23 February 2014

Inner GPS In Our Lives


Nowadays most of us rely on a GPS when driving in an unknown area. We willingly follow the instructions the voice is giving us. Without this navigation system we would easily get lost. Could we compare this familiar navigations system with the Gnosis, which also gives us guidance and direction in our lives?

In the course of our lives we often ask ourselves in what direction we should go. What is the right decision? Often we are not even sure what our true destination is. Life takes us on paths that are difficult to predict, to crossroads where it is hard to decide in which direction to continue.

We long for guidance, but are at the same time so absorbed with our difficulties that we are not always aware that help is there.

The Gnosis is always there, is always speaking to us—if only we would listen. Often we (our personalities) assume that the direction we are taking is the right one. But have we followed our inner voice, the voice of the Gnosis?

We become more and more entangled in detours. We pursue a different direction, always in the hope that it will be the right way. However, our ego does not know the right way.

The Gnosis wants to guide us. We only have to be open for it. We have the choice to turn on our inner GPS, to listen to it and to follow ‘the instructions.’ The Spiritual School supports us in this process of ‘learning to listen’ to the guiding voice of our inner GPS.

Like a GPS that recalculates the route to our destination when we take a wrong turn, so the Gnosis is always there to guide us on our next step in our current life situation. It does not matter how deeply entangled we become in the net of our dialectical lives, still the Gnosis will always ‘recalculate’ and guide us, starting from the point in life where we find ourselves. All that we have to do is to hold on to our deep inner yearning for the true aim of our life.

And think of the calm and neutral voice of a GPS. It is unaffected by our wrong turns, it does not get impatient. It is the same with the Gnosis. Her calling voice is always there, having already patiently waited for us during many incarnations, until finally we start recognizing it and begin to follow its guidance.

It is our choice to turn on our inner GPS and to let it guide us through our lives by the directions of the Gnosis.

Will we take more detours—or will we begin to listen and follow the road to our true destination?

From a Rosicrucian prayer:

May we now- O, Gnosis- set our foot upon the Path
May we dedicate our lives to the Purpose for which they were given us.
O that we all might understand the Mystery of Liberation.
He who has received the Seed of the Spirit can begin to walk the Path.
He who carries the Seed-of-Light within him possesses a treasure that cannot be taken from him.

Your friends from the Lectorium Rosicrucianum.

From Lectorium Rosicrucianum - CONTACT LETTER - February 2014



1 comment:

acehipdx said...

The pineal thru meditation.