02 February 2011

"Groundhog Day"

Came across this movie today. Although it wasn't a first viewing by any stretch (try fifth or sixth), i gave it another go. The movie stars Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell.

Those who have seen it are familiar with the plot. A cynical weatherman goes to Pennsylvania on February 2nd, to do a story on a groundhog named Punxsutawney Phil. The groundhog is supposed to predict how much more winter weather lies ahead, depending on whether or not he sees his shadow when he pops out of his hole. This is a quasi-event in America and it's known as Groundhog Day.

The weatherman's name also happens to be Phil. Long story short, Phil does his report, spends the day in Punxsutawney and then retires to bed, as he is scheduled to leave in the morning. Except that he doesn't leave in the morning. He wakes up and discovers that it's February 2nd...again. His whole day starts over. This happens the next day, and the next and the next. He is stuck at February 2nd.

Phil is horrified, and tries to figure a way out of his dilemma. Already crusty and self-centered, he becomes even more so due to his circumstances. At one point, he tries to kill himself (in a comic variety of ways), as he cannot stand the repetition of encountering the same situations day after day. When he realizes that won't work, he resigns himself to his fate and begins to use the knowledge he has acquired from living countless February 2nds in this tiny town to amuse and enrich himself. Even this begins to get boring after a while.

At some point, after some years, he changes. Instead of bitter grumbling and condescension, he begins to use his knowledge to help others. Because he knows what is going to happen before it happens, he manages to place himself in position to assist people before they are even aware that they will need help.

Eventually, he realizes that it doesn't matter where you are, but what one does while they are there that matters. When he began living in service to others, the gnawing desire to escape faded away. It was at that point he was finally released to move on to February 3rd. He had learned the lesson.

And so it is with us. Countless incarnations, encountering the same types of places, people and situations we've encountered in so many past lives. Moving through these scenarios over and over again, stubbornly refusing to "get it right". The moment we stop living for ourselves, stop indulging ourselves, stop feeling sorry for ourselves, that is when we begin our pursuit of what is Real. That is when we should begin to realize that it is not we who are important. It is our other-selves who are important, those souls with whom we are in unity, even if we are unaware of the fact.

Who is in need of loving assistance? Where can compassion ease a hurt? How can i help someone today? Live with these thoughts foremost always. Live to Give, and someday, February 3rd will dawn for you, too.

~ g


Tracy said...

Hi Brother G

The synchronicty of this post almost blew me away this morning when I opening up your blogspot. Lying in the bath on Wednesday morning 2 February I had the Ground Hog movie pop into my head -I haven't seen the movie in years and then it was as a youngster - Suddenly "Ground Hog" popped into my head and I had the most marvelous feeling of "I get it"! We are doing exactly THAT!!!
Thank you for sharing this story.

BrotherGee said...

Synchronicity...Intuition...the linking of a global mind. We should begin to get used to it, as this is part of the promise that the future holds. Thanks much for the relevant anecdote.

Diane said...

I've never seen that movie but get the feeling that many movies these days are inspired. Perhaps the person who created was not even aware of its subtle meaning.Everything in our world is part of a plan.