08 February 2011

Thoughts Are Things


Our thoughts are actual objects, thought-forms that exist on the astral plane. Thinking bad thoughts and sending bad thought-forms can cause trouble.

“...every one of you who generates an impure or revengeful or angry or sordid thought, sends out that thought into the world of society as a living force, as an active entity, which plays upon society, which is taken in by the weakest, by the most receptive, by the least developed, so that out of those thoughts of so-called respectable men there are scattered the seeds of crime through the lower masses of the people, and the sins of these which show out in actions belong very largely to the Karma of those whose thoughts have given them birth.

That is not known as widely as it should be known. It is not believed as it should be believed. Every man who feels revenge sends out into the astral world a power for destruction; and when some weak creature comes along with a bad Karma behind him, and bad circumstances surrounding him, with impulses which are not under his control and passions which are stronger than his mind, these evil thoughts come down upon him, all these angry thoughts from men living in respectable conditions in society, and if he be stimulated by some wrong, maddened by some injury, these impel him to strike a blow which we call murder; though he holds the knife in his physical hand, the blow is largely struck by the thoughts of many men whose revengeful feelings are of the essence of murder, although they appear not in outward form.

You will not get rid of crimes in the lower strata of society until you purify the thoughts of the higher classes, of those who are educated and can understand the nature of things. And when all this is seen and known, when the astral world lies open to men’s vision, there will be a new force available to help and to raise mankind; for men will no longer disbelieve in the power of thought, they will then appreciate their responsibility for the thoughts they generate, and will send out loving and helping influences instead of the degrading influences that go out so often today.”

From The Path of Discipleship - Annie Besant

[end quoting]

Perhaps after some contemplation and study one can begin to see how television programs, video games, movies, books, magazines, etc., all conspire to evoke certain thoughts and emotions from us. These thoughts and emotions we generally believe to be our own personal and private possessions, but they are not. So, when we view horror-slasher-Saw-type movies, or when we shoot up "zombies" in video games, or if we get angry at reality show participants, etc., the thoughts and emotions that we subsequently generate are sent out into the world, like pollen in the wind. They may, or may not, encourage us to act in any particular way, but somewhere in their travels, it is more than likely that these thought-forms will attach themselves to someone who will respond to them, and possible act upon them.

Our thoughts and emotions are our children, our creations. The problem is that man is unaware of the power of his thoughts, and the trouble that his undisciplined thinking perpetuates. Learn to mind every thought that 'pops' into your head. Learn to control your emotions. Not suppress, but control. Is it really necessary to get angry over this or that? Is it really necessary to think ill of the person before you, or far away from you, for that matter? For one to begin to develop, one must begin to consciously practice self-control. One can start by taking responsibility for that which one creates.

There is so much more to man than currently realized. Seek the knowledge that can release you from ignorance. Move out of darkness. Find out who and what you really are.

Man, Know Thyself.

~ g

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