08 January 2012

Choice - Past And Present (Conclusion)


We hope that it will now be clear to you that every Path of Resurrection must always be commenced with and by the True Self. And also in this respect, cosmos and macrocosm cooperate with the human being. But note: first it was a matter of building the human being, of the descent, the involution, the realization of the personality. After that, it was a matter of making the personality live as a True Self. Understand that the construction of the personality required other forces than those needed for making this personality live. That is why now, at the beginning and during the development of the apocalypse of the resurrection, a new heaven and a new earth are spoken of.

That is the reason why we are now experiencing the effect of the first three planetary influences of the new heaven-earth, which, as the ancient Rosicrucians have already said, have appeared in Serpentarius* and Cygnus*. These three forces, these three mystery planets, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto, are now preparing us, are making us ripe for the Morning of the Resurrection. These three influences do not build, because there is nothing left to be built with regard to the human being. They are driving him onward, they are driving him into the Great Conflict of life, into a greater conflict of life than ever before. They are leading him on an ever-narrowing path in order to stimulate him ultimately to realize his Self. Therefore, do the things that must be done! Fulfill the demands of our modern time! Fulfill God's counsel!

To this end a three-fold stimulus to action is absolutely necessary : one influence affecting the human heart sanctuary, one influence affecting the human head sanctuary, and lastly, one force that must and will prove which person is suitable, or possibly not yet suitable, to walk the New Paths.

When someone proposes to you: 'Go this or that path', then it is up to you to go or not to go. Then you might say: 'I will perhaps decide tomorrow whether I'll do it or not.'. Then it is up to you either to react immediately or to forget about it initially, as happens so often in life.

However, you will no longer be able to ignore the coming process of development that has now commenced. You must react, you won't be able to do otherwise. And so, obviously, it will become clear who will be found to the left and who to the right of the dividing line.

From Chapter II of  "The Mighty Signs Of God's Counsel" by J. van Rijckenborgh; Catharose de Petri (1965)


* Serpentarius is the ancient name for the constellation Ophiucus. In 2011, you may have heard mention of this constellation, situated between Scorpio and Sagittarius, being referred to as the so-called "13th sign of the zodiac".

* Cygnus is the constellation in which Kepler-22b was very recently discovered (December 2011). Kepler-22b is described by astronomers as "an earth-like planet".

The significance of the role that these two constellations were to play in mankind's future was first mentioned in a Rosicrucian manifesto named Confessio Fraternitatis, published in 1615 A.D.

"Yea, the Lord God hath already sent before certain messengers, which should testify His will, to wit, some new stars which do appear and are seen in the firmament in Serpentarius and Cygno, which signify and give themselves known to everyone, that they are powerful Signacula of great, weighty matters." - Confessio Fraternitatis

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