11 August 2010

The Invisible War On Humanity

An excerpt from "The Invisible War on Humanity".


In our times of potential world-awakening and spiritual realization, a discriminating portion of humanity is striving to disengage as much as possible from "the matrix*", at least in thought and aspiration, which, unlike the physical level of our being, is possible even if challenging to do. However, such a disconnection and readjustment in one's inner life and attitude brings about peculiar ramifications and responses from the pervasive intelligence of the matrix itself, and these are today bearing down on mankind as the inevitable world-tension increases.

* The Matrix, an accurate metaphorical term borrowed from the deeply allegorical movie of the same name.

Some of the hostile reactions of the living, intelligent matrix and its ceaselessly active, incorporeal servants to any genuine effort to disengage are quite recognizeable to the informed mind and certainly experienced by the sensitive. The person who has become aware and is therefore naturally moving in a contrary direction to the dying world-order might experience periods of a darkening of consciousness that is impossible to explain by worldy reasoning alone and which may last for hours, weeks, or longer, only to suddenly evaporate, affording the victim much needed and precious time to recover. Agitation and psychic stress, doubt, guilt and self-depreciating thoughts, confusion and an inability to think clearly, physiological effects such as headaches, heart palpitations and insomnia; disorienting thought-impressions, 'voices', and thought-loops, extreme body heaviness and enervation identical to the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), listlessness and depression...these are just some of the symptoms caused by the growing, reactive hostilities of the matrix to souls who are struggling to become free or who carry Light.

These psychic attacks are purposely imposed to undermine self-esteem, confidence, alertness and awareness. Designed to incite a sense of personal shortcoming or failure, thus inciting guilt and shame, they stimulate a need to 'fix' oneself or to otherwise distract oneself by engaging in the lower passions and desires*. The victim may consequently seek respite from these onslaughts in various ways, earnestly believing that he or she is a bad, weak or otherwise unworthy person. Yet inexplicably and in a moment, these symptoms can disappear entirely, as though a switch has been turned off, the resulting relatively bright and clear mind and consciousness left in a daze as to what has happened and where it has been.

* Should the victim choose to submit to the enticements of the gross impressions and opt to become preoccupied by some trivial, mundane or self-gratifying activity (for example, smoking, drinking, eating, having sex, entertainment or even meaningless social interaction), the symptom may abate, or amidst such distraction one might become less conscious and so less overtly troubled by them.

Presently, all around the world, we can observe the manifest, physical-plane correspondence of an ongoing invisible war, which is imposed upon humanity from the inner side of life and is facilitated by the generic state and customary activity of the mass-consciousness itself. This assault is being experienced by almost every human being in some way, yet those who are in conformity with the matrix and so who vibrate within the parameters of 'psychic acceptability' set by the ruling powers of this world have become inured to many of its effects by way of habit, which brings about a crystallization of consciousness and its corresponding psychic and spiritual insensitivity. To date on the planet, as long as one is participating within and so contributing towards (feeding) 'the system', the matrix, one is generally spared the more severe psychic attacks and inevitable effects of Armageddon, and may even be encouraged or inspired in one's worldly pursuits by being fed from and stimulated in symbiotic rapport with the gross energies and forces which predominate on Earth and which permeate the planet, leaving no person untouched, and with which the majority of humanity is entirely identified and subservient.

As long as people 'keep the beast happy' by feeding the matrix in one form or another, via their attitudes, their thinking and their emotional responses, and, - analogous of a military operation - as long as they march to the beat of the common drum and do not fall out of line, then they are exempt from reprimand and the pressure of corrective discipline. In order to fortify the semblance of 'life' on Earth, they may also be rewarded by a sense of self-satisfaction and material achievement. This latter kind of reward is temporary, and due to its nature being of the lower human psyche, it requires the seeking out of and engagement in appropriate worldly and psychic activity so as to secure the next fix. Meanwhile, for those who are genuinely striving to be free of the matrix and so who venture even marginally beyond the delineated ceiling of consciousness, the wrath of the 'keepers', the 'sentinels', the 'agents' of the matrix will be experienced in some way in order to coerce consciousness back to a more manageable and controllable level.


One would do well to take a more thoughtful look at 1999's "The Matrix". On a deeper level, the movie tells of man's enslavement by the archons and aeons (the invisible powers, the rulers of this plane) and man's Liberation from that slavery. This was by design, although the message was buried in allegory, probably because it would never have been made if it had tried to make things obvious.

~~ g


Diane said...

G, I've often wondered if those who wrote and directed The Matrix, were aware of its deeper meaning or if they wrote this message sub-consciously. A number of today's movies seem to carry a message for those who can see & hear.

BrotherGee said...


Those are good questions which will probably not be answered in this lifetime. However, it is the legacy of the film that is important.

As you said., there are a handful of films extant which carry a spiritual subtext for those who can recognize it. What sets 1999's "The Matrix" apart from the others is that it comes closest to portraying the unadulterated truth about Humanity's plight:

- that man's consciousness is "asleep" and involved in a false reality.

- that predatory entities maintain this "reality" and basically use humans for "food".

- that the only way to escape the matrix is to renounce one's attraction to it and to renounce its hold. A fundamental reversal of attitude.

- that the "powers" which control man, primarily through fear, will be rendered impotent once man seeks to unmask them, learns their methods, and stops living in fear of them.

- that it is possible to escape this endless slavery. At the end of the movie, Neo (the "new" man) symbolically flies above the matrix, unencumbered, without hindrance, untouched - Liberation, Final-ly.

Again, a movie like no other.

Would like to also add that no outright honest and public presentation of the Truth could be made to humanity, as the masses would immediately converge upon it and attempt to destroy it. The masses of men are "married" to the matrix, which will use any and every one of them to fight to maintain "order" in its fallen domain.

~~ g

Diane said...

Yes, I guess that's why the truth has to remain underground. Vultures would immediately seize upon it, appoint themselves as experts on it and then corrupt it for their own purposes. ie power, money.
That is why we must keep our sense of discernment finely-tuned to the real truth and not open to any truth that lacks the truth vibration.
Although I've read this material before, it has more impact when written in small slices on your blog.