03 December 2016
Woe To The Money-Lenders
This post is dedicated to the bankers and usurers who break the Laws of Creation by keeping mankind in bondage through the practice of usury.
There was a time when usury was forbidden and punishable. If a person asks to borrow a certain amount of money, why add an additional load to the amount that he has to repay? A loan should be given because a brother or sister is in need. It should not be used as a way to make money for the lender. It's bad enough that the concept of money exists anyway. Why compound things by using this man-made concept of "wealth" and "value" to abuse others? In addition, by increasing the repayment amount, the lenders make it more difficult for the borrower to repay, thereby putting the borrower in danger of forfeiting property as per whatever was agreed to in the fine print of the loan agreement. That's the fine print that most of us never take the time to read.
Jews are forbidden to use usury in dealing with fellow Jews; however, they are permitted to charge interest on loans to non-Jews. Most of the banks on this planet are owned or run by human-beings of Jewish extraction, which should explain a lot to those with eyes to see (objectively and without prejudice). These money-lenders, our deluded brothers, are simply following their creed, and see nothing wrong with the practice.
Although a lender may agree to monthly terms, most borrowers do not know that the lender reserves the right to call in the full amount of the loan at any time. If the borrower cannot pay the full amount on-demand, he immediately goes into forfeiture and loses, property, savings, home, whatever the lender has designated as proper collateral for the loan. This is what happened during the Great Depression back in the 1930's.
Prior to the crash of the stock market in 1929, banks lent freely on margin (margin allows one to purchase a loan or securities with very little effort or personal capital) until things reached a critical mass. This is how they roped the suckers in. Just after the beginning of the Crash of 1929, the banks executed their margin calls and demanded immediate repayment of all their loans. Borrowers were instantly impoverished. Investors and businesses went bankrupt overnight. Farmers and homeowners lost everything, including their sovereign right to the land that they'd lived on for generations. Today, every acre of land in the United States not own by federal, state or local governments is owned by a bank. A high percentage of this ownership can be traced to the meticulously planned and executed land grab of the 1930's.
This is the design by which the lender creates a slave of the borrower. The borrower is enslaved by the lender's practice of usury and will not be liberated from this contractual bondage until both the loan and the interest are repaid.
The following is dedicated to every banker and lender on the planet.
"Woe and woe again unto them who burn away their minds and slay their nights and days in storing riches. For they know not what they store.
To lend, and lend with interest! That is indeed ingratitude too brazen to condone.
For what have you to lend? Is not your very life a gift? Were God to charge you interest for the least of His gifts unto you, how and with what would you pay?
Is not this world a common treasury wherein each man, each thing, deposits all they have for the maintenance of all?
Does the lark lend you its song, and the spring its sparkling water?
Does the oak loan its shade, and the palm its honeyed dates?
Does the sheep give you her wool, and the cow, her milk with interest?
Do the clouds sell you their rain, and the Sun, his warmth and light?
Rub your eyes and be awake!
Give when you can, and all you can. But never lend, lest all you have, even your life, become a loan and the loan fall due at once, and you be found insolvent and cast into Prison.
Aye, Woe and woe again to those whose riches and stock-in-trade is the sweat and blood of men! For sweat and blood will, in the end, exact their price. And terrible shall be the price. And fearful the exacting".
From "On Creditors and Debtors. What Is Money?" - The Book of Mirdad - Mikhail Naimy
Woe, indeed. The Money-Lenders have accumulated a compounded debt of tremendous proportions. At some point after transition from the body, their debt shall finally come due.
~ g
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