13 January 2012

The Message

The following is presented for your information. We have been made aware of the probability of some sort of "Sham Return Of The Christ" scenario. This post presents another scenario, one that will be enacted in true Service to mankind.

Keep all of this information in your back pocket, so that when the time comes, you may have help in discerning that which is true from that which is not.

 ~ g


Let us try to clarify how the new World Brotherhood, with its Johannine signature, will be active as soon as the signal for it has been given. The great problem is to make a start, a start that will consist of an event occurring in the atmosphere as a sign that can be observed by many people, by many nations and therefore cannot be denied, and that will be mentioned by the world press, among others. This sign that, however one may try to explain it away, will be recognized by many as a sign that has been prophesized. We do not want to indulge in speculations; we will return to this shortly.

Immediately thereafter, a number of incidents will take place that relate to events that will also draw our attention and that cannot simply be hidden and that concern the ordinary social aspect of things. Various groups of authorities such as councils of ministers, other government groups, associations of scientists, all busy carrying out their task in one way or another, the directors of large enterprises of different kinds, assembled in their board rooms -- all these groups of persons ruling the world will be confronted with, to them, most extraordinary situations.

Members of the Universal Brotherhood will visit the meetings of all of these groups of an unmistakably authoritarian nature at psychological moments. These members will appear in their invisible, etheric bodies, while only their voices will be clearly audible. They will, when they visit these meetings and study committees, address these people for example, as follows.

'Gentlemen, we address you here in order to make it clear to you that your whole present activity must be turned around. In the way you act now, you will not be able to carry on. We speak especially to you, because it is your task to be the servants of humanity in one way or another. That is why it will be necessary that from now on you are only focused on the Perfect Salvation, the absolute needs of all of humanity, and that this is the basis of all your activities from now on.

Every form of violence should be relegated to the past. All instruments of violence must be destroyed. No harm, in whatever way, should be inflicted on nature created by God or on the human kingdom or on the animal kingdom. And where you are occupied with experimental activities which would serve these ends in whatever way, these should be discontinued immediately.

Internationally, you will be called upon to lead, each in his own way, each with his own task, a totally different and new way of education for and of all humanity.'

Thus the voice speaks. Some of the Brothers will quote words from the Bible: 'Those that hold the seven stars in their right hand and walk among the seven golden lampstands speak to you'.

This message will be transmitted as strongly as possible, simultaneously and all over the world, to those who are eligible for it. And their reactions will be awaited. All measures will obviously depend on these reactions.

All that resist or simply deny the message received will, for some time, as a sign that all this is meant very seriously, be neutralized physically and mentally, as it were, in the subsequent days and weeks without dying. This is a neutralization that will be announced in advance to those concerned. For some time, they will be lifted into the etheric sphere, i.e., into the Living Gnostic Body that is being concentrated around the earth aiming for exoteric effects, for outwardly directed activity.

Perhaps you may have had an accident in your life. You have, for example, fallen down and been unconscious for some time. It is then possible that after such a fall, although you are seemingly unconscious, some brain centres still continue to function normally and that you are therefore purely, clearly, positively conscious in the etheric spheres.You can imagine what happens to such a person. There is no complete unconsciousness, as when you receive a blow on the head with a hammer. The person concerned is led into a state of mental neutralization in a way we cannot explain now, and he becomes conscious, suddenly, in the etheric spheres, in the sphere of the Living Gnostic Body of Christ.

At that moment, we cannot speak of reflection-sphere hallucinations, but the person concerned is lifted into a great, unbelievable, other reality that is new to him. And he remembers that this state-of-being has been announced in advance. There, the true meaning of life is made clear to him, and to what purpose he is called 'man'. To what he is called as, for example, government authority or as an employee of a large company. Why he has studied economics, why he graduated in a branch of science in order to serve humanity in total self-surrender in that way.

When he has learned this lesson, he is returned to his former state-of-being. For you understand, that the great holy Brotherhood cannot maintain any authority in whatever position, if the person concerned does not wholeheartedly and in complete self-surrender co-operate in the realization of The Great Plan.

You understand that this very spectacular mode of action will be necessary to convince all these self-confident people that there are other powers in the world than those of the church, the state, the police and the guns. All authorities must be shocked in their self-assurance in a way visible to the whole world. All this will happen in the way described. And remember that this action will occur at a moment of which it is said: It is not a minute too soon!


End Part I

From "The World Brotherhood Of The Rosycross" J. Van Rjickenborgh, Catharose de Pietri

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