30 January 2009
We Spirits-Experiencing-As-Humans live our Lives in a backwards fashion. We "Give" with the expectation of "Return". Even if we do not expect a Material return, most people expect at least an Emotional return, like a "thank you", for instance. Many of us expect an Acknowledgement of our Giving. This is not what Giving is truly about. In order to understand what Giving entails and how to reap the greatest benefits from Giving we have to look at the natural World and the Universe around us.
The Cosmic Principle of Giving For Re-Giving holds that whatever it is we Give will be Returned to us many-fold.
The Mineral, Plant and Animal Kingdoms all have a Consciousness. It may not be a Consciousness similar to Human Consciousness, but there is a Consciousness and a Cosmic Connection to Source. In fact, these so-called "lower" Kingdoms are closer to Source, or "God" than we are. The Mineral, Plant and Animal INSTINCTIVELY know that All are One and that everything is connected to one another and to Source.
Because of their innate, Natural Knowledge of how the Universe really is, the members of these Kingdoms are not afraid to "Give". They Give freely because they know that they will be Re-Given. For example, Trees and Plants release oxygen into the atmosphere. This oxygen is a Gift to their Brothers in the Human Kingdom, who require Oxygen to live. In doing this, the Plant Kingdom does not look for accolades or acknowledgement. They don't ask for a parade in their honor. They GIVE because they know their Giving benefits Humanity. Humanity reciprocates by Giving off Carbon Dioxide, which benefits the Plant Kingdom by offering them the Carbon they need. We do this even though we are not Consciously aware of this Principle.
Once we become aware of this Principle, we have yet another Opportunity to change the way we navigate our Lives. We can learn to GIVE WITHOUT EXPECTATION OF RETURN, knowing that we will be Re-Given. We can't wait for it, we can't negotiate The Return. We simply GIVE, while knowing in our Hearts that our UNSELFISH GIVING will be returned to us Somehow, Someway, Someday.
This "Giving" does not just apply to material things. It applies to things of the Heart, the Soul and the Mind. "Giving" can manifest in myriad forms, from lending someone Money or a Shoulder to lean on, to helping those who are Discouraged and Downtrodden, right up to Thinking Thoughts of Love, Strength and Positive Action. This is one of those Experiments that has to be Tried before we can attempt to De-bunk it. Remember the following: Because we are One with Source, whatever we give to Others, WE GIVE TO OURSELVES. The kicker is that what is returned to us will be returned in Multiple measure. In other words, we will get back MORE than we gave! This Abundance should be Re-Given once again in order to continue the Cycle of Giving and Re-Giving.
It is important that whatever our Return is, we continue to Give again, and again and again. It's not about benefitting ourselves. It's about properly utilizing a Cosmic Principle that can enrich Ourselves and the entire World. "Me-ness" and Selfishness is a part of our Nature. It was programmed into us long ago because it was known that we would have to someday conquer this programming. Don't be afraid to Give without Expectation of Return. This is what our Spirits really want us to do: Suppress our Egos and begin to live our Lives taking Direction from our Spirit. We are afraid to do so because the Way we live now is the only Way we Know (or Remember) how to Live.
Step outside of what you know. Begin to think that there is, and always has been, Another Way.
All Love,
~~ G
25 January 2009
The Mathematics of 2012
I want to try and give an example of how common math and astronomy combine to paint a compelling picture of the importance of December 21, 2012.
Mathematics is the only truly "universal" language. Two plus Two equals Four no matter what Galaxy you're in. Okay, okay. In an Infinite Universe there may be galaxies where Two plus Two equals One Hundred and Seventy Million. Let's not complicate things, okay? *grin* The point is that Cosmic mathematics are as precise as any man-made clock, even moreso. The movement of the Planets around our Sun and the movement of our entire Solar System around ITS central Sun compose precise Cycles of Time that interlock with even grander Cosmic Cycles.
The Astronomical Key
Many have heard about the Mayan calendar and the Mayan End Date. The calendar, which starts in 3113 B.C., precisely calculates dates, solar/lunar eclipses and the orbit of Venus for at least 5,000 years. The "Long Count" for this meticulously accurate calendar ends on the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012. Now, some people say "What's the big deal? It's a CALENDAR! It has to end sometime!". Well, yes, that's true. And if the calendar were to stand by itself without additional information from other sources, the matter could probably be left there. But there are other studies made that indicated an astronomical key to the end date provided by the Mayan's astronomical calendar.
On that particular Solstice, something amazing is going to happen in this Galaxy. It has been determined by astronomers that on that day, at precisely 11:11 am (Universal Time) our Earth and our Sun will be in direct alignment with Galactic Center. That is the very center of this Galaxy, where an Energy of tremendous tremendousness resides. This peculiar "szyzgy" (the alignment of three or more celestial bodies in the same gravitational system along a straight line) will Focus the Power and Energy emanating from Galactic Center through our Sun which will then transmit that focused Energy on to the planet Earth. What will be the result of this? I believe that the result will be the Final Transformation of Earth from a 3D planet to a planet of a higher vibrational density.
When this information was discovered and published, many more people began to take the Mayan End Date seriously. They began to see that it was not just an arbitrary end to a calendar, but a precisely calculated end to a precise time-keeping device. Naturally, the mainstream scientific community is doggedly refusing to spread this information to the World. That's cool. We're gonna find out about it anyway.
The Astrological Key
There are 12 known Zodiacal signs. The zodiac is a distant band of constellations (groups of stars) that encircle our Solar System. As the Earth revolves around the Sun, it also moves through these zodiacal constellations. Here's how it works:
This year, at the Spring Equinox (usually March 21 or so) the Sun will rise in the East in a particular constellation, or Zodiac Sign (right now, that constellation is Pisces). Next year, the sun will again rise in the East but it will rise slightly to the left of where it rose the year before. This phenomenom is known as "the Precession of the Equinoxes" because the equinoctal sunrise "precedes" the position in which it rose the year before.
Every zodiacal sign spans 30 degrees. Some astronomers will dispute this because the constellations are not in a fixed, rigid alignment. I'm not going to argue that right now. I'm here to present the math. Anyway, 30 degrees times 12 signs = 360 degrees. It takes the Earth 72 years to "precede" through one degree of space. It follows that at such a rate, the Earth will pass through one Zodiacal sign (30 degrees) in 2,160 years. At 2,160 years per sign, the time required to pass through all twelve Zodiac signs comes to 25,920 Earth years.
Here is a list of the last twelve Zodiacal Ages:
21748 BC - Capricorn
19588 BC - Saggitarius
17428 BC - Scorpio
15268 BC - Libra
13108 BC - Virgo
10948 BC - Leo
8788 BC - Cancer
6628 BC - Gemini
4468 BC - Taurus
2308 BC - Aries
148 BC - Pisces
2012 AD - Aquarius
Every 25,920 year the Earth moves through the precessional cycle. At the end of the cycle, there are opportunities for those who are ready to move on to Higher Existence. Earth Changes take place and there is normally a shift in the Earth's magnetic field. This has become known as "pole shift". Some believe that the physical planet "flips upside-down" but I also believe that it may be more along the lines of the magnetic field of the earth switching polarity. I'm not sure on this except to say that something of a global nature will cause a magnetic "reversal". Sort of like turning an hourglass over to reset it.
What's different about these present Times is that the Earth is through with Hosting this "Kosmic Kindergarten" and has petitioned for release. This is where the alignment with Galactic Center comes in. The alignment provides the Earth with the Opportunity to permanently ascend to a Higher Dimension and to take her place as one of the most beautiful (if not THE most beautiful), planets in the Milky Way Galaxy. So there are TWO things about to happen here. Human ascension, which is available every 25,920 years and Planetary Ascension, which is available at the end of an even Greater Cycle.
The Giza Connection
The Great Pyramids were built where they are for a reason. The Giza Plateau was not just some randomly chosen site. There is overwhelming evidence that The Pyramids of Giza were built on what the Ancients knew to be "the prime meridian". This is what we know as "0" longitude. The modern prime meridian is, of course, in Greenwich, England. However, this meridian is about 31 degrees west of the Ancient Prime Meridian that runs through the Giza plateau.
On December 21, 2012 at 11:11 am (UT) the Sun will rise over the Giza Plateau. The alignment that I referred to earlier in this post of Earth, Sun and Galactic Center will take place. What happens after that...? A clue to the veracity of this information can be found on the Giza plateau. When the Sun rises on that day, what constellation will be rising with it?
Leo, whose symbol is a Lion. Just like the Sphinx which was built facing East. As if to let us know. As if it were waiting.
The Prophetic Key
Modern seers and clairvoyants, when asked to peer as far as they can into the future, all state that they can see nothing past the year 2012.
The 11:11 Key
In numerology, 11 is what's known as a "master number". It represents man's mastery over his lower Self. How interesting then that the number eleven is associated with sunrise on December 21, 2012. To take it one step further, if you add up the digits in the date 12/21/2012, you will get... "11".
What are the odds? What are the odds?
Something's about to happen. Something BIG. Although Time is running out, there is always time to Change, to get our Minds and Souls right.
Get Ready. That's all I can tell you. Get Ready. As sure as the hour strikes on a Clock, this Cycle is going to end...soon. Don't get caught short.
All Love,
~~ G
20 January 2009
Inauguration Day, 20 January 2009
Today was a good day. Humanity deserves a day like this every once in a while.
Tomorrow is up to Us.
All Love,
~~ G
16 January 2009
2012 and The Harvest - Each Will Have Their Own Result
I am being directed to Galactic Centre.
And of course looking at our galaxy, not from the inside but from the exterior, I see a bulge, which looks like a line going through it. They wanted to show me that first. And then they're taking me inside. I am standing there in the black hole which is right outside of Galactic Centre. And in 2012 there's all this energy being fed into Galactic Centre through the black hole. I'm tracing where it's coming from. There's a whole string. Energy is like being... it's coming from a constellation of stars. I don't know how far it is - in another dimension.
It is other life that is held in black matter. We've talked about this, the yin and the yang, the plus and the minus. So black matter is life just like us except it is the opposite electrical field.
And so this energy is coming from a very advanced constellation. Actually it's three constellations set up in the pattern that we are familiar with - the triangle. And it is the cycle. They're sending the energy through this black hole into Galactic Centre. 2012, December - the date that that energy comes through the black hole is not the same date that the child will be born. Even though it might seem that it should be instantaneous it is not. There is a lag period from the time that it comes through the black hole. No. It is not that. From the time that it is discharged from this triangular configuration and then moves through the black hole and then into Galactic Centre. And it is that energy that comes through in December that transforms Earth. Not only Earth but it imprints our entire solar system. And so all the planets are sharing in this energy pattern. The other planets in our solar system, they imprint this energy also. Of course the energy comes through the Sun.
I'm seeing the 28th. The child to be born on the 28th.
Energy comes through the Sun and joins that moment. It will repeat what happened earlier when the solar wind stopped (1999). The electrons that are the solar wind will stop. It will stop for three days, as that energy which came through the black hole imprints Earth. And of course it will imprint all of the other planets. The planets, each of them imprinting in some fashion their energy. Because each planet has a different energy, you know, and a different purpose. And during those three days this energy will completely alter the particles on Earth. They will be transformed. It will be like an explosion into every particle on Earth, and human beings even, where the electrons will have more space in between them. The planet will be re-patterned.
And there will be many who will not be able to withstand the change in the energy pattern because they have done no preparation. And if their bodies have not been cleared and they are filled with, as you call it, stuck energy from the past, they will perish during those three days. It's not a punishment mind you. It's just that they will not - the physical - will not be able to be supported with the change in the energy. Just because this energy has come does not mean that every soul who is here on this planet will survive.
They all have the opportunity to ascend.
But those who have not worked on this process will not survive the pressure against the physical. The changing in the cells will be too much for them. Those who have prepared or have been attempting to prepare will have cells that are crystalline. Those who have not prepared at all, their cells will be carbon based and they will not be able to survive under this (he is showing me this great pressure that will be exerted upon it) great pressure. They will die from it.
And those who are of the dark, who have no intention of moving towards the light, will not be able to exist in these energies either.
And so the good news is everyone has the opportunity to ascend. And the good news is those who perish will reincarnate in another place where the energies will be similar.
This is the justice of the moment, in a sense. Those who have worked will receive their reward. Those who have not will receive also what they didn't give. EACH WILL HAVE THEIR OWN RESULT.
And so what the crop circle is telling you is that this great change has to do with Galactic Centre. The energy comes through because of all the alignments. It is simply the alignments that allow the energy to come in on a straight line to come to Earth. It is like a lock, where you need a key to unlock the lock. And that is what 2012 is. This giant clockwork in the cosmos has lined up in a certain fashion for the energy to come through. And as this process unfolds, and as in so many things in life, humanity has always been warned.
Warnings are not always dire things. Warnings can sometimes be an announcement of the most profound, of the most powerful and yet of the most sublime. And this is what this child is. Powerful and sublime.
Isn't that not what love is actually? The most powerful? The most sublime?
The little child, the little child, one day, they say was born in Bethlehem so long ago. This little child will not be born in Bethlehem. But this little child will come in 2012 and the comet will proclaim his coming. So you might say, in essence, this is his comet. And those who watch the sky will remember that it was once called the Star of Bethlehem but since this child will not be born in Bethlehem then there is this comet announcing his birth.
Channelled by Carolyn Evers
It ain't just me, folks. This information is everywhere. It is being suppressed or twisted by the mainstream media into fearful Armageddon movies and false documentaries which is why WE have to seek out the TRUTH for ourselves. We also have to begin work immediately on raising our Inner Vibration to as high a level as possible. It's easy to do. Stop being Selfish, stop living a "Worldly life" of Things, Possessions, Finances, Gadgets, Entertainment, Self-gratification, etc. Live to Serve Others. I'm not saying drop out of Life, I'm saying "be in IT, but not OF it".
To all those who say they cannot change "who they are" overnight, I say respectfully: Yes...You...Can.
Oh, all right. Maybe you can't, but at least continue to TRY, no matter how many times you may "fail". *smile*
All Love,
~~ G
11 January 2009
Self-Mastery and the Sub-conscious Mind - Part II
As part of the beginning to make changes in your subconscious mind it is necessary to understand its nature and its function. The subconscious is designed to be YOUR SERVANT and act upon orders given to it by your conscious mind. Since it was designed to serve, it makes a very poor master, indeed. And yet most of us allow it to continually control our entire lives. It consists of your desires, whims and emotions and the energy that drives you to satisfy them. What your

The subconscious mind has several vital functions. It regulates and controls involuntary functions within the body such as breathing, blood circulation, digestion and elimanation. Stress and Tension inhibit these processes and therefore are responsible for ALL psychosomatic illness symptoms. The subconscious mind is the Seat of the Imagination.
Many people will say they have no imagination. But of course they do, although they may have effectively suppressed it. Even against their own well-being and best interest they can always seem to create a negative response.
The subconscious mind is a memory bank very much like a computer. Everything we have ever done, seen, heard, smelled, tasted, felt or experienced in any way, is permanently stored in a maze of memory patterns which feed back the information to the conscious mind, when activated. Nothing is ever erased from the mind--except through injury or removal of a portion of the brain itself.
The subconscious mind is the foundation of our Emotions. This accounts for its domination of the conscious mind. Since Emotions govern the strength of our Desires and since our Desires govern our Behavior, we are actually at the mercy of our subconscious mind--UNLESS WE LEARN TO CONTROL IT. The subconscious is incapable of discrimination and will believe anything it is told. It carries out our habitual conduct, it manages and controls the activities we have reduced to habit; such as dressing oneself, eating, walking and so on (BG: this includes drinking too much, eating too much, etc.).
It is the Generator that directs our Energy. It is the Energy that drives us towards our Life goals. It, automatically and and constantly, uses this Energy to proceed toward a goal; therefore, unless you set a goal for it to achieve, it will either choose its own goal, or proceed towards a goal someone else has suggested (BG: including television, movies, newspapers, etc.). Without your direction and demand it might very well strive directly and unerringly toward negative and self-destructive goals. As I said before, it has no capability of choosing a proper goal.
The subconscious mind is not supposed to "think", but rather, only to react to the thoughts you feed it and then to carry out your direct orders. It was intended that YOU be the boss and IT be your Servant and it is time YOU started giving the orders to push you on to success and happiness and bring you into communion with your Higher Beingness.
The subconscious WANTS to receive guidance from your conscious mind for that is the way Nature intended it to be. It will do exactly what it is told because this is its natural function. YOU can direct It toward anything you wish and it will achieve it for you even though you consciously may even forget what it was you requested. Once an idea becomes fixed in the subconscious it feeds back into your daily behavior and causes you to be that which you are. So it is up to you to direct it to work for you instead of against you. Through the use of hypnosis or self-hypnosis you can easily learn to control your Future by channeling your Energy constructively.
We'll pause here. Almost done.
All Love,
~ G
09 January 2009
Self-Mastery and the Sub-conscious Mind - Part I
How we Think and what we Feel are usually consistent. This is because we generally develop certain habits as to how we Think or Feel. For most people, certain Stimuli will always elicit the same Emotions or Thoughts until something happens that causes us to change how we react to that Stimuli. It's part of how we create and solidify what we look upon as our "personality".
In order to Master our Thoughts and Emotions, we must learn to erase bad habits and replace them with good ones. How do we do this?
We do it by "re-programming" our Sub-Conscious Mind. We re-program the Sub-Conscious mind through MEDITATION.
I'll atttempt to explain this beginning with the following quoted information. I will post a link to the source material when I am finished.
There are several parts to the human mind. One is the "conscious" and the other is the "subconscious".
The conscious mind is that portion of the mind of which you are fully aware. It is the "me" when you think of yourself. Now, it appears that this is the portion of your mind that makes all of the decisions and directs your activities. This, however, is NOT true. The other and larger part of your mind is the subconscious.
The subconscious is the REAL YOU. In actuality, the conscious mind is ruled and directed by the subconcious mind. We all have "free-will" to do anything that we desire and our decisions are based on the strength of those desires.
The subconscious desires ALWAYS dominate the ones which are conscious. Let us use an example; A man may consciously wish to stop drinking if he is an alcoholic. He consciously regrets having the loss of love and respect of his family, which usually happens. He may also be watching his career being destroyed due to his drinking. Yet he will continue to drink to excess in spite of his "conscious" desires. The subconscious mind will continue to direct the person to drink in excess untli such time as the idea within the subconscious mind is changed or replaced by a different idea.
Although our conscious mind has the ability to reason and decide upon a course of action which would be far more advantageous to us, it cannot put that decision into action until such time as the subconscious mind agrees--and then must direct its energy towards the implementation of that decision. Our source of energy stems from the subconscious mind and no amount of WILL-POWER exerted by the consious mind can override it. This is the reason "will-power" in the long run will almoost always make a temporary dent in any surface physical problem. Habits will continue to dominate until the subconscious mind is changed.
The subconscious mind works exactly as a computer works in that it will respond only as it has been programmed. Much of the programming took place long before we were old enough to choose between ideas helpful or hurtful to our very own welfare.
The subconscious mind accepts only what the conscious mind believes at the time a suggestion is offered. If that suggestion becomes embedded in the subconscious mind and the conscious mind changes its opinion, the subconscious will CONTINUE to respond as originally programmed until such time as it is reprogrammed. After a NEW IDEA is PROGRAMMED and accepted within the subconscious, however, it then becomes accepted and is the idea upon which the Indivdual will henceforth function. It now becomes apparent that if we wish to attain self-mastery in any situation, we must program and/or reprogram (as the case may be), our subconscious mind. Once this is accomplished we then CONSCIOUSLY direct our activity toward any goal desired--be it toward good health, happiness, financial successor success in any endeavor chosen.
Since the subconscious mind is our driving force we always do what IT believes and wishes us to do. Since it will believe anything it is told to believe we can reprogram it if we only bypass the subconscious mind--set it aside--and the we must replace the old "program" with new and constructively positive ideas instead of the existing negative ones.
These new ideas must be continually reinforced until they are totally entrenched habits of thinking and acting. It becomes obvious, therefore, that we must temporarily set aside that critical conscious mind, so that reasoning from a "false premise" can be stopped, thus allowing us to substitute a correct premise for the false one that we have stored within the subconscious.
This is accomplished most efficiently and rapidly through HYPNOSIS.
Part 2 follows next. I'm typing as fast as I can. *smile*
~~ G
06 January 2009
Mastering Our Mind and Our Emotions
How? Well, first off, we must have a TRUE DESIRE to pursue these tasks. If we go in half-hearted, we are admitting failure from the start. Mastery must be what we Desire in our Hearts. We have to be ready to do all we can to obtain it. Once we make that silent Commitment to ourselves, then we can begin.
The Mind is not the Brain. The Brain is not the Mind. The Brain's purpose is to act as a Recorder of Physical Events and as a Translator of the Thought Impulses given to it by The Mind. Our Minds cannot be physically touched. Each of our Minds are a projection of and are connected to the Universal Mind of the One Source, The Creator. Because we share the Creator's Mind, we have the ability to access Creator's Infinite Knowledge if we so wish. However, most of us choose not to, partly because we have this concept of "God" being "outside of us". This is a fallacy criminally manufactured and sold as "truth" by organized religions. The TRUTH is that Creator lives in Each of Us and in Every Atom of Every Thing.
Depending on what we are Attracting to ourselves, our Minds will select "Thought-forms" that match the Mental and Emotional state that we are currently in. These Thought-forms are all around us and they are as easy to pick up as it is to pluck and apple off of a tree. So, if we're in an argument, we are bound to Attract any Negative Thought-form that may be happening by (not to mention certain Elemental beings who feed off of the lower energies given off by Humans in conflict). The Mind will consider this Thought-form for use in the current situation. As the Argument rages, the Thought-form is accepted, clothed with an Action and sent on to the Brain. Next thing you know, you've just called your wife something unspeakable.
All of this happens at the Speed of Thought, which is quite a bit faster than the Speed of Light. These things take place without our even being aware.
There is an old saying that goes "Thought is the Horse that pulls the Cart". This means that Thought precedes our every Action. How many times have we said something Hurtful or Mean to someone else and then quickly followed it with "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that", or "I take back what I said"? Well, we can't take it back, it's been said. More importantly, we can't say that we didn't mean to say it because we did. Thought is faster than Physical Light. In the split millisecond that it takes for us to think of something Nasty to say to a person, the Action is initiated and follows *snap!* just like that. We are not even aware of the fact that we THOUGHT about saying this nasty thing to someone. It happened at a level of consciousness that we are unable to recognize. Naturally, we refuse to accept responsibility for saying it because we don't remember Thinking it. But we did think it.
This is why it is so Important for us to learn to Control our Thoughts. Training ourselves in what sorts of Thoughts we will allow our Minds to present to us will help us to slowly eliminate harsh and negative ones from elbowing their way to the front of ouw Minds.
Thoughts also affect us personally. The Types of thoughts that we entertain can make us physically ill. This is because every Thought or set of Thoughts set different Hormones in motion, as the Brain attempts to relay the instructions necessary to convert Thought into Action. Long story short, frequent Thoughts of any particular nature can cause a buildup of Energy in certain locations in what's known as our Vital Body. This buildup creates a pressure or imbalance at these locations. The Vital Body is the Invisible matrix upon which our Physical body takes its Form. ALL OUTWARD ILLNESSES SPRING FIRST FROM AN INNER IMBALANCE in the Vital Body. This Imbalance is usually caused by Unbalanced Thinking.
You see, We are what We Think. Our Physical Body is simply a Manifestation of the Sum Total of our Mind-projected Thoughts.
Our Emotions operate as our Reaction to Physical or Mental stimuli. They report to our Mind via the Brain how we "feel" about a particular thing at any given time. Our Mind absorbs this information and then chooses the next set of Thought-forms based on what it has received. If we allow our Emotions to dictate our behavior, we will go through Life blindfolded as we allow a Physical Reaction to Rule our Actions.
We do not need to become robots but we do need to realize that the Physical Body and it's Sub-Bodies (Vital, Emotional and Mental) are sophisticated TOOLS that are being used by our Spirit in order to gain Experience in a Physical Dimension. A deep-sea diver has to wear special equipment in order to exlpore the ocean depths. So, too, do our Spirits have to clothe themselves in these wonderful Vehicles in order to Navigate our dense 3D reality.
It benefits us greatly if we can learn to step outside of ourselves and begin to utilize our Vehicles with Wisdom. Unfortunately, many of us are tightly bound by our Ego and do not believe that there is anything that can be done about our Physical Thoughts, Emotions or Actions. It is "just the way I am". Well, I'm here to tell you that that's not the way you are, it is the way you are pretending to be. The moment you realize that you are not separate from The Creator and that You are Mind projecting your Image into Matter is the moment you take your first steps toward Mastery.
More To Come...
All Love,
~~ G