14 July 2009

Don't Blame Lucifer

You know, it must be tough to be Lucifer.

You work, and you slave, and you sweat trying to give Humanity tempting, alluring "Bait for the Senses" so that they can be Challenged to make proper Choices and earn their way into the Higher Dimensions. What do you get for your trouble?

Bad press and tons of blame.

When the matter is given some Thought, we may come to the startling Realization that without the peculiar "Gifts" that Lucifer has to offer, we probably wouldn't be Learning much of anything during our Earth Lives. Secondly, we might begin to realize that it is WE who are Responsible for our Choices. Lucifer's job is simply to present tempting alternatives to "good" so that we can make that Choice.

Luciferian Consciousness and Christ Consciousness

There are two Energies, or Consciousnesses, co-existing in this 3D/4D Dimension. Christ Consciousness is an Energy of Connection to the One True Creator, the Source of All. It is an Understanding that All of Us are part of One glorious Whole. Luciferian Consciousness is an opposing Energy which encourages Separation from the One True Creator, The All. It retreats from the truth that All is Connected and insists on Experiencing as if "Self" is all there is.

These two Energies envelop us. We, by our actions, are able to tap into these Consciousnesses, depending on whether our Desires and Actions are of Coarse or Finer Vibrations. For ages, the Luciferian energy has held sway as Man has habitually Chosen poorly. The more we indulge in Selfish activities, the more easily we are able to access the Luciferian energy of Separation. If we are not careful, we will succumb to stronger and stronger influences until we reach a level of Selfishness that will manifest as what Humans call "Evil".

Fortunately, the Era of Selfishness on this particular Planet is over. Christ Consciousness has returned to this sector of the Galaxy, with a vengeance. All who are willing can tap into this Energy and experience what it's like to allow one's self to Love Unconditionally, To Give, and to Serve without thought of Return.

No matter what you've done in your Life, no matter who you've "been" or how you've behaved in the Past, or who you think you "are", NOW is the time to change all of that. NOW is the time to accept the Grace that is being offered to all of us. NOW is the time to throw off the yoke of trying to "fit in" or "doing your own thing" (when it's really society's "thing"). NOW is the time to listen to the Voice inside of you, the Voice that is urging you to throw off the False You and return to being the Real You that you have forgotten.

If we are Sincere in our Efforts, if we turn away from Lucifer's entreaties and embrace the Christ energy in all we Think, Feel and Do, all will be forgiven. All will be Transformed. We can be made "new".

Ol' Luke has done a wonderful job. He has Served us well. But the time has come for us to pick up our toys and move on.

The Christ has returned. Our New Eden awaits.

All Love,

~~ G


Anonymous said...

wow, great article. i appreciate things like these and the people who take the time out to enlighten us. thank you :)

BrotherGee said...

Thanks for stopping by, Aba. i appreciate YOU.

Love and an Open Heart,

~~ g

Anonymous said...

You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it

BrotherGee said...

Thanks, but whatever talent i have is pretty much Source working through me. *smile*

Anonymous said...

Sorry man but we already have one Rael, and believe me, one nutty guru is ENOUGH

BrotherGee said...

Never claimed to be a "guru".

You are proof that ignorance is alive and well in the world.

Anonymous said...

Thank you BrotherGee for sharing the knowledge that was shared with you. Mr. or Ms. ignorance deserve no reply for entertainment. Roslyn

BrotherGee said...

Hello, Roslyn.

If that comment had been received yesterday, no response would have been given. Revisiting the four year-old comment serves to illustrate how different this writer was then.

As we move and grow daily in the Gnosis, we change on a deep level. Things that may have affected is yesterday will have no effect on us today.

May you be led to The Good End, my friend.

~ g