23 April 2010

To Serve Life

The following is excerpted from "The Hathor Material - Messages from an Ascended Civilization". Received and transcribed by Tom Kenyon & Virginia Essene © 1996.

This from the chapter entitled "The Unasked Question". All emphasis are mine.


Nothing is binding or absolute in the relative Universe in which you live. The only thing which is absolute and unchanging is the deepest unmoving center of your own consciousness. As you begin to align yourself with the evolution of life itself, with the growth of life and consciousness, you will be lifted up in a way that you may not be able to imagine. For miracles occur! Opportunities open and your destiny is changed when you live in service to life. Why? This vibration changes all things in the twinkling of an eye. The past can be changed and the future opened with possibilities beyond imagination. And so, we challenge you to live and experiment just as many saints, teachers, and masters have done previously -- and are currently doing. Try it for a few weeks and see what happens. When there is an opportunity to be kind to another human or animal, let your kindness show. When there is an opportunity to show compassion to another, be compassionate.

When there is an opportunity to listen to someone, grant the grace and listen. Listen fully and deeply without wanting to impose your own views, your own agendas.As you listen to hear and receive the other, you will see your relationships being vastly and quickly transformed. There are miracles waiting for you when you ask The Unasked Question, "What can I do here that will serve the greater good? What can I do here that will serve life's deepest purpose through me?".

Finally, we would say to you that you hold the keys to your own liberation, to your own enlightenment, to your own upliftment. These keys are obtained through the power of your awareness, your ability to make choices, and the Law of Vibration and Resonance. The law assures that whatever you resonate to will be revealed to you. If your consciousness resonates with the highest of the high, you will experience life in an exalted celestial way. If you experience your life through the vibration of conflict and greed and constricted awareness then you will experience life as a kind of hell. All of these domains and realms exist simultaneously and can be activated by you at any moment. In fact, they are activated by you every moment of your life through the act of choice.

Every interaction you have with another human being is an opportunity to serve life. When you stop to fill your car with gas, when you go to the grocery store, or when you see a fellow worker, it's an opportunity to be kind and concerned. If you are so rushed or so involved with your own affairs, however, that other people are merely objects, then you have missed one new opportunity of sacredness. You have missed an opportunity to serve life. But when you are in these situations and you pause for just a moment, remembering that you are with another human sharing the Sacred Mystery of life, you have the opportunity to serve life.

Indeed, if you pause and look another in the eye, or you simply acknowledge them in some way for being something more than an object, then you have served life. This is done from human to human or sometimes from human to pets, animals, plants and other life forms. Essentially it's done from being to being. By acknowledging within yourself that each being you meet has value, you serve life. You may not know who they are, their history, or what they believe, but they are part of life and so you acknowledge them. If you hold that intent in your energy field, love and acceptance get communicated to them. And that is serving life.


These Elder Brothers (the Hathors) have been where we are and have attained what we are trying to attain. Their message here is clear: the raising of one's conscious awareness and auric vibration can be as simple (or hard) as one makes it. Each and every human is being challenged to put away the strangling "self"-focus that many have spent eons developing and reveling in. The days of Separateness on this planet are now over.

Candidates for the the Lesser Harvest (to the New Earth) must share this common foundation - service to life. Because in the higher spheres, this is "how they roll", so to speak. These are the kinds of Souls that are welcomed to the Wedding Feast. So, Demonstrate Your Choice, consciously, every minute of every day. If one dedicates one's self to making these efforts with sincerity and unselfish motives, it is guaranteed that one's focus and one's experiences will take a significant turn for the better. That Soul will be resonating in harmony with the Love of the Creator and sharing in the Joy of such a glorious association. With this new attitude, one's qualifications for Harvest will greatly improve.

Serve Life.

~~ g


Diane said...

Have you noticed that when you are in a positive frame of mind and you go somewhere public, eg shopping centre, complete strangers smile and say hi? Perhaps these are other individuals who are vibrating in a similar mode. These positive fields must also affect others in some way. Any connection, even a smile, is in some way a "service to life". Thanks for the inspiring blog again G!

BrotherGee said...

It is indeed interesting to see how quickly a scowling face can break into a smile when presented with one!

Years ago, when people were rude or obnoxious to me, i would reflexively respond in kind. After Awakening, i recognized that to return an un-kindness with another un-kindness would simply perpetuate and sustain the aeons of un-kindness.

As an experiment, i taught myself how to respond to an un-kindness with kindness. i will not lie, it was very, very difficult! However, when i saw the results, how someone who had just been snarling at me would become as tame as a house-cat, i realized that the Teachings were right (duh!). With this encouragement, it became easier to develop this new habit, and now it is second nature. i relate this story not to glorify myself, but to offer another real-life testimonial to add to your own.

You have discovered the same effects with your use of the smile. These sorts of things that we do for one another are extremely helpful to the cause of Service. A smile can help another to feel a little less pessimistic about the world, when that person realizes that it is possible for a total "stranger" to care for them and wish them no harm.

There are no "little things" in this life. Every thing we do to and for another is truly a Big Thing.

Thanks for the great observation, Diane!

~~ g

Diane said...

Having been sent a series of difficult bosses, male and female, between 2004 and mid 2009, I know exactly where you are coming from. I was forced to experiment with different ways of dealing with each problem, without becoming emotionally ruffled and remaining calm and unruffled and it really works. That brings to mind the section in SDP about the reflective aura which mirrors the behaviour back to its owner.That is really a positive thing, as the owner of the feeling is forced to deal with it again, in a more rational manner. Maybe the smile in the street works in the same way. (sometimes we do need to discuss the experiences of the "I" to illustrate a point and to help others. I do understand that they are just experiences and can tell by your writings that you have the Divine will at heart and not your own ego.)Dealing with the two different worlds is my current and an ongoing challenge and your writings are assisting with that. Diane

BrotherGee said...

Our difficulties are blessings. They are the "coals in the crucible" that are helping to forge new attitudea and new outlooks.

In Servers of the Divine Plan, there is a chapter called "The Personal Program", do you remember reading it? It's an insightful and powerful chapter that was written to offer us an insight into "why our lives are the way they are".

When you get a chance, take another look at it, if you haven't already.

Your recognition of your daily challenge and your willingness and determination to meet them and transmute them is inspiring! Keep going, don't stop. If you fail one day, just start over the next (although i'm sure that i'm not telling you anything new).

Above all, do not be afraid or ashamed to ask for Divine assistance. The Aquarian Energies are here, ready and available to assist us in the Transmutation process, but we...must...ask. :-)

~~ g

Diane said...

I have to ask, G, do others find that they backslide from time to time? Sometimes the rigours of life take hold and one forgets one's direction. Sometimes it gets a grip and it takes a lot of work to get back on track leaving one wondering how it happened. Taking time to read and contemplate a little each day really helps, as does going for a walk in the bush or just looking at the stars. Although I have read SDP at least 7 times, I will refer back to that chapter. Thanks! Diane

BrotherGee said...

Yes, Diane, many slip into old habits from time to time. Notice how we've both used verbs that denote loss of control ("slip", "slide")!

The great Guru Paramahansa Yogananda once remarked that we should not be put off by what we perceive as failure. When we back-slide into self-focus and ego-centered reaction we should say to our selves,

"I have not failed. I've simply not yet succeeded!".

Past and future are illusions. There is only this moment, this NOW, that is available for us to "try our best to do our best".

Do not take failure personally. The Path to the Summit is a steep and narrow one. There are bound to be slips along the way. Failure goes with the territory. What's worse than failure is to give up, to cease trying, for that stops the process altogether and works towards hindering the Divine Plan of Salvation.

Also, remember that our microcosms (souls) are bombarded every second with inimicable, dualistic impulses by the archons and aeons who feed from our ether bleedings (the results of our negative thoughts, acts & feelings). It takes a while to develop and perfect the mindset of consistently "guarding one's thoughts", but it can be done, especially if one enlists divine assistance.

The "I" part of us will always have trouble making headway because our "I" is part of the problem. We must have divine assistance to be successful and that requires that we surrender the "little self" (our ego) and allow Self (Divine Spirit) to take over.

Be vigilant, be persevering. This is where the "work" part comes in. :-)

~~ g

Diane said...

Thanks. Its a bit like a work in progress. Sometimes lately, I find myself thinking a negative thought. I acknowledge the thought to myself and its negativity and it feels like the thought wasn't even my own. I then wonder where it came from and ponder on its source. Maybe this is the kind of drossing you were talking about in your other posting. My question is, do you think these thoughts have always been here or is it part of a cleansing process that we all need to go through?