Those who already know of what I am about to write, please bear with me.
Everything in the Creator's Universe vibrates at its own specific frequency. When we look at a toaster, we see...a toaster. But when a cat looks at a toaster, it may see a red and orange blob. A fruit bat will see whatever its sonic receptors tells it that it "sees". And so forth and so on.
Our human eyes were designed so that we could "see" and interpret vibrations of a particular limited range and frequency. This is why we can see smoke and vapors but we can't see the "invisible" aura that surrounds every human being. This aura is what I want to talk about next.
I want to avoid complexity. There are many different components that contribute to the strength and colors of our Aura. Awakened chakras, health of the etheric body, etc. The main thing to keep in mind is this:
-- The more Material-minded and Selfish we are, the Weaker our Aura or Vibration will be.
-- The more Giving, Forgiving and Un-Selfish we are, the Stronger our Vibration will be.
It's that simple. Yoga, chakra-balancing, chanting, whatever are all well and good but, to be honest, we really never needed any of that. Nothing works better than just Living a Life of plain old Honesty, Compassion, Love and Service-to-Others.
So, what's so hard about that? Well, for the first thing, we've spent countless Incarnations totally in the Dark, figuratively speaking. We've indulged ourselves in every devilish delight that this Physical World has to offer. Most of us have only recently made the "changeover" to the Lighted Realm. And this is good. IT DOESN'T MATTER "WHEN" IT HAPPENS, ONLY THAT IT "HAPPENS". No matter what kind of a person WE'VE BEEN in the past, or WERE TOLD we were in the past, or WERE TREATED AS in the past, it doesn't matter. THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS IS WHO WE ARE RIGHT NOW, AND HOW WE INTEND TO ACT IN THE NEXT MOMENT!
Therefore, we must stop thinking that we "are not worthy" or that we "cannot change". We ARE worthy and we CAN CHANGE. It's as simple as saying
"Today, I'm going to try to not do those things that will lower my vibration".
"I will not get angry for any reason".
"I will not be afraid of anything".
"I will not feel sadness or regret over situations to the point of obsession".
"I will live each moment as it comes as completely and as honestly as I can, always asking
"What can I do in this moment that will make someone else's life easier?".
Why Raising Our Vibration is Important
Our Planet is in the process of raising her OWN personal Vibration. Earth "sees" in a limited range of perception just as we do and she is about to EXPAND THAT RANGE BEYOND SO-CALLED 3RD DIMENSION. If we do not raise our Vibration to the MINIMUM level needed to fall within Earth's new Range of Perception, we will be unable to continue our Evolution on this Planet.
The good news is that it is not difficult to do this. We have to make a CHOICE. Do we begin eat right, live right and think right or do we remain stubborn little boys and girls who feel we have a right to behave anyway we wish because we have "free-will"? The "bad" news is that so many are unaware of how easy it is to do this. We've been programmed to believe that we are "powerless", "addictive", "sinful" and "stupid", when nothing can be further from the Truth. Each of us MATTER. Each one of us is SACRED and carries within a Spark of the One True Creator. EVEN OUR MISTAKES ARE GOOD because those errors are what push us towards Enlightenment.
The other reason that raising our Vibration is important is because the entities that control Humanity LIVE OFF OF FEAR AND OTHER LOWER EMOTIONS. I'll get into this in detail later on. Suffice it to say, these Parasites feed of of us and its time to "shut down the Cafeteria".
I'm going to pause here.
Luv to All,
~~ G
Psssst, remember:
First and foremost, Peace to all who read this.
I have had the fortune of being raised in an environment of learning and understanding. Being of North American Native desent, I have had the privilage of already been taught these principles. All that I've read to date has been the prediction of a highly respected circle of elders. When they are respectfully approached by honouring their paths and not their egos, they will tell of the same as I have read here.
One of our fundamental teachings is about the FACT that all things happen for the GOOD and there is no 'evil'. It is only our perceptions of what we believe that make it that way. I truely believe that the world is in for a change and we are going to be the fortunate ones to see it happen.
I thank the One and True Creator for all I experience and also for leading me to this site. We all need to know we're on the right path.
David O.I.
Don't know how I missed this comment.
David, thank you for your eloquent and powerful statement. Our Native American brothers should be heeded and respected. They hold keys that most of Mankind do not have.
Again, thanks so much, David, and sorry for the late response.
All Love,
~~ G
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