03 April 2018

Our Worst Enemy

Endura, the path of self-surrender, is an important step on the Path of Return. The purpose of the Path  itself is to

          - awaken the Divine Spark the Heart Sanctuary
          - light the Seven Chambers of the Heart Sanctuary with the Divine Fire
          - reflect that Fire into the Head Sanctuary and light the Seven Mirrors
          - purify the five soul fluids up to and including the blood
          - purify the Mental, Emotional and Etheric bodies
          - construct an immortal new Glorified Personality while continuing to serve humanity using the old, undivine, mortal personality.

What stands in the way of our accomplishing these tasks and bringing our candidacy to a Good End?

It is we who stand in our way. It is the "I-being", the nature-born consciousness that speaks to us and says, "I am separate from all others. I am alone and must defend my "self". Or, "I will walk the Path but on my terms. "I" will continue to  because it is something that "I" like to do and "I" am not quite ready to stop doing it yet. But..."I" am on the Path!"

As long as we continue to look out at the world as a separate entity and continue to use words such as "I", "me", "myself", etc. to refer to the nature-born part of us that thinks, wills and desires, we are in danger of being fooled into thinking that we are traveling the gnostic Path of the True Way, when in fact we are not.

Who is it that tells us to go ahead and have that fourth drink or another cigarette? Who is it that tells us to go ahead and scream at the driver who cut you off? Who is it that tells us that it is okay to gossip about or criticize someone else? Who is it that tells us that animals were put on the earth to provide man with food? Who is it that tells us that we come first, last and always?

It is our "I". It is the part of us that does not want to die, but must die. It is the part of us that is of the earth, earthy and cannot remain a factor in our microcosm if we are to complete our Journey to the Divine Kingdom that is not of this earth. There is a new sheriff in town, and that is the awakening New Soul. He who was, is and evermore shall be, has returned to reclaim Its rightful position as the center of the microcosm and servant of the Logos. For this to happen, a battle must ensue between the New Soul and the I-being. The New Soul must grow in strength, power and influence while the "I" must decerease in the same measure.

But how can the "I" take itself down? Surely that is an impossibility, as the "I" controls all matters of the microcosm that are of an earthly nature? This is true. The "I" cannot and will not kill the "I". That is why the New Soul, the Christ Within, must clash with the incumbent ruler of the microcosm and force it to abdicate its throne. There is not much that we can do to help bring this battle to a close. Recognize the battle that is being fought and resolve to turn the matter over to the newborn King. We must stay united with the group, maintain our focus on the Path that we have chosen, live a Soul-directed life at all times, and not chastize ourselves when we fail. Step-by-step, the race will be won, through patience, perseverance, steadfastness and faith in the Gnosis.

We face a very difficult adversary. One that has had many millions of years of existence. That's quite a headstart. It will not easily relinquish its grip on the personality or the microcosm. However, it can be done. We were given the blueprint two thousand years ago. If we have obtained the necessary insight and carry the requisite longing for liberation from this world, then surrendering the self to the Other One Within is the logical next step, and one that serious candidates will joyously pursue. Paradoxically, we must pursue this goal without pursuing it. We must do this by not-doing. Stand aside while the battle rages. Allow the "I" to die the death that leads to True Life for the personality and the microcosm.

~ g


Andrew said...


Most people upon hearing about school, ask how do you awaken the Divine Spark in the heart. Your answer is, "Stand aside while the battle rages." and let the other fight the battle against the ego. The next question from the seeker is usually, can you recommend a book to read so I can understand this non-doing concept. Jan van Rijckenborgh has written on the this topic but his book is very expensive and the new comer may not want to shell out his hard earned cash at the beginning.

Krishnamurti talks about discrimination as to the real from the unreal. The only real thing in us is that spark in our heart from Gods fire, all the rest is unreal. But then he goes on to ask, so why don't we change if we have this knowledge? As you state in your blog we have had the blue print for over 2000 years but still no change. In those 2000 years man has invented the atom bomb, sure beats bows and arrows!

How do we answer the question about awaking the Divine Spark without telling them to read Brother Gee's entire blog or buying a set of LR's books? With technology people today want things instantly and if you tell them it might take a few more life times for them to get the message they seem to disappear. It reminds me about the great warrior Arjuna who refused to fight in the battle against his relatives (Ego) even though he had Krishna (Spirit) in his chariot. Jesus also talked about this in the Bible where he says "He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me." It seems, all or nothing if you want to follow the path.

BrotherGee said...


"When the student is ready, the Teacher will appear".

If someone wants to know how to awaken the Divine Spark, how to purify the microcosm and how to transform / transfigure the personality in ten words or less, it is doubtful that the person will learn anything of lasting practical value.

If a person is truly ready to find out about the Path and how to walk it, the price of a book will not stand in his/her way. Man wastes much more money on things that are worth a lot less.

To learn more about "not-doing" or "not-being", one can read Wu Wei, which is Chapter 2 of "The Chinese Gnosis" by Jan van Rijckenborgh. That is, if one is not against spending the money to but the book.

It is understood that some people aren't readers. Some have a short attention span. The School holds public meetings in cities across the globe. Anyone can walk in to one of these meetings and begin the process of having their questions answered.

Walking the Path is a question of "want-to". Does a person "want to" do what it takes to travel that road, which is not an easy one? Those who are truly ready for it will be led to The School via their own Seeking. That which slumbers at the center of the microcosm will react to The Call of the Spirit, and the candidate will find himself doing whatever is necessary to gain the Insight required to walk the Path to the Good End.

Although this Journey can be completed successfully in one short lifetime, there are those who are not yet ready for that. Ordinarily, these ones would have to continue to experience in future lives until they developed a Longing for the Gnosis. Unfortunately, we are at a critical period in "time" where this major world-cycle is ending. Any microcosm that does not take advantage of the Grace of an Age that is now being poured down upon mankind will have its "memory" wiped clean. Its karma will also be erased and the microcosm will have to begin again from scratch on some other earth-like planet. This new series of incarnaions will not take place for several thousand years.

The only way for the current personality to avoid this fate is to make a start now to walk the Path of Return. Those who take even the first tottering step on the Path will not go the way of all flesh when they reach their lawful end. They will be taken up and cared for in a place that has already been prepared to receive them: Shamballa.

So, how does one awaken the Divine Spark?

- Unselfish Service to Humanity
- Unconditional Love for all men and women, even those who wish you ill.
- Detachment from the things of the earth. Non-attachment. Objectivity. Observe, but do not react.
- Sincere, deep Longing for entry into the New Gnostic Life-Field.

Many will look at this small group of instructions and swear that they "cannot" do it. It is no one's job to force these ones to do that which is needful. This information can only be made freely available and explained to those who truly wish to know. Based on the Insight given, each Seeker will have to make their own decision as to what to do with that Insight.

Yes, it is all or nothing. The following is taken from The Voice of the Silence:

“The self of Matter and the Self of Spirit can never meet;
One of the Two must disappear.
There is no place for Both”


“Give up Thy life,
If Thou wouldst Live”.

~ g