09 June 2014


No matter what sort of person one has been in the past, no matter what sort of wrong one may have committed in the past, no matter what kind of life one may have lived, it is never too late to turn it all around.

The Path of Return beckons all: sinners are especially welcome. Remember the transformation of Saul to Paul. No one is unworthy.

Down through the ages, the Father waits with open arms for His prodigals to return.

~ g


Andrew said...


I am reading The Coming New Man and it says archetypes are "living, vibrating thought-images of God". So in the divine universe as long as we follow Gods thought we will live forever. If we do our own thing the archetype become latent and we die. My understanding is death comes to us because it is programed in an archetype, does that mean we have two archetypes in our microcosm, one latent and another one that is connected to our earthly soul?

BrotherGee said...

Your understanding of this concept is accurate. Be mindful that when we speak of eternal life we are not referring to the the finite, physical personality, the John Doe or Jane Smith. It is the divine microcosm that experiences this. Such a divine microcosm, voluntarily following God's Laws, will be able to, among other glorious things, self-realize whatever personality is needed for whatever task has to be undertaken.

The divine archetype is indeed latent, asleep within the Divine Spark, the Divine Seed Atom situated in the center of our microcosm. This Spark is eternal, it cannot "die", which is why it persists (along with the emptied microcosm) after the death of the physical body and the dissolution of the subtle bodies.

The mortal being is but a temporary image-bearer. It is a finite creation designed to perform a very specific task, a Great Work. That task is to liberate "the Other One" that lies sleeping within our Divine Spark. If this Great Work is not pursued during the physical life, the mortal being with its mortal soul-vehicles will perish at its appointed time, according to the destiny assigned to the mortal archetype.

The physical human-being cannot be allowed to live indefinitely. If this were to happen, there would be a danger of crystallization. The entity might get so deeply mired in physical existence that it could possibly lose the ability to awaken its sleeping Spark. So the personality is allotted a certain amount of time on earth to locate the Truth during physical life and begin the process of Transmutation. In this context, death is actually a great mercy, as it allows the microcosm fresh opportunities at Liberation.

~ g

P.S.: Our current fallen microcosm is also eternal, but is trapped in a finite reality. It is basically stuck in a loop, so to speak, returning to physical life again and again in the hope that one day it will be paired with a personality that will find the golden thread that leads to the Path of Return and undertake the journey back to the Divine Kingdom.

Perhaps you will be The One.

Andrew said...


"So the personality is allotted a certain amount of time on earth to locate the Truth during physical life and begin the process of Transmutation." Locating the truth seems to me to be main reason we are living. Mr Rijckenborgh has given us the location of the truth which is in our hearts but then tells us that we can only experience the inner other one in a pure ether field. This probably means regular attendance in a consecrated temple. I agree with this also but am unable to meet this requirement. Any thoughts on my situation would be much appreciated.

BrotherGee said...


That "pure ether field", the New Life Field, is already here. It surrounds this world and interpentrates it. It is literally nearer than hands and feet. The issue becomes, how does one access this New Life Field?

As always, it comes down to a matter of vibration. Vibration, vibration, vibration is always the key. If our mortal soul-vehicles vibrate in resonance with the things of this world, that is what (and where) we will continue to experience.

If, after gaining the proper insight, we begin to yearn for liberation from this world, we point ourselves away from the world. We then seek something that is not of this world and begin to vibrate in that direction. Our new vibration will attract those of the New Life Field, initially through the agency of the awakening Divine Spark. We will be 'fed' by it, as it were. By learning what the Path entails and attempting to live it moment-to-moment, our link with the New Life Field will grow stronger. We are then "in the world, but not of the world".

As for the need to congregate in special temples or meeting-places in order to derive the benefits of the New Life Field, this is not true. Geography or physical proximity is not be a hindrance for those who truly intend to walk the Path. As written above, we are linked to this pure ether field if our day-to-day living is such that our soul-vibration is raised to the requisite frequency and remains there. If we can maintain this level of vibration by living a soul-directed life during the day, then at night a wonderful thing happens:

Remember always that like attracts like. Our level of soul-vibration at the moment we fall asleep determines where our astral body will spend the nocturnal hours. Therefore, those who are able to keep their vibration at even the minimum level required will immediately travel to the New Life Field during the hours of sleep. Many things occur during these travels which help to build the new Light-vesture. Impressions are brought back with us and we carry those impressions with us throughout the coming day-life (please note that the normal dreams experienced ewhen we sleep will have nothing to do with our stay in the New Life Field. Dreams are a physical world phenomena).

So, we should endeavor to live our day-life with our nightly destination in mind. This will enable us to visit the New Life Field whenever we close our eyes, as long as we are vibrating at a level that resonates with that Field.

What sort of day-life should that be? One of self-forgetfulness, selfless service, unselfishness, non-criticism, non-judgmental, serving others in any small way we can, bringing God's Light into the world by shedding that Light for others.

It is not where we are physically located that is the important thing, it is the condition of our soul-state that matters! We should recall that "a state of consciousness is a state of life". What we are determines where we will be.

Relevant posts:

The Awakening of the Soul 1 & 2

A Stranger On Earth 1, 2,3 & 4

all love

~ g

Andrew said...


Thank you for your detailed answer and relevant posts which I read. You said, "As for the need to congregate in special temples or meeting-places in order to derive the benefits of the New Life Field, this is not true." To take an allegory of the sun its energy shines on everything but if you use a magnifying glass that energy can be concentrated to give fire. Another story that is used is if you take a pile of coal and light it, it produces a fire with lots of energy but if you take one piece of coal out of the fire it still produces fire but not as much energy if it had been left in the pile.

At the moment the World Cup is being played in Brazil with as many as 85000 people watching it in a stadium, this also produces energy and the players can feel it. Now imagine if there were no people in the stadium to watch the game, the game would still go on but the players would not feel the crowds energy. This energy is generated by the crowd and effects everybody's astral bodies but of course is dialectical.

Now in September a conference will be held in Calw Germany to mark the 400 anniversary of the Fama Fraternitatis with over 2000 pupils of the Lectorium Rosicrucianum attending. This will also produce energy but unlike the football crowd it will produce a pure ether field which will nourish the divine sparks in those attending. And I bet for the 2000 in attendance you will be able to hear a pin drop in the silence!

Do you see what I'm getting at those attending will receive something special that can't be got by reading Mr Van Rijckenborgh books although I do agree with you that reading a passage from one of his books before retiring to bed is most beneficial.You said, "What sort of day-life should that be? One of self-forgetfulness, selfless service, unselfishness, non-criticism, non-judgmental, serving others in any small way we can, bringing God's Light into the world by shedding that Light for others." I agree this should happen in our day-to-day life but without this special energy that we receive from attending conferences or services the above is almost impossible to practice, or have I missed something?

BrotherGee said...


You are absolutely right that there is a Power present in the midst of those who are walking the Path and able to gather together. The Christ spoke it plainly through the man, Jesus: "Where two or more are gathered in My name, so there am I".

In the U.S., there are only two LRC centers, one in Bakersfield, CA and the other in Chatham, NY. i am fortunate enough to live not too far away from one of those centers and have attended several conferences. And yes, while one is there one can feel that there is an energy, a focus that is drawn towards a group of like-minded Transfigurists. It is exactly as you describe in your allegory about the sun.

i do not know where you live, but if you ever get, or make the opportunity you should try to attend a conference. i recommend it to all.

Yes, there are benefits to attending these conferences, but one must keep in mind that the Christ energy that is focused among a group of pupils at a conference surrounds us all, it is everywhere. We have but to tune ourselves to that vibration and our Divine Spark will make the connection.

The conferences function more like a battery-recharger. It is where we go to get away from the world for 24-48 hours, to bathe in the warmth of the Thirteenth Aeon and restore our Light-power. Away from the cacophony of what man calls "civilization", we are better able to hear the Heart speak. One leaves there energized, as if clothed in fresh laundry, ready to share that which has been received with the world.

How flawed would the Divine Plan be if only those who were able to attend LRC conferences received the benefits of the Christ vibration! Such a shoddy, limited "plan" would be an insult to the omniscience of the Logos and the benevolent Elohim who serve this Creation.

No, this is not the case. Again, the Holy Language speaks of the Christ energy, the Gnosis, and makes it quite clear: "To all those who believe in Him, He gives the power to become Sons of God again". Again! Not to become something that we've never been, but to become what we were, once more!

One must focus one's most earnest desire in the direction of the Gnosis. If one can accomplish that yearning, then just as surely as iron filings are attracted by a magnet, the Gnosis will make contact with the Divine Spark in the Heart of such a one and the Rose will begin to bloom.

It might help if we stop thinking of things from a physical point-of-view. This is about soul-rebirth, soul-transformation! You illustrated it yourself in your fine allegory about the sun. The sun shines on all alike, yes. But those who dwell in the dark caves of human ignorance will receive but little Light, while those who venture forth from these caves into the New World that beckons will receive all of the Life-giving Force they are able to handle.

Dei Gloria Intacta!

~ g

P.S.: as for this year's conference in Calw, to which i unfortunately cannot afford to travel, it promises to be a wonderful gathering. Such a multitude will be able to link with The Thriteenth Aeon just as those 85,000 football fans were able to link up with the Aeons of Football (hence their mindless frenzy).

Someday, all those who have made The Choice will be afforded a place at such gatherings, all over the world. Indeed, so much awaits us. Until then, we must endeavor to tune our hearts to the Christine Energy that surrounds and penetrates us and aspire to make our hearts a fit home for It to dwell.

Andrew said...


Thank you for your detailed explanation. And yes it would be a flawed Divine Plan if only those who attended conferences and services of the Lectorium Rosicrucian could enter the Kingdom of Heaven.But I believe there are seven schools and the only one I know personally is the LR.

Your postings are very beneficial for the first step on the path INSIGHT. Then it is up to the individual to make the next step YEARNING FOR LIBERATION. Unless this is your primary desire you may as well join the football fans in the stadium!

Once again thank you for all the work you must put in with all your posts but you are doing a great service for all your fellow brothers and sisters.