04 February 2013

A Journey Into Heaven - Part II


To our knowledge, only a few ecclesiastical spiritual groups, other than esotericists of a certain type, know of these situations in the hereafter; hence their zealous efforts to win souls. When a priest succeeds in converting a primitive native to Catholicism, that is, in binding him sacramentally, or when he succeeds in administering extreme unction (BG: "last rites")  to a person who had never led a really religious life, this usually means the winning of a soul for the Roman Catholic heavenly domains; and presently, when the soul in question returns to earth, it means the birth of a child in a Roman Catholic family. A thousand deceased natives, bound sacramentally, thus result in a thousand children being born within a nation or race where the Roman Catholic hierarchy considers this to be necessary. Uncomprehending outsiders, who cannot help smiling at the sight of missionaries playing "Christian church" with natives who are by nature animistic, would no doubt cease to smile if they knew that the church, in this manner, is engaged in extending its power.

The Catholic and Moslem heavenly domains are the largest on yonder side. And on this side of the veil, those who work for these powers are consciously or unconsciously intent on making, or keeping, the heavenly regions of the other groups as small as possible by various methods. The aims are clear, namely, to bring the whole world, here as well as in the hereafter, within the action radius of the church hierarchy.

This "spiritual imperialism" may, to a certain extent, be a matter of total indifference to the esoteric student. Power manifestations of a spiritual, moral or material nature are always temporary; they come and go. The main point is that at given moments in history a certain number of matured souls arrive at the Right Choice, un-intimidated by any power manifestations whatsoever. We shall presently define this choice more precisely.

It would be a great pity if the reader entered his theosophical, humanistic or Rosicrucian "heaven" without having any idea of what these problems are about and why this book bears witness to a spiritual revolution. Before we discuss these things further, it is necessary to point out some possible mystifications.

The student of the Universal Doctrine, the sacred science of transfiguration (or Rebirth), must not only reckon with possible disastrous influences from the spheres of hell but is also affected by countless suggestions from various individual "heavens" in the hereafter where innumerable, unconnected larger or smaller groups are hard at work, each in accordance with its state-of-being.

A motley group of various religious persuasions exists there; all kinds of humanistic communities; scores of occult groups which readily proclaim themselves as "schools" and which work with such a multiplicity of ideas and symbols that they make one's head spin. Some of them bear the designation Christian, others Buddhist, etc. In short, in the heavenly world of the hereafter we find a colorful array of activity reflecting every religious and esoteric movement in the history of mankind.

There are numerous intellectual societies which have, so to speak, specialized, such as healing groups, groups aiming at social, political and economic influence, and even groups which practice various forms of dualistic science, their aim being the advancement of man and society in their earthly relationships. This situation with its many and varied consequences, is so misleading and creates so much misunderstanding, suffering and sorrow, that it is possibly more detrimental to the true work on behalf of mankind than the combined efforts of all the orders of hell. We are warned against an evil person and, fully on our guard, we can act promptly and positively. But this is not so easy when we are confronted  with a really "good" person who is so very nice and has such pure intentions. Safeguarding ourselves against such influences can bring with it, at the least, some very peculiar difficulties.

There is, for example, a group in the hereafter which seeks to save the world with Christian astrology. A distinguished Egyptian group is waiting for the resurrection of all the great historical figures who were mummified in the course of the centuries, in order that they may take over the leadership of mankind. Many claim to be in direct contact with Christ and are involved in such divergent and irreconcilable activities that, facing it soberly, one cannot help having one's doubts about many things, with the exception of their really "good" and humanistic intentions.

One must understand clearly the dangers inherent in these things. When a human being enters the hereafter, he remains inwardly the same. Dying does not make him an adept or a sublime angel of light. even though -- on the basis of a certain cultivated goodness, social integrity and spiritual striving -- he may enter a so-called "heavenly" region and, on account of his way of life on this side of the veil, display a bright and shining radiation field.

A student of the sacred science of Transfiguration is very much on his guard against both the powers of evil and of dualistic "good". The former can harm him, while the latter can and will thoroughly confuse him, delay him on his path, and fill him with indecision on account of the wildly whirling multiplicity of ideas.

In his second letter to the  Corinthians, Paul says that the devil can appear as an angel of light. Try to understand this in a different sense, because these words do not mean what you probably think they mean. An earth-bound spirit sometimes tries to appear better and more radiant than he actually is, but such an attempt is so poor, so foolish and primitive that it is immediately recognizable, and no one knowledgeable in such matters will be taken in by it. There are, however, innumerable very well-meaning inhabitants of the dualistic regions of "heaven" who really radiate affability but who wish to maintain and animate the most stupid, primitive and reprehensible things, thereby unconsciously serving the "spirit of the abyss". A person is most dangerous and most devilish when he is convinced that inwardly he is really "good" and is doing "good". Then you cannot reason with him, for is he not "good", is he not serving God, possibly at the sacrifice of his life? Think of Saul of Tarsus before he became Paul. Beware of these "angels of light"! Be particularly careful when they talk frequently about 'Christ' and "holy spirits", about all sorts of Jesus-figures and "masters".

End Part II

A Journey Into Heaven - The Great Revolution - Jan van Rijckenborgh, Catharose De Petri


"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in heavenly places". -- Paul's Letter to the Ephesians, 6:12

~ g

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