23 February 2013

The Power-Field Of The Gnosis

We who attempt to travel the Path that leads to Liberation embark upon a great undertaking. Through long experience, repeated disappointments and bitter sorrows, we come to the realization that this world is not what has been presented to us, that it is a lie and a prison. The realization dawns upon us that there has to be more, there must be more. Why would a beneficent Divinity create humanity simply to allow it to struggle through, then die, in darkness and ignorance?

No, there must be more! And so, we search, we quest, we seek. For exactly what, we do not know. We are only aware of the fact that we do not know.

This seeking attitude persists. In the process, we gain insight into our condition. Many options are explored. Some initially appear to have merit, but after a while, something inside of us realizes that it is not the way, that we are being misled somehow. We feel that much further removed from the Truth. And so, we drop that option and move on. Searching, seeking, questing. For what, we do not know.

At the point where we begin to feel that we will never find the Truth, when the temptation to abandon the quest begins to approach us, or, in hopelessness we begin to think of settling for one of man's cultural-mystical-occult options we reach a bottoming-out, a nadir. Inwardly, we are in torment. From that torment and frustration, a great yearning develops. A yearning for the absolute truth of things. We may cry 'Please, I need to know! What is the absolute Truth? What is the true purpose of life?'

The Law is immutable. Like Attracts Like. Those who seek a Truth that does not originate from this nature-order will attract forces that are not of this nature-order. But how does this happen?

We have talked about the spirit-spark atom, the latent Divine-Spark that sleeps within the human microcosm and is aligned with the upper right ventricle of the physical heart. This Divine-Spark is not composed of any of the natural elements found in the periodic table. It is composed of Divine Matter. It is a single atom of Divinity originating in a realm above this physical realm. That is why it sleeps, because it can find no affinity here in this nature-of-death.

It is only when the seeking human being reaches the point of yearning as described above that the possibility of awakening this Divine-Spark can become a reality.

The breastbone of the human being is called the sternum. The word 'sternum'  means 'to radiate'. To ordinary man, its purpose is simply to anchor the ribs in place. But, as with most parts of the human body, it has a higher, more esoteric function.

The sternum sits in front of the heart, which is the seat of the desires. It is divided into three parts - one of attraction, one of repulsion and one of neutrality, or indifference. Remember that we are surrounded by the impulses and forces emanating from the archons and aeons of this nature. The human being will only respond to - or attract - those aeonic impulses which are in resonance with what radiates from him. Forces which do not resonate with a person's state-of-being will be repelled, they will not be allowed entry into the heart. Similarly, if there is no interest one way or the other, the neutral part of the sternum will radiate indifference.

In the situation we are describing, that of an intense yearning for salvation from this vale of tears, the heart of the human being will radiate that yearning via the sternum. This radiation will attract a response, not from the natural aeons, but from the Power-Field of the Thirteenth Aeon. This Divine Response will then touch the Divine-Spark of the human being. Why? Because there is a resonance! There is an affinity! The Spark, composed of matter which is not-of-this-world, will respond to the incoming Divine-Touch which is also not-of-this-world.

This Divine-Touch will set the spirit-spark atom to vibrating. This vibration radiates outwards and has a special effect upon the thymus gland, a ductless gland which sits directly in front of the heart and behind the sternum. This gland, which is active in children and dormant in adults, has never been truly understood by modern 'science'. The vibrations emanating from the awakening Divine-Spark will stimulate this gland, resulting in the production of a peculiar hormone. This thymus-hormone will be injected directly into the blood-stream, in the manner of all hormones. The blood, now laden with the new thymus-hormone, will almost immediately reach the brain of the human being. In an instant, a slight change will come over the consciousness. The human will begin to think new thoughts, thoughts that do not originate from the natural order of things. A link has been established with the Thirteenth Aeon - the Power-Field of the Gnosis.

This link, although powerful, is also tenuous. If it is not constantly reinforced by a steadfast orientation towards the Gnosis, it will be expelled from the human system via the liver, which is responsible for eliminating foreign influences from the body. Nothing is more foreign to the natural, undivine physical body than a divine force. Therefore, the human, having now forged a link with the Gnosis, must continue along this Path with unceasing focus and in complete self-surrender. If this formula is evidenced and supported by a new attitude to life, the incoming Gnostic radiations will establish a beachhead in the human system. The liver will no longer be able to eliminate this divine force from the body. The weaving of the Golden Wedding Garment will have begun.

To those who have already attained this state-of-being, continue onwards. The Path that you have embarked upon cannot be turned away from without serious consequences. This is why we are told to "count the cost" before we begin this Journey, for there is no turning back. To turn away from the Gnosis after receiving the Divine-Touch would result in a Fall, and could result in severe damage to the human system. Remain steadfast and maintain Faith in this Way of the Cross. It is like being led out of a pitch-dark tunnel with only a slender thread to follow. Hold onto that Golden Thread. It is the Divine Life-line that links us to the Power-Field of the Gnosis. Maintaining a firm grasp on this Life-line will lead us all to the Ultimate Victory over death.

In closing, The Path of Liberation is one that cannot, nor should not, be walked alone. We must walk it together, in group-unity. As the axiom states, there is strength in numbers. But where is the group of like-minded individuals with which we can join forces? Are there such people? Where are they located on the physical plane, in the midst of the misery that we see all around us? How do they keep in contact with one another?

We will talk about this in the next few posts, when we discuss The Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross.

~ g


Andrew said...


Has anyone currently following the path of liberation ever reached the divine realm? I ask this question because after reading the material it appears in the divine realm we do not have physical bodies. So how do these etheric beings communicate? It seems there would be a danger that the astral entities from the un-divine realm could invent Spiritual Schools for ether bleeding. What proof do we have?

BrotherGee said...


These are excellent questions, questions that all intelligent and sincere seekers must ask continuously as we endeavor to avoid the many pitfalls and threats that line The Path to the left and the right.

i feel that there will not be enough space to hold the answer here, so it will appear as the next post. i will get to it straight-away.

Thanks for asking these important questions.

~ g