23 June 2013

There Is No Empty Space


There is a manifestation known to us as the universe-of-death. Its background, which is invisible to human-beings, is more important than its visible aspects. The immaterial, invisible side of dualistic nature determines its material, visible side. The visible aspects have a function and a purpose; these are to be explained from the invisible side of things. If one examines the functions and aims of things in the world of duality and discovers that everything is trouble and sorrow, one is bound to lose all respect for the 'empty space', the invisible background underlying all these things and phenomena, because it is that invisible side of things which has determined the visible.

The aeons and the archons, and all the forces seething in 'empty space', the invisible side of the nature-of-death, know that the Causes can always be deduced from the Results. That is why they do their best to disguise their true functions and aims. That is why the whole of duality operates in such a way as to conceal the real character of the nature-of-death. But these efforts are only partly successful, because all phenomena must invariably reveal their true nature in the end.

So isn't the masquerade rather futile? No, for by the time the true nature of things comes to light, it is generally too late to take adequate protective measures. The world is full of churches and places of worship whose apparent aim is to meet the metaphysical needs of humankind. But their real aim and function is to maintain this world as it is, and to keep from humankind any knowledge of the true character of the nature-of-death. If a person devotes himself magnetically and attunes his whole being to the institution that is promising him 'salvation', he will be de-magnetized as far as any truly liberating gnostic magnetic processes are concerned, and his system will no longer be capable of benefiting from them. So you can see how extremely important it is to study the 'empty space' of the nature-of-death, for there lie the dangers, there lie the causes.

That is why the present-day Spiritual School never stops trying to unmask the invisible for you, the invisible that becomes visible in its phenomena. The cloying masks of the reflection-sphere are torn aside. The contents of that space which, to us, is empty, are uncovered. And then you know what to think of them, and you know what conclusions are justified.

End Part I

From "There Is No Empty Space" - The Chinese Gnosis - Catharose de Petri and Jan van Rijckenborgh


Here again we are confronted with the "unknown-unknowns". Things man does not know that he does not know.

You look from here to the window or door and see 'empty space'. This is only due to your limited range of perception. The space between you and that window or door is teeming with life-activity, unseen to you, yet taking place simultaneously in your location, but in a higher density. These higher densities vibrate faster than our own, which is why we cannot perceive them. As a crude example, think of an electric fan with four blades. When the fan is not on, we can count all four blades. After we switch on the fan, its blades begin to rotate. Eventually, the blades rotate at such a speed that we are unable to count them anymore, to see their shape, their movement, etc. We see only a blur. Not only that, but if the blades are moving fast enough, we can see right through them. Again, although crude, that is an example of man's inability to see the invisible worlds. It is a question of vibration.

Now, for a word about religion. Think about it. You attend church, temple, mosque, whatever and have some human who claims to be 'qualified' in such matters tell you what to think, what to believe in and how to conduct your life. This human reads to you from books that have been altered, desecrated and maliciously edited down through the ages then tells you that you are listening to "God's word". God does not speak through these books. The Unknowable, Unmanifested All reveals Itself via Its creatures and Its Creation. Further, it is only through what is known as "the Son" that we are allowed to 'see' God.

What is "the Son"? It is not, as the altered dogma of man will tell you, a remarkable man who walked the earth two thousand years ago, although this remarkable individual did grow to manifest "the Son" from within-outwards. No, "the Son" is the Gnosis, the Christos, that divine vibration which emanates from the The Father (the All) in order to anoint that which is un-divine, thereby allowing Spirit (which is of God) to descend into Matter and infuse the un-divine with that which is Divine.

However, if you continue to listen to the know-nothings who populate the pulpit you will not be made aware of any of the above. You will eventually find yourself lost and frustrated, trying to reconcile the "word of God" with the misery you see around you on a daily basis. In despair, you will lose faith and give up seeking a way out.

Please note, this is not about the Bible or any of the holy language that has been passed on to humanity throughout the ages. It is about the desecration of this holy language to serve the ends of powerful, unseen, astral entities that live off of your energy. This will be discussed at length in a future post.

Stay out of the churches. They do not have your best spiritual interests at heart. These institutions exist to placate you, to narcotize you, to keep you asleep and ignorant. This is done through repetitive false doctrine, dead rituals, forced guilt and coercion. The churches, temples and mosques are the instruments of the aeons of this nature, who need you to keep coming back to earth-life in order to continue their own nefarious existence. The last thing they can afford is to have humanity achieve Liberation, for then they will cease to exist. This is why Jesus was dogged so much. He is the Example of how the aeons of this nature will attack anyone who attempts to free himself or herself. Despite such persecution, Jesus triumphed...and so can you.

If we persevere and follow the narrow Path that has been revealed to us, we can all leave the grave 'empty' on the coming Easter morn.

~ g

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like your comments about the churches, temples and such. I like to call these the Principalities of the world that Paul wrote about in Ephesians 6:12.