17 December 2014

Yearning For Salvation



Man has four vehicles: the material body, its etheric double, the desire body and the thinking faculty. The etheric body builds and maintains the material body; the desire body defines the inclinations, the type, the character, the ability of man -- in short, his essential nature.

The desire body, or sidereal figure as Paracelsus called it, surrounds and penetrates us from every angle and the sidereal fluids enter our material system by means of the liver. There is a continuous circulation of these forces that enter and leave the liver. So the liver is more especially the focus of the desire body. The quality of the head and heart sanctuaries is in accordance with the nature of the desire body, as it has developed since birth. The head and heart of natural man are the slaves of he desire body; the functions of the heart and the mentality are directed by the desire body. Your feelings and your thinking as persons of this nature are regulated by your pelvic sanctuary. Consequently, you live out of your pelvic sanctuary, through your spleen-liver system, bound to matter, desiring and focused upon everything that is of ordinary nature. All sidereal radiations enter the liver in accordance with the activities of your desire nature.

When, after endless roaming on the dreary Road of Experience, a human being reaches a dead-end in nature-bound life, it can happen that he begins to desire renewal, to yearn for a liberating solution; that in such a man something like a yearning for salvation develops, an urge to seize one or another approach to Salvation -- to realize it within himself, that he might climb up out of the pit of mortification. This state of searching for renewal, this increasingly conscious yearning for salvation is he highest form of desire of which nature-born man is capable. You cannot reach higher. What in your heart churns and boils is completely desire and its qualitative pinnacle is yearning for salvation. This is the highest state, the limit of dialectical, astral radiation. When we stand at this border, the Gnosis touches us; not in the liver, but in the heart.

The First Touch of the Gnosis always takes place in the heart sanctuary; however, that occurs only in answer to man's yearning for salvation. Therefore, it is out of the question that anyone who would approach the Temples of the gnostic Spiritual School simply experimentally or out of curiosity would benefit in any way. It is beneficial to be in a gnostic focus only when the heart has opened up somewhat for the Gnosis, yet only as a result of that highest state of desire, the yearning for salvation.

From "Pymander and Hermes" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. 1 - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Everything about us is attracted and attuned to this nature. We are surrounded and interpenetrated by the energies of the Gnosis, but because our thoughts and feelings are tuned in another direction, towards the natural world, we cannot form a link with the Gnosis.

As long as we are content with the world of duality (dialectics, as JVR calls it) we will never be able to form that sacred link. For the Gnosis does not vibrate with the natural world. It is a vibration that is not of this world. The only part of us that can connect with It is our Spirit-Spark atom. Our Divine Spark shares a vibrational affinity with the Gnosis. Once awakened, it will send out a homing beacon, as it were, to the Gnosis. But first, a true desire to be done with this world must exist within the Caller. There must be a yearning born out of total weariness with this world, all of it. Only then, will the Gnosis respond to the Call of the Heart.

May it be so, that you develop this yearning and ignite the Flame of Renewal within.

"Renounce the whole world, and the whole matter therein." The Christ

~ g

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