31 August 2015

Let Go, Or Suffer The Consequences


When a person decides to follow the Light wherever It leads him, he has to accept the Way of the Cross. Whoever begins to do this in the power of the Fire of the Christ is a Rosicrucian from that moment on. For them the Father Fire, the root fire, breaks open the Rose resulting in the well-known inner unease. Whoever dedicates this Rose to the Way of the Cross is a Rosicrucian: a human-being who attaches the Rose to the Cross.

You know that the Mystery Fire is the most important and most sublime symbol of God, of the Spirit, of the Gnosis, of the Circle of Eternity. The Rose within you is the potential of the God in you.  As soon as this Holy Fire begins to burn, a fiery process begins. God Himself enters into you. God Himself raises His voice.

The ancient Manichaeans had the idea that in the Children of the Fire, the Light was mixed with darkness. We know that this is completely true. Due to his birth in nature, a human-being has many dark elements. These are mixed with the elements of the Light.

However, when you begin to walk the Liberating Path, the newly-lit Fire attacks the darkness in you. A fire process begins. God Himself enters into your being. This is why Paul says to such a pupil: "Do you not know that you are God? Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?" And he adds: "If anyone harms God's temple, God will harm him. For God's temple is holy, and that temple you are" (1 Corinthians 2:16-17).

What does Paul mean by this? He is not referring to being harmed by others, because others cannot harm a pupil on the Path. When the Father's Fire burns in you, no mortal is able to extinguish that Fire. No, you are the only one who can harm yourself. As soon as you go the Path in the flaming triangle, you are obliged to go and stand on the Square of Construction in a totally new way. A completely new mode of life is essential. Without this, you will harm your own temple, the temple which is God's.

No doubt you will understand that if a pupil of the Spiritual School puts the emphasis on numerous incidents and on all kinds of dialectical* values , he would build up an enormous resistance to himself. If you kindle the Holy Fire and at the same time clutch to the things of ordinary nature with both hands, the Fire that has come to consume all that is old and unworthy to God, will  meet its greater resistance in you.

*Dialectics: duality, earthly, of the earth

This is the reason why many pupils of the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross sometimes despair at all the difficulties in their lives. In their ignorance, they put up resistance against the Fire of Liberation they themselves have invoked! So...let go of what must be given up.

If anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay and stubble -- each person's work will become manifest. The day will prove it, because it will be revealed by the Fire that you yourself have lit. The Fire will test your construction.

From 'The Three Fires of Grace" - The Living Word - Catharose de Petri


The Path of Return cannot be walked half-heartedly. Once we begin the process, the Light of the Gnosis is attracted and begins Its work within our astral, mental and etheric vehicles. A breaking-up takes place, a breaking up of what is earthly. If we try to hold on to those earthly habits and desires while simultaneously trying to walk the Path to a New Life, we will only interfere with the process. The results of such indecision will be painfully disastrous.

Therefore, all are advised to count the cost before beginning this Journey. One must be ready to leave everything that is of the earth behind, knowing that what lies ahead is more beautiful and glorious than anything ever imagined on earth.

We are the Children of the Fire, and it is time for us to return Home.

~ g

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