26 September 2016

Free Me

"Free me then, O Lord, from the bondage of the body, that I may show others how to free themselves"

~ Paramahansa Yogananda



SunnFlower said...

Thank you

Anonymous said...

We are looking at reality through a keyhole, some are content with the narrow view while others try to widen the 'hole' to get a broader view; few attempt to open the door and only a handful realize that there several doors that opens up to unimaginable realities way way beyond our comprehension.
This blog helps us to at least look beyond the keyhole of our current dismal existence, please brothers and sisters.....let us at least try to open a door in this lifetime, even if it is just to linger at the threshold to peep beyond. Thanks ~g for relentlessly trying to impart a ray of light in this dungeon existence.