to all galaxies.
One of the consequences of such a conflict is the fact that the archons and aeons are deprived of a third of their power, as the Pistis Sophia calls it. What this means is that the connections between humanity and the archons and aeons are broken. A magnetic vibration totally alien to humanity and of a totally different wave-length and charge breaks up the thousands-of-years-old connections between the magnetic systems of the brain and the auric being on the one hand and those of the nature gods on the other.
The result is that humanity is set totally adrift from its mental creations, and consequently the ascending direction of culture changes to a descending one. The work of the aeons, i.e., the culture of humanity, is destroyed and humanity regresses to it original point of departure.
This continues to a certain nadir, which we could call the biological minimum. The entire universe of death will have been cleansed of archons and aeons, and at a given moment a new course of culture will commence. The wheel once again begins to turn upwards to the top only to turn downwards once more. How many times have we as microcosms made this journey?
We now want to bring your attention to the Thirteenth Aeon. A certain part of humanity is responsible for the creation and the development of this Thirteenth Aeon. In order to understand this, we can use the following example as a hypothesis:
A certain human being has become fed up with his journey of tears and anguish through the multiplicity of experience, through suffering and sorrow. He has discovered that all exertion in this nature is in vain. He has discovered that all that is to come has already been in ages past. He has thoroughly and fully experienced and determined the true nature of duality.
Now he suspects, rightfully, that all this surely cannot be the purpose of human existence. He thinks there must be a fault at the foundation of the universe he knows. He begins to devise a plan. He forms a mental conception of the liberation from this obvious nature-of-death. It is a plan that takes into account that in order to fulfil the plan, there must be the preparedness to make every possible sacrifice, including the sacrifice of one's own self.
What does this person do? He makes an archon! This is not an archon for maintaining nature but one for escaping nature, for rising above nature.
Then he discovers that there are people who are just like him. They also seek for the Meaning of Life. And so he invites them to become participants in his plan of liberation. They enter into his plan; they make his archon bigger.
It is inevitable that at a given moment all such archon-formations, wherever in the world they are developing, join together to form one aeon. The Thirteenth Aeon has been created, although still of a very awkward and earthly nature.
End Part III
"The Creation of the Thirteenth Aeon" The Gnostic Mysteries of the Pistis Sophia - J. van Rijckenborgh
You have no idea how powerful the thoughts of man are. Although carelessly mis-directed and self-maintaining thought has brought mankind and his mental creations to the brink of crisis, another sort of thinking, pure and laser-focused upon liberation from this world has accumulated gradually over the centuries to become the vehicle of salvation, an Ark, for those who truly desire escape from this nature-order.
~ g
16 February 2013
The Creation Of The Thirteenth Aeon - Part II
We need to consider a solution, a liberation from this problem. There are two solutions: a negative one and a positive one.
In this dualistic nature-order there are seven groups of fundamental electromagnetic rays, which rotate with certain regularity and which make their influences felt. Through the arousal of the archons and aeons, these rays and their influences are deflected from their paths. The electromagnetic transformations brought about by humanity thus bring our dualistic field of life into disharmony. This disharmony demonstrates itself unceasingly, as you know, and this means that dualistic life is made even more difficult. Our gods, which we have made ourselves, bring us a kind of dubious help, which is not objectionable.
You can imagine that, since the plans of mankind are always in a state of partial fulfilment, the culture of archons and aeons proceeds, must proceed. By this continued course of culture, the disharmony with the basic magnetic field of nature must also increase.
This goes on until a crisis, a limit is reached. The fundamental magnetic field of duality is integrated with the whole universe, and since this is more powerful than the whole combined cloud of aeons, there is not a merging of the universal forces into the aeonic ones when a crisis approaches, but exactly the opposite: a great cleansing. Something like this takes place periodically in the universe. The radiations and actions of the aeons made by humanity threaten the basic field of nature by continuous culture. The consequence is that the power of the aeons is decreased.
You may think, 'That's wonderful!' But have you anything to replace it with? When the work of the aeons is destroyed, humanity will return to the original beginning of duality, to the biological point of commencement. The harmony of the fundamental forces in the dualistic universe will be restored, and humanity will be as before. Artificial culture will have been taken away from us. The naked biological being remains. Civilization is destroyed.
You will understand that this return will be an immensely dramatic event. In this way, humanity proceeds to a limit and then returns to the beginning. We make gods and while we make and serve them, we are occupied in preparing their death.
If we want to escape this fateful course which we have undertaken already so many times as microcosms, then we need to turn to the other way, the way of the Thirteenth Aeon. The Thirteenth Aeon is the only one from whom no power is taken away during the time of crisis and the inescapable moments of change in world history. Hence, this Thirteenth Aeon and those who belong to its system can proceed with their culture.
"The Creation of the Thirteenth Aeon" The Gnostic Mysteries of the Pistis Sophia - J. van Rijckenborgh
The Creation Of The Thirteenth Aeon - Part I
Since the dawn of our Fall, all of us, as microcosms, have an enormously long past behind us. The history of this past is recorded in the magnetic system of our auric being, and the sum of this past will always speak by way of the magnetic system of our brain. We are tied to the past, which is billions of years old and which out microcosm has itself has helped to build and maintain. And it is totally clear that all the archons and aeons of dualistic nature make their voices heard in us from time to time. Many of them dominate our whole being right now.
Our biological-intellectual being, i.e., our natural state, is wholly dependent on them. Right at this moment they are determining our cultural state in this life, and our intellectual relationship to it. This cultural state includes Art, Science and Religion as well as our relationships with society and all their nuances a political, ssocial and economic nature.
The state of our entire character, all our biological instincts and needs, our expressions of our will, and our individual behavior are also directed and decided by them. Hence we must conclude not only that 'we are of nature' but also that 'we are of the aeons of nature'. In the situation of the present it is actually the aeons that decide our nature.
Therefore, once again the question: 'What and who are these archons and aeons as the gnostic philosophy calls them?'
They are power-principles and power-concentrations; they are certain electromagnetic tensions and relationships that appear and work in our nature-of-death. We can give you the following example:
You find yourself on a totally uninhabited and inhospitable island. There is no housing, no clothing, no fire. You are simply a biological being with a biological consciousness. You are for the first time conscious of being there. the world in which you find yourself is hard, cold, hostile and immensely cruel, and so self-preservation, the struggle for existence, begins. You cannot do without it. It is the basic law of nature.
In such a situation the intellectual consciousness slowly develops on the basis of these fundamental biological laws. It starts with a memory in which the negative consequences of the struggle for survival are recorded. The purpose is to start up mental processes on the basis of these memory-experiences in order to be able to convert the negative results of the struggle for survival into positive ones.
Every human being devotes himself to positive results in the nature-of-death, and that is in the first place, an activity of the brain. We mentally make a plan for self-maintenance. When this mental conception has been completed and we continually develop it mentally, it will grow in our respiration -field and at a given moment begin to obsess us. We are then possessed by our plan.
We have then created an archon, a nature-god. According to a particular formula, the rays of the electromagnetic field of nature are partly transformed into a personal electromagnetic principle which inhabits the microcosm. The individual nature-god is born!
As soon as others become involved in the plan for self-preservation, we will form a large nature-god together. Then a large, transformed electromagnetic field develops with much more power than the individual archons, and with the aid of it, the plan can be partly realized. Our archon, our nature-god, is highly praised for the success of the plan, and we continually add to and develop our plan in three ways:
- worship for the archon develops
- religious art arises to support worship
- a science develops because the initial results were only partial
For these reasons, the activities to perfect the plan must continue. This shows how Art, Science and Religion stem from the primary biological self-preservation of the human being.
We can face this discovery in two ways: as a believer or as an unbeliever. These two viewpoints, however, relate only to differences in taste. You like one archon and someone else likes another one. You believe only in yours and not in his.
Let us now look at the behavior of the archons. Because of the immensely dynamic mental nourishment they receive, they grow unbelievably fast. There is a scientific law: Equal joins equal, even though equals fight among themselves. The electromagnetic conceptions that we have outlined to you will, when their vibration rates are similar, merge on a higher level. The power-principles merge into power-concentrations, that is to say, the archons join together to form aeons. The aeons are clouds of archons of a like vibration-rate. If we regard the archon as a nature-god of small stature in the planetary sense, then it will be clear that the aeon is a nature-god of universal or inter-cosmic proportions.
Then you can imagine how, from below, from the biological instincts, passions and needs of dualistic mankind, provided that this process can continue long enough, the whole universe will ultimately be populated by powerful forces that dominate our whole nature by means of a counter-nature.
A counter-nature? Yes, for all the archons and the aeons are proof of the immense state of deprivation and the fundamental state of human misery.
But does humanity have any other choice? Does not everyone help to maintain these archons and aeons?
End Part I
From "The Creation of the Thirteenth Aeon" - The Gnostic Mysteries of the Pistis Sophia - J. van Rijckenborgh
15 February 2013
The Creation Of The Thirteenth Aeon - Prologue
aeon (n.)
1640s, from Latin aeon, from Greek aion "age, vital force, a period of existence, lifetime, generation;"Please note what is underlined above.
As mentioned here repeatedly, man does not live, he is lived. The aeons, vital forces of this nature, influence and exert undue control over the vast majority of humanity. Although there are aeons of every description, there are twelve major Aeons, and these are represented by what man calls "the zodiac". The word "aeon" also means a "generation" or an "age". Each sign of the zodiac spans a period of 2,160 years. Each of these 2,000-year periods is called a "World Age". We are currently leaving the Piscean Age and are moving into the Age of Aquarius.
These Twelve Aeons constantly influence all of mankind to a certain activity. Over the ages, Man himself has created his own sets of aeons which now be-devil and control him. Even these aeons are linked in some way to one of the Twelve.
You may think that your thoughts, feelings and actions spring from your own "free will" but you can be certain that this is no the case at all. The aeons of this nature-order impel man to action by way of the attraction between man's auric being and the brain center. The "thoughts" and "impulses" that come to you are, more likely than not, aeonically-induced. The aeons constantly transmit their forces at humanity. Those impulses that are in resonance with the person will be accepted. Those which do not resonate will be ignored. When you are "in tune" with an aeonic impulse, you will focus upon it and begin to entertain thoughts. Eventually, your thoughts will move you to action and you will set a cause into motion.
Now, where were you in that entire process? Certainly not in the driver's seat. You simply responded to an impulse that originated from outside of you. Now multiply this by hundreds of times a day and you may begin to get an idea of how not in control of ourselves we are.
Mark, now: the aeons do not directly control us. They offer impulses only. It is up to the man or woman not to resist these impulses, but to remain indifferent to them. There is an ancient saying: "The stars impel, they do not compel". This means that we can't write off our troubles as being the fault of the aeons. There is no such thing as "the devil made me do it". Aeons cannot "make" you do anything that you yourself do not wish to do.
Perhaps you've had an experience where you've done something without really knowing why you did it. Well, you did it because you could not help yourself. You are a creature of this nature-order, you are of the earth, earthy. Therefore, you are in sync with the powers that control and administer this nature-order. Not until you have freed yourself of the influence of the archons and the aeons can you really consider yourself as liberated, as a child of God exercising his or her will freely. Not in service to yourself, but in voluntary service to the Divine Plan of the Logos.
So how do we free ourselves from something to which we are totally-attuned by blood, karma and heredity? If everything in this nature-order is controlled by the Twelve, how are we to escape? Where can we turn for the help required to break the grip of the archons and aeons of this nature?
Thankfully, there is an answer to this desperate plea. The answer is that there exists, here and now, for the purpose of the salvation of seeking souls, a Thirteenth Aeon.
~ g
The following verse has been thoroughly mis-understood for hundreds of years, owing to the mis-translation of one word: "aeon".
“Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away but My word will not pass away.” (Matt 24:34,35)
Confounded, people say that the Christ obviously mis-spoke, because those of His "generation" are all gone and nothing happened. But when the original meaning is restored, you get:
“Truly I say to you, this aeon (World Age) will not pass away until these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away but My word will not pass away.” (Matt 24:34,35)
It then becomes apparent that The Christ was speaking of the ending of the Piscean Age (which had just begun) and the start of the new Aquarian Age (which, 2,000 years later, is now dawning). One word, cleverly (and purposely) mis-translated, has confused and misled millions for centuries. There are a zillion examples of this type of mis-direction in the New Testament. However, despite all of man's evil attempts to eviscerate and excise the Liberating Message of Transfiguration from the bible, the Universal Doctrine remains strongly embedded within, for those who have the Gnostic Key, eyes to see and ears to hear.
~ g
13 February 2013
/sælˈveɪ


1. the act of saving or protecting from harm, risk, loss, destruction, etc.
2. the state of being saved or protected from harm, risk, etc.
3. a source, cause, or means of being saved or protected from harm, risk, etc.
What does it really mean to be "saved"?
The churches tell us that all one has to do is "give one's life" to an entity named Jesus and that person will be "born-again". Is this true? Is this accurate? Is this The Way?
Ironically, there is an undercurrent of truth to this mantram which is robotically blathered by evangelists, priests and preachers as they go about their appointed task of "saving" souls. But this is how evil always works. Take a little bit of truth, modify it by mixing it with a clever lies, then stand back and watch confused man desperately latch on to the tiny bit of truth therein while allowing himself to be completely consumed by The Lie.
No human can be saved from anything by simply "believing" on a man who lived to thousand years ago.
So then, what does it really mean to be "saved"? Why is salvation necessary? What are we being saved from?
Let's begin with the fact that there are two nature-orders - two separate and distinct universes - one divine and one un-divine. Many billions of years ago, our portion of the human life-wave once experienced in the divine nature-order. We were one with the Logos. Because of this divine link with the Universal Spirit, we were, among other things, able to self-generate a Divine Body with the help of a Purified Soul. There existed no pain, sorrow, longing or death. As extensions of the Logos, we were engaged in the execution of the Divine Plan of Evolution, where Creation proceeds from power to power, and from glory to glory.
As long as we obeyed the will of the Logos, all was well. When we decided to follow our own will, we began to crystallize. Whenever an entity goes against the Fundamental Nature, crystallization - what man calls 'death' - follows.
Because our microcosms were no longer divine, we could not remain in the divine realm. Our vibration level had dropped to a point where it was incompatible with that of the divine nature-order. If something were not done, the microcosms of this portion of the human life-wave would eventually crystallize to a point-of-no-return. They would be lost to this phase of evolution. To prevent this, another divine plan was set in motion, The Divine Plan of Salvation.
The outline of this Great Plan is as follows: as the un-divine microcosms were no longer able to remain in the divine nature-order, a separate region of The Creation was set aside for them. This region was, and is, the 7th Cosmic Plane, the Physical Realm, this physical universe. Here, these microcosms would have to somehow be encouraged to remember their High Origins, re-link with the Universal Spirit and once again self-generate immortal Divine Bodies so that they could return Home. The fallen microcosms would carry within them their now-dormant soul-nucleus - the Divine Spark. If they could awaken this spark in the right way and follow a careful set of rules, a chain of events would ensue that would result in the dissolution of the fallen physical being and the resurrection of the Divine Other One.
There was one major obstacle to the Plan: we had no memory of our origins. We thought - and still think - that this physical realm is our home. Although there are all sorts of things wrong with the world, we work literally work ourselves to death trying to make this un-divine nature-order better, not understanding that this is an impossibility.
Blinded in a fog of forgetfulness, man lives on a treadmill of death and rebirth; rising, shining, then fading in endless cycles of fruitless incarnations.
The key to the above is this: most of humanity is completely unaware of what you have just read. They think earth is their "home". They think that they "only live once". They think that "death" is a natural part of The Creation. There is no "death" God's creation! All of Creation is Life, there are no "dead"! They think there is no use in trying to escape this nature-order. They are content to frolic and play senselessly and foolishly while on earth, then take a chance that after death they will be favorably "judged" by some grumpy, all-powerful entity with a beard and a booming voice. Hopefully, they will receive their "heavenly reward" and live eternally with Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Krishna, seventy virgins, what have you..
Man is totally ignorant of the Truth of things. Man does not know that he does not know. And that is why there is a Divine Plan of Salvation. That is why mankind must be saved. Because he is totally and completely incapable of saving himself.
~ g
05 February 2013
A Journey Into Heaven - Conclusion
The pupil of the sacred science of transfiguration wishes to have nothing to do with these self-styled "esoteric" schools and orders of the light-regions of yonder side, although they may also occasionally accomplish some useful work.
The spiritual revolution has begun, and just as the spheres of hell have been startled by the radiation of the hierarchical Light and, in their struggle for self-maintenance, have pounced in deadly fear upon mankind, so also the dualistic spheres of "heaven" are in a state of highly nervous agitation. The inhabitants of the various "heavens" have also pounced upon mankind in a frenzy of proselytizing, and anyone who is to some extent susceptible to these influences, will feel himself driven to act in accordance with them.
It is perhaps somewhat disenchanting to write in this way about the favored abode of millions, i.e., the heaven worlds. Death, however, changes only the body and the state-of-consciousness, whereas the character, the mind, the outlook on life and everything connected with it, remains entirely the same. And just as thousands of humane, virtuous, religious and very intelligent people on this side of the veil endeavor to achieve a better world, so it is over there also, the only difference being that the inhabitants of the hereafter possess many means by which they can influence those who are living on this side of the veil with their very diverse suggestions. Thus the circle is closed and the wheel of birth and death, the grinding wheel of duality, is kept in motion.
Behind the reflection-sphere of this earthly field of life, another heavenly world and another heavenly hierarchy have affected our complicated, miserable and tragic existence, both in the dualistic "heaven" and on the dualistic earth, in a historical revolution periodically recurring during the course of hundreds of thousands of years. That is why all the powers of "heaven" and earth are in agitation. Once again, a spiritual, cosmic and nature-scientific process has set in, a process of which the seer of Patmos testified: "And I saw a new heaven, and the old had passed away".
All those affable and so radiant spirits who are indeed doing the best they can in accordance with their state-of-being, are highly nervous. Just as people, in the course of he years, have attempted to improve the world in numerous humanistic ways, so in heaven and on earth they are again trying, on account of the wild turbulence of ideas and desires, to assault the world and mankind anew with a flood of experiments. Spiritual movements, schools, institutes and so forth are springing up like mushrooms. One or more are started practically every week in every country, only to disappear again, usually after a very short existence.
Throughout the years, scores of different groups in the hereafter have made attempts to work via the School of the Rosycross in order to influence a consciously active spiritual public. We have rejected all these proposals in plain, unequivocal terms. Does this not make it abundantly clear that the forces of darkness can reach their greatest effectiveness through all these bungling good intentions? The School of the Rosycross wants no part in this feverish, nervous agitation in "heaven" and on earth, inherent in dualistic nature.
The workers of the Spiritual School serve the Immovable Kingdom as fishers of men. By applying the sacred science of transfiguration, they are making their way to this Immovable Kingdom, that is, to another Heaven and another Earth. Every pupil will be able to see that Heaven and that Earth descending from God out of the omni-revelation, if he perseveres in this process and is victorious.
The Universal Philosophy explains the laws, the logic and the rational-moral values of this process. That is why we see evil as a dualistic phenomenon and "good" as its anti-pole, keeping one another in balance. It is also the reason why we adopt the right of "splendid isolation" towards the "good" as well as the evil spirits, towards the inhabitants of the spheres of hell and those of the thousand-and-one "heavens", and we say to them: leave us alone! The bona-fide workers aim to fish mature souls out of the wildly agitated sea of life and to lead them, straight through the most beautiful dualistic spheres of "heaven", to the Immovable Kingdom, by means of the Royal Art.
A Journey Into Heaven - The Great Revolution - Jan van Rijckenborgh, Catharose De Petri
04 February 2013
A Journey Into Heaven - Part II
To our knowledge, only a few ecclesiastical spiritual groups, other than esotericists of a certain type, know of these situations in the hereafter; hence their zealous efforts to win souls. When a priest succeeds in converting a primitive native to Catholicism, that is, in binding him sacramentally, or when he succeeds in administering extreme unction (BG: "last rites") to a person who had never led a really religious life, this usually means the winning of a soul for the Roman Catholic heavenly domains; and presently, when the soul in question returns to earth, it means the birth of a child in a Roman Catholic family. A thousand deceased natives, bound sacramentally, thus result in a thousand children being born within a nation or race where the Roman Catholic hierarchy considers this to be necessary. Uncomprehending outsiders, who cannot help smiling at the sight of missionaries playing "Christian church" with natives who are by nature animistic, would no doubt cease to smile if they knew that the church, in this manner, is engaged in extending its power.
The Catholic and Moslem heavenly domains are the largest on yonder side. And on this side of the veil, those who work for these powers are consciously or unconsciously intent on making, or keeping, the heavenly regions of the other groups as small as possible by various methods. The aims are clear, namely, to bring the whole world, here as well as in the hereafter, within the action radius of the church hierarchy.
This "spiritual imperialism" may, to a certain extent, be a matter of total indifference to the esoteric student. Power manifestations of a spiritual, moral or material nature are always temporary; they come and go. The main point is that at given moments in history a certain number of matured souls arrive at the Right Choice, un-intimidated by any power manifestations whatsoever. We shall presently define this choice more precisely.
It would be a great pity if the reader entered his theosophical, humanistic or Rosicrucian "heaven" without having any idea of what these problems are about and why this book bears witness to a spiritual revolution. Before we discuss these things further, it is necessary to point out some possible mystifications.
The student of the Universal Doctrine, the sacred science of transfiguration (or Rebirth), must not only reckon with possible disastrous influences from the spheres of hell but is also affected by countless suggestions from various individual "heavens" in the hereafter where innumerable, unconnected larger or smaller groups are hard at work, each in accordance with its state-of-being.
A motley group of various religious persuasions exists there; all kinds of humanistic communities; scores of occult groups which readily proclaim themselves as "schools" and which work with such a multiplicity of ideas and symbols that they make one's head spin. Some of them bear the designation Christian, others Buddhist, etc. In short, in the heavenly world of the hereafter we find a colorful array of activity reflecting every religious and esoteric movement in the history of mankind.
There are numerous intellectual societies which have, so to speak, specialized, such as healing groups, groups aiming at social, political and economic influence, and even groups which practice various forms of dualistic science, their aim being the advancement of man and society in their earthly relationships. This situation with its many and varied consequences, is so misleading and creates so much misunderstanding, suffering and sorrow, that it is possibly more detrimental to the true work on behalf of mankind than the combined efforts of all the orders of hell. We are warned against an evil person and, fully on our guard, we can act promptly and positively. But this is not so easy when we are confronted with a really "good" person who is so very nice and has such pure intentions. Safeguarding ourselves against such influences can bring with it, at the least, some very peculiar difficulties.
There is, for example, a group in the hereafter which seeks to save the world with Christian astrology. A distinguished Egyptian group is waiting for the resurrection of all the great historical figures who were mummified in the course of the centuries, in order that they may take over the leadership of mankind. Many claim to be in direct contact with Christ and are involved in such divergent and irreconcilable activities that, facing it soberly, one cannot help having one's doubts about many things, with the exception of their really "good" and humanistic intentions.
One must understand clearly the dangers inherent in these things. When a human being enters the hereafter, he remains inwardly the same. Dying does not make him an adept or a sublime angel of light. even though -- on the basis of a certain cultivated goodness, social integrity and spiritual striving -- he may enter a so-called "heavenly" region and, on account of his way of life on this side of the veil, display a bright and shining radiation field.
A student of the sacred science of Transfiguration is very much on his guard against both the powers of evil and of dualistic "good". The former can harm him, while the latter can and will thoroughly confuse him, delay him on his path, and fill him with indecision on account of the wildly whirling multiplicity of ideas.
In his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul says that the devil can appear as an angel of light. Try to understand this in a different sense, because these words do not mean what you probably think they mean. An earth-bound spirit sometimes tries to appear better and more radiant than he actually is, but such an attempt is so poor, so foolish and primitive that it is immediately recognizable, and no one knowledgeable in such matters will be taken in by it. There are, however, innumerable very well-meaning inhabitants of the dualistic regions of "heaven" who really radiate affability but who wish to maintain and animate the most stupid, primitive and reprehensible things, thereby unconsciously serving the "spirit of the abyss". A person is most dangerous and most devilish when he is convinced that inwardly he is really "good" and is doing "good". Then you cannot reason with him, for is he not "good", is he not serving God, possibly at the sacrifice of his life? Think of Saul of Tarsus before he became Paul. Beware of these "angels of light"! Be particularly careful when they talk frequently about 'Christ' and "holy spirits", about all sorts of Jesus-figures and "masters".
End Part II
A Journey Into Heaven - The Great Revolution - Jan van Rijckenborgh, Catharose De Petri
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in heavenly places". -- Paul's Letter to the Ephesians, 6:12
~ g
03 February 2013
A Journey Into Heaven
When the reader has recognized the truth of the foregoing and realizes the dramatic situation into which mankind has been led by the events of everyday life; when he has clearly understood that this struggle has become a personal matter for every individual, he will then be able to reflect fruitfully upon the work which the Heavenly Brotherhood has undertaken as a consequence of these developments.
If a human being wishes to escape the grasp of earth-bound entities and make his way towards The New Life, to which all of mankind is invited, it becomes his task, first of all, to orientate himself, and then to accept the consequences with all his soul, heart and mind. It is the aim of the Spiritual School to provide some help in this.
In the first place, the candidate should understand that the interpretation given by the Universal Doctrine to the concepts "heaven" and "heavenly brotherhood" is quite different from the usual one. People attach the name "heaven" to a certain region of the reflection-sphere of this material world where those dead have their abode who, when they were still here among us, led worthy, "good" or pious lives, and who were directed to this region by virtue of the high quality of their moral and spiritual state-of-being.
In the same way, people speak of "hell", meaning the region of the hereafter to which the evil, morally deficient person departs when he dies, in accordance with his state-of-being on this side of the veil.
On this side of the veil, good and evil are mingled in the blood, and both of these forces are active in all of us, be it positively or negatively. On yonder side, however, when the material body and the material blood-soul have fallen away, good and evil are existentially separated, "frozen" so to speak, although they maintain one another as anti-poles. Nevertheless, whether we exist in the body on this side, or out of the body on yonder side, we are, and remain, of this dualistic nature-order; we remain bound to the wheel of death-and-rebirth.
Whether a person be pious, mystical or very humane, or has an occult tendency, whether he has profound philosophical insight, or is evil, anti-social or criminal, his normal, natural death can never be the basis for an eternal state-of-being. Heaven and hell, as such, are transition stages leading to a new journey into matter - a new birth. Everyone who believes in evolution will agree with this.
Let us be cautious, however, for the Universal Doctrine makes it clear that there is no progress, no evolution, no true spiritual development in these turnings of The Wheel. We hope that every human being, when he presently departs this life, will celebrate his dualistic journey to heaven. After a shorter or longer period of purification, all, without exception, will enter their heavenly home, but (be aware) that it is an entrance with a beginning and an irrevocable end (re-birth into matter).
Here, as well as in the hereafter, one can cultivate "goodness" to the highest degree, or explore the depths of evil within our two-fold life-sphere, but only to a certain limit which cannot be surpassed. One remains bound to this nature-order with its rising, shining and fading.
The "hereafter" is just one great delusion, one formidable hoax for all. Every group on this side of the veil finds in the hereafter its own particular heaven to which all will be admitted in accordance with the law that "like attracts like". There is a Catholic and a Protestant heaven (as well as Moslem, Jewish, etc.); there is an abode for theosophically-oriented souls and one for students of the Rosycross, for astrologers and for all the various sects. In short, everyone finds what he or she is looking for. Whatever one is in one's innermost being, here will be found also.
Very comfortable, friendly and agreeable -- as a matter of fact, not at all unpleasant. Those to whom one was deeply attached here will be found again over there. Those who made life difficult for us here and from whom we could not, for one reason or another, free ourselves, will be unable to bother us there because of their different state-of-being.
End Part I
A Journey Into Heaven - The Great Revolution - Jan van Rijckenborgh, Catharose De Petri
The dualistic heaven-worlds are not divine, nor are they eternal. Even the realms of "hell" are temporary. The churches and religions have kept this knowledge away from humanity, the better to control their "sheep".
Thus we have a situation where humans hurtle through life as if it were some sort of board game, trying to accumulate as much as they can, experience as much as they can and feel as much as they can. The object is to "get the most of out of life" because "you only live once". Of course, there is the other motivating factor for the behavior of many, and that is to live this "one" life in such a way as to earn their "eternal" reward, a trip to "heaven" where they can "be with the Lord" and blah-blah-blah.
No matter which region of the reflection-sphere one goes to after leaving the material-sphere, there are only two certainties:
1. the stay will be a temporary one
2. one must return to physical existence
We are trapped in an endless cycle of death-and-rebirth. This is why the doctrine of Liberation must be made known to all of mankind. It is the only way to get off this cosmic hamster-wheel.
Humanity must be shaken awake from their slumber of ignorance. That is why these lies are being, and will continue to be exposed during this period of Unmasking that is now underway and has yet to reach its climax. Mankind will be given the truth during this ending-cycle, for that is the will of the Divine.
"One thing, o mortals, is established here by us, namely: that God has decided that before its end, the world will be presented with a stream of Truth, Light and Greatness, such as He ordained should accompany Adam in Paradise!".
~ g
02 February 2013
A Journey Into Hell
Countless people are partially or totally animated by the forces of wickedness, and the greatest danger to any human being is the assumption that he is immune to this influence. All the highly intelligent and conscious forces of evil constantly connect themselves with and adapt themselves to each individual, after having made a thorough study of his state-of-being beforehand.
These forces approach man in the guise of very exalted entities, as masters, as apparitions of Jesus and other very holy spirits. If one does not happen to possess a religious, occult or spiritualistic turn of mind, then they suggest self-authority, a historically materialistic or other nature-scientific hobby. But they ensnare him somehow, be it only in his primary instinct, such as self-maintenance, jealousy and worldliness. Everyone is stirred up against everyone else, situations are ruined, insight is obstructed and relationships become muddled. Each is forced to distrust the other and to seek for the fault outside himself. In short, satanic, atmospheric activity is being released over humanity; an activity which, in the history of the world, has always been the prelude to tremendous world upheavals.
We would like to trace some of the causes and a possible explanation for this activity. It is well known that before things are revealed in dense matter they are already manifested in the more rarefied substances of our planet. A total spiritual, cosmic and cultural revolution, which affects all the relationships of consciousness, soul and matter, is literally descending from above. The author of the Book of Revelations was not being merely poetic when he said: "And I saw the Holy City of God coming down from Heaven". He is alluding to a process of world revolution which intervenes from time to time in earthly affairs, revealing itself at a given moment in the material-sphere, having descended through the more rarefied planetary spheres.
Just as a storm wind drives before it everything that cannot withstand its violence, and just as the darkness must flee before the Light, so the Light-giving force of coming events is driving the entire inferno before it. All the inhabitants of hell have risen from their lairs and, in the grip of a terrible panic and a natural instinct for self-preservation, they are going to try and escape with their lives.
One might wonder whether there will be anything left for these earth-bound entities to salvage when the Light appears. One might say naively, "Of course not!" However, on closer consideration, one realizes that those infernal powers can indeed salvage a great deal, which explains the heavy assault of wickedness upon humanity living on this side of the veil. That is the reason why mankind is not fighting solely against "flesh and blood" but also against "principalities and powers, against the rulers of the present darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places". A great wave of abnormality is sweeping over mankind, leaving nothing and no one untouched. In particular, those who endeavor to let the Light of the Christ enter and who are positioned in the ranks of the White Brotherhood, are not left in peace for a second and are exposed to the most violent attacks.
It is necessary to give an explanation of all these dramatic phenomena. Evil is the anti-pole of what mankind calls "good". Many human beings, judging by society's standards, are considered to be goo, very good, humane, excellent and loving. This "goodness" would be very good indeed if only it had no anti-pole. There are people -- and the writers of this book are among them -- who absolutely deny the "goodness" of "good" , because of its black shadow, because of the dualistic nature of things. The "good" of this world maintains evil, as evil does goodness. Consequently, if humanity doe not change, does not break through to a totally different spiritual attitude far above the common-place ideas of "goodness", and does not achieve a structural and fundamental rebirth in a vacuum of development created by the Christ and maintained by His Brotherhood in a new sphere of existence separated from this world, then this hell-world will continue to exist as long as man continues to exploit his biological and primitive "goodness'. If man does not totally revolutionize himself spiritually, then he will remain, like all others, bound to this earth despite all his solemn declarations of "goodness', love and friendship. For man has his shadow, and he maintains that shadow just as he maintains himself.
"There is none good, no not one'. These words were once spoken by the Christ, and they are among the most profound and true ever spoken.Do no think that the unfolding of divine events can be held back. Everything has its own time and the coming years will be of historic significance for the whole world. Therefore, each one of us ought to ask himself: "When these things manifest themselves, in what state will they find me? Shall I still be experimenting with this everyday "goodness", or shall I be engaged in breaking through to a new spiritual disposition?
Everyone should bear in mind that the enemy lies in wait for all human beings, because every individual is "life-insurance" for the powers of darkness. Just as the body of an animal is a source of life for innumerable parasites, so man also is no exception to this rule.
Our age, the age of revolution, demands that man begin to see and accept Reality. Never has there been a more fitting time to quote the words of John the Baptist: 'Make straight the paths of the Lord".
Hora est! The hour has come!
A Journey To Hell - The Great Revolution - J. van Rijckenborgh, Catharose di Petri
All of humanity is victimized by invisible forces that most have no knowledge of. "Man does not live, he is lived". The human being is constantly under the influences of the aeons, vibrational forces created over long ages by mankind's wrong-thinking, wrong-feeling and wrong-acting.
These aeons influence humans to behave in a certain way and in turn, feed off the vibrations emanated from the human when he behaves in a certain way. Thus a negative symbiotic relationship has developed in which both man and aeon maintain one another. It is this cycle of negative dependency that we can only break when we go The Path.
During this time of Great Change, denizens of the beyond are increasingly injecting themselves into human affairs. Although none can approach us without our invitation or consent, many humans are doing just that. Voluntarily by such means as channeling, "astral travel", seances, occult invocation, spells, etc. Involuntarily, we attract discarnate spirits via the use of drugs and alcohol, via promiscuous behavior, through violent thinking and behaviors, etc. Contact with these entities from beyond the veil is discouraged, mainly because one has no idea who one is dealing with.
If a discarnate entity appears to you and says that he is "Abraham Lincoln", how do you know this to be true? Those on the other side of the veil have access to the memory and experiences of the one who incarnated as Abe Lincoln. Couple this with their ability to mold etheric matter into any desired form, and we should be able to see that it is but child's play to impersonate any person, for any purpose.
Yes, there are "good" and "holy" entities in the reflection-sphere. Certainly, Mother Theresa is there right now. However, these entities are not liberated, they are still chained to the wheel of death-and-rebirth. As such, they are still prone to acting out of self-focus, self-maintenance, self-intent. Some may truly wish to help those of us in the flesh, but serve only to confuse matters and inflate the egos of humans. This is the very thing that the human does not need: more self-focus.
Therefore, if you are approached by any discarnate entity, be it Jesus, Buddha or your beloved grandmother, do not place undue emphasis on the visit. That personage is more than likely just some reflection-sphere entity clothed in lower ethers attempting to get your attention for some purpose.
So, how can you tell if the entity is not trying to manipulate you? True, divine entities will not exalt or flatter you. They will not focus on you as a personality, or try to inflate your ego. The ones whose intentions are less than honest will do all that and more.
Be careful out there.
~ g
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