11 January 2009

Self-Mastery and the Sub-conscious Mind - Part II

We now continue with REGARDING HYPNOSIS - by "DHARMA"...


As part of the beginning to make changes in your subconscious mind it is necessary to understand its nature and its function. The subconscious is designed to be YOUR SERVANT and act upon orders given to it by your conscious mind. Since it was designed to serve, it makes a very poor master, indeed. And yet most of us allow it to continually control our entire lives. It consists of your desires, whims and emotions and the energy that drives you to satisfy them. What your Italicsubconscious believes is the difference between good health and sickness, happiness and unhappiness, success and failure.

The subconscious mind has several vital functions. It regulates and controls involuntary functions within the body such as breathing, blood circulation, digestion and elimanation. Stress and Tension inhibit these processes and therefore are responsible for ALL psychosomatic illness symptoms. The subconscious mind is the Seat of the Imagination.

Many people will say they have no imagination. But of course they do, although they may have effectively suppressed it. Even against their own well-being and best interest they can always seem to create a negative response.

The subconscious mind is a memory bank very much like a computer. Everything we have ever done, seen, heard, smelled, tasted, felt or experienced in any way, is permanently stored in a maze of memory patterns which feed back the information to the conscious mind, when activated. Nothing is ever erased from the mind--except through injury or removal of a portion of the brain itself.

The subconscious mind is the foundation of our Emotions. This accounts for its domination of the conscious mind. Since Emotions govern the strength of our Desires and since our Desires govern our Behavior, we are actually at the mercy of our subconscious mind--UNLESS WE LEARN TO CONTROL IT. The subconscious is incapable of discrimination and will believe anything it is told. It carries out our habitual conduct, it manages and controls the activities we have reduced to habit; such as dressing oneself, eating, walking and so on (BG: this includes drinking too much, eating too much, etc.).

It is the Generator that directs our Energy. It is the Energy that drives us towards our Life goals. It, automatically and and constantly, uses this Energy to proceed toward a goal; therefore, unless you set a goal for it to achieve, it will either choose its own goal, or proceed towards a goal someone else has suggested (BG: including television, movies, newspapers, etc.). Without your direction and demand it might very well strive directly and unerringly toward negative and self-destructive goals. As I said before, it has no capability of choosing a proper goal.

The subconscious mind is not supposed to "think", but rather, only to react to the thoughts you feed it and then to carry out your direct orders. It was intended that YOU be the boss and IT be your Servant and it is time YOU started giving the orders to push you on to success and happiness and bring you into communion with your Higher Beingness.

The subconscious WANTS to receive guidance from your conscious mind for that is the way Nature intended it to be. It will do exactly what it is told because this is its natural function. YOU can direct It toward anything you wish and it will achieve it for you even though you consciously may even forget what it was you requested. Once an idea becomes fixed in the subconscious it feeds back into your daily behavior and causes you to be that which you are. So it is up to you to direct it to work for you instead of against you. Through the use of hypnosis or self-hypnosis you can easily learn to control your Future by channeling your Energy constructively.


We'll pause here. Almost done.

All Love,

~ G

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