08 February 2009

The POWER Within

For the next few minutes, forget everything you've been taught about communicating with whatever God you "believe" in. For those who believe in Nothing, what follows is for your benefit as well. In addition, when I refer tio "God" below, I am not refering to the "creator gods" that are documented in the Old Testament of the Bible. These "creator gods" are NOT The Creator. I will begin with the following statement:


For Proof, we begin with the following Truth:

The Creation is All. All is in The Creation. From Atoms to Universes, everything that exists, including that which we cannot See, emanates from and is a part of...The Creation.

The Creation is the Product of the MIND-THINKING of our Creator. Our Creator Thought/Dreamed/Imagined the Universe into existence, established its Laws and then allowed the Universe to Evolve according to Creator's Laws. What materials did Creator use to manifest Creation?

Creator created from Itself.

This makes perfect sense, as there can be nothing that exists Outside of the Creator, if the Creator is All. The Creator is Intelligent Infinity and is able to use All that It Is to Manifest the Universe(s) that exist today.

"The All" Is In ALL

Creator is All-Knowing (Omniscient) and All-Powerful (Omnipotent). Every tiny unit of Consciousness that is a part of the Creator is also All-Knowing and All-Powerful. EACH AND EVERY PORTION OF THE CREATOR!! Think about that. What does it mean? What does it say for the beings and materials that compose the Creation? What does it mean for Us?

It means that every particle of our being is part of the Creation. Each and every one of us are composed of All-Knowing, All-Powerful Units of Consciousness. Each and Every one of us KNOW ALL THERE IS AND CAN CREATE ALL WE DESIRE.

The obvious questions then arise, "why are we so helpless?", "why is our world such a mess?". BECAUSE WE CREATED IT. We created this "mess". We've CHOSEN to be "helpless". We have been fooled into believeing that we can't control our Emotions, our Physical Health, our Desires and our Actions. We have been Victims of the most Successful and Subtle "Con-Job" of All Time. We have been Taught to Forget our True Origin and our True Inheritance.


All is not lost. We can regain our Connection with Source at any time we so choose. All we have to do is Recognize, Remember and KNOW (not "Believe", Know) that we are the Creator in Masquerade and that we wish to remove our Mask.

How do we do that?

We must Give up and Renounce our Desires for the Sensations of the Earth plane. We must Recognize that this Experience that we have returned to time and again is an Illusion that we helped manufacture for Our own Exploration and Soul-Growth. Now, people will say, "That's impossible! I can't just STOP enjoying Eating and Drinking, enjoying Love and Sex, enjoying Excitement, etc.". I say, YES, WE CAN!

We just don't WANT to.

The fact is that it's not hard to...

- Eat Right (raw vegetables and fruits only)

- Live Right (treat others as you would want to be treated, connect with Source on a moment-to-moment basis)

- Love Right (do not use Sex as a Weapon or as an Instrument of Control or Self-Gratification. Care for and understand ALL who may cross your path of Experience).

If anyone read the above and said "I can't do that", or "that's impossible" then that One has made a FREE-WILL CHOICE to voluntarily remain "Powerless", "Helpless"and a Slave to Physical "Desire". We must pull ourselves out of "The Trap" that has been carefully laid for us. We must find the Strength inside to resist OVER-INDULGING in the temptations of this Existence. There's a reason why Food "smells" good. There's a reason why Meat "tastes" good. There's a reason why Sex "feels" good. There's a reason why Popular Music "sounds" good. That's why what we See "looks" good. All has been designed to appeal to the Physical Senses we use to Interpret Opportunites and eventually make the Choices which will Define our Futures.

We are so enmeshed, so caught up in this...this Manufactured "Reality", that we are now at risk of losing something even more important. We are in danger of losing OUR TRUE SELVES, our Spirit/Souls. It is time for us to Reclaim our Birthright. It is time for us to leave this "schoolroom" behind. It is time for us to make the effort to turn our Lives away from Illusion and back towards a Greater and more Glorious Reality.

Don't Think That You Can't Change or Evolve. You CAN. Focus your Mind and Heart in that Direction and see what Happens. It won't Happen overnight...but it will Happen.

All Love,

~~ G

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Brother G

We are creators just like our Creator. Therefore we created this reality. By free will. But "by free will" we can create a new reality.

I have been reflecting on that supreme principal quite a bit lately. Our God Spirit within.
I always thank our Creator for creating me(us)in his image.

Thanks for the little nudge I needed to realize this illusion of the senses.
