23 February 2017

Your Greatest Adversary...

...is yourself.

The moment that you say "I can't...", you won't.

The moment you identify yourself as a body, you delay the rebirth of the New Soul.

The moment that you refuse to consider that there are myriads of worlds, solar systems and entire universes invisible to the physical eye, yet occupying the same space in which you stand or sit, you lock yourself into this material realm, the lowest of the infinite Realities.

The moment that you refuse to believe that you, by the purification of the Thought-life and via a link to the Thirteenth Aeon, can effect the birth of a New Soul and a glorified New Personality while still retaining the use of the old mortal soul and mundane physical personality, you condemn yourself to the Wheel of Death and Rebirth.

Everything that man needs to transcend the physical world has been given to him. He has the physical instrumentarium, with its light-vesture composed of the five soul fluids: the consciousness fluid, the serpent-fire, the hormonal fluids, the nerve fluid and the blood. He has the etheric double, the vital body whose time is now approaching. He has the astral body, that allows him to visit higher realms, if he is so attuned, and he has a mental body, which will one day re-link him to Spirit.

Unfortunately, even with these riches, man lacks the one thing needful: knowledge. Knowledge of how to properly utilize these gifts in the manner in which they were intended. It is like being stranded on a desert island with a canoe and oars right next to you on shore. Instead of taking up the oars and rowing to safety, you turn the canoe over and build a clubhouse. Or you rip the planks off the boat and use them as firewood, so that you can cheerfully roast up some marshmallows. Meanwhile, you seal your doom.

In a similar manner, man abuses his body until this magnificent instrumentarium has no choice but to become dis-eased and die. The Precious Gift is wasted. Again.

Learn to understand the purpose of the human body. Learn to understand the relationship between the seven main chakras and the ductless glands. Learn that your mental body, although in its infancy, is extremely powerful. Learn of the transformative power of the Light-radiations of the Gnosis. Learn that whatever you focus upon is what will come to you. Whatever you desire is what you will attract.

If what you desire is useless crap, then useless crap you shall receive. If you have crap in your life, it is because crap is what you requested. The sooner you learn the foregoing, the sooner you take responsibility for your incarnation.

If what you want is a link with the Gnosis and guidance on the Path of Return, then that is what you shall receive. The sooner you take steps to purify your thinking and your desires, you will attract Divine Attention. Strong, gentle hands will reach out to guide you on your way, lest you dash your foot against a stone.

To obtain the former, simple desire will do. To obtain the latter, you must yearn with all your heart.

~ g

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