29 April 2010

A Short Q & A

Recently, a friend had a couple of very good questions/observations which couldn't be answered in a few sentences in the "Comments" section. The answers are posted here.

Q: Children are innocent though and don't yet understand the choice. Do you believe they will graduate without needing to make that choice?

A: Souls incarnating on Earth understand before-hand the terms and the length of their incarnation. Those who are being born at this time are aware (on a soul level) that their sojourn on earth will be short. Whether they graduate depends on the vibratory rate of their Soul, which has developed to its current state over the course of many lifetimes and will not change much in six to twelve human years. How much negative karma can a six year-old generate? Also, it is held that children are not karmically responsible for their actions until around the age of twelve.

Looking from the outside-in, it appears to us unfair that children should be swept up in the Tribulations. However, if we look from the perspective of the inner side of life, one can be assured that if the Soul of the child is of sufficient vibration, that Soul will graduate.

In addition, some children are higher souls who incarnate for specific purposes, such as attempting to provide a catalyst for adult humans to make necessary changes in their lives. This is often done by way of what some would perceive (from the outside-looking-in) as "tragedy".

Q. And what of those who don't have the ability to comprehend all this? Most people seem to actually enjoy the 3D negative world and many would actually choose to stay there I'm sure. My concern is that in this present life, most ppl just aren't aware of what is happening or can't take it seriously.

A: It is almost a guarantee that the vast majority of humanity has had several strong opportunities offered to them during this current lifetime (and previous lifetimes), to "heed The Call". How many times have they laughed scornfully at, or completely ignored, the messengers who were sent to warn, teach and assist them in Awakening?

These ones do indeed enjoy their attachment to duality, and as such shall receive much more of it in the millions of years ahead, just as they wish. What they are unaware of, is that there is almost zero chance of their retaining any memory of their prior incarnations and it is highly doubtful that they will occupy a human-like form. They will learn through suffering, for eons, if necessary, until they finally tire of The Wheel and call out to the Divine, by Choice.

Q: I find it incomprehensible that they can't feel something happening. I expect the entertainment and other addictions dulls one's senses.

A: You have literally provided a portion of the answer. The human microcosm is bombarded second-by-second (by aeonic and aeonically-influenced human forces) with so much stimuli that the brain has learned to filter out what is unnecessary and extraneous. Because most humans are little more than robot-like in their awareness, they bounce crazily from one impulse to the next, gratifying their sense pleasures while steadily dulling their finer, more subtler vibrations. This is why mankind is strongly advised to stop reading newspapers and periodicals, stop watching television, stop listening to radio, stop reading novels, etc. The best way for one to make contact with The Voice of the Silence, their Divine Spark, is to clear the mind of thought stimuli by meditation. One cannot do that if one continues to subject oneself to material that is specifically designed to stimulate and excite the lower, or "animal" part of the human vehicle.

As to whether these ones can "feel something happening", most assuredly, they do. "Every thinking adult knows that something is very wrong on Earth, but not every adult human being listens to their true, spiritual Conscience..." - The New Call

Those humans who are resisting The Call, or unable to respond to it, are disquieted, disturbed and agitated. That is why we are seeing so many atrocities being committed the world over, so much inhumanity of man towards man, as those Souls which have chosen to not walk The Path are lashing out wildly in the face of the approaching energies that will erase them from The Book of Life. As the Christine energy has already reached the astral realms, spirits there are fleeing the inevitable purge and some have managed to break through into this dimension, where they can and will take up residence in any human who is evil-enough, weak-willed enough, or foolish enough to allow them entry. That was not a misprint.

There is a separation of Souls taking place at this moment: Souls of lower vibration to the left, souls of a higher vibration to the right. Undecided? Go stand in the line to the left until you make up your mind.

Just don't wait too long.

Thanks to Diane, for posing these questions.

To all: many questions such as these (and some you've probably never thought to ask) are addressed and answered in the Q & A section of The New Call.

~~ g


Diane said...

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions, G. Your answers were clear and resonated well.
I was interested in your comment that some spirits have managed to break into this dimension. I don't just believe this, I know this to be true as I have encountered some of these seven years ago now. Strangely enough, my encounter was the wake up call that finally led me to where I'm at now, and that is a far better place. Without the shock of this encounter and my long search for answers, I'd still be floundering as before. At the time, their attack caused me (and my family) a great deal of damage. Although these "evil" spirits residing in humans were no doubt planning to destroy me, today I'm actually almost thankful to them as they were the catylist that set me off serious seeking. After this encounter, I read scores of books, including the Bible.It is my belief that these "invaders" are even a part of the plan. They will only get a little respite anyway, as they will be left behind in the rapture anyway. I forgive them now but would prefer not to have them as next door neighbours. Speaking dualistically, they were no longer fully human and seriously "bad". I had the feeling that the human part of them was in distress so in that respect, I can only feel compassion for them being in that predicament.

BrotherGee said...


Regarding a previous question:

"My question is, do you think these thoughts have always been here or is it part of a cleansing process that we all need to go through?"

These thoughts are not a part of the cleansing process. They are placed there to trick us into thinking that they are our own thoughts - part of a psychic attack instigated by aeonic forces.

Re: your "invaders". In retrospect, you can now see them for what they truly represented. At the time, dealing from a position of "not-knowing", it must have been quite an ordeal for you. Keep those experiences in mind, as the aeons and archons will always attack true seekers through the people and situations closest to them.

Also, the term "Rapture" should be expunged from your spiritual dictionary. There is going to be a "Harvest", not a rapture. The term "rapture" was created and presented to humanity by Dark Forces. It implies that humans have but to "believe" and they will be "saved". That is not what is upon us at all.

Each time we use such a phrase, we feed the religious aeons that use this term to keep their "flocks" in line.

By the way, do you have an email address? i wanted to send you an email but have no way of doing so.

~~ g

Diane said...

Thanks G, I only used that term as I had read it somewhere before recently. (I thought it was on here) When I made the comment about the dark forces (being my next door neighbours) I had encountered it was a bit tongue in cheek. I would never assume that i would meet the standard myself and wouldn't even try to. In trying to, I realise that this is another way of feeding the archons, as it would be egoic in nature. Sorry if I used the wrong word there, it wasn't my meaning at all.
I didn't really want to post my email address here, but Kevin has it and i believe you are in contact with him. I'll ask him to send it to you as I realise that a few of these things are better not discussed on the net. I think you are right about those thoughts. They don't feel like mine and I dispell them quickly but can't help doubting myself as to their origin. Psychic attack, yes, I've had a few of those over the years. Once you know they exist, you are in a much better position to learn to deal with it.

BrotherGee said...

No need to apologize, Diane.

One of the first things i had to get used to was discarding words, phrases, ideas, concepts, etc. that had once appeared ordinary and quite harmless.

As we advance in the quest for True Knowledge, things are made known to us. A wise man once said something to the effect of... if a man commits a wrong act out of ignorance, he can be excused (not of his karma), for he is ignorant. However, when the man finally learns that an act is wrong, yet continues to commit the act, that man is in error, and shall reap the proverbial whirlwind, for he has been given to know better.

Re: invasive thoughts -- unwanted thought impulses can be repelled, in time. As one faithfully continues to dispel the random unwanted thoughts that penetrate the auric field and just as importantly, as one ceases to lend one's energy to such thoughts (for what we focus upon grows) one will find that such thought-forms will eventually lose their ability to invade the auric field.

The Laws of Attaction and Repulsion are at work here. No thought can reach us if it is not our desire to accomodate such a thought. That isn't to say that we are the thought (bad, evil, selfish, whatever). It means that there are energies within our auric field that resonate with the energy of the thought-form, and this resonance is what "invites" the thought-form in.

One of the premiere tasks for an aspirant to the Higher Life is to take up the responsibility of monitoring and maintaining control over the thought-forms that are allowed to enter one's auric domain.

In other words, Control Thy Thoughts.

This is something Humanity currently does not do, as the evidence all around us will demonstrate. People careen from one impulsive idea to the next all day and then fall into an exhausted heap at night, spiritually none the better.

When we learn to control our thoughts (again, it takes work), we help to clear up a bit of the Earth's auric field along with our own, as both are connected.

Will probably post something on this in the near future. Thanks so much for sharing your experience.

~~ g