28 September 2014

I'm Only Human!

No, you are not.

You are an emergency-order being, a temporary phenomenon charged with the duty of awakening the True Man that sleeps within your microcosm.

We are gods in embryo. As with any embryo, without the proper conditions it will not achieve its aim. Certain things must happen for a hen's egg to become a chick. If those things do not happen, that egg becomes someone's breakfast.

Essentially, we are faced with the same situation. If we do not find the Mysteries of the Light while we are incarnate, our personality will be removed from the microcosm, post-mortem, to be replaced by an entirely different personality upon reincarnation. However, if while incarnate we manage to answer the call of the Gnosis and begin to walk the Path that leads to ultimate Liberation, our personality will persist after so-called death and will not have to return to the material world via the agency of childbirth. As it is written, we will "go no more out" (...he that overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out - Rev 3:12).

Do not waste the opportunity that lies in front of you. You have been touched by the Gnosis to some degree, or else you would not be reading these words. Grab the Golden Thread and follow it to its glorious end, thereby avoiding a fate similar to that of the tasty fried egg.

~ g


Anonymous said...


Is nice to see and your blog, good job brother!

Reading this post I saw the microcosm with its divine seed ad a "hostage" to ourselves, the I-centered personality man, is it right? But we have the power to turn things around and become the liberators of our microcosms and its divine seeds, as we begin to live not based on our own I-centered will but become increasingly and processualy oriented by the divine seed as it awakens more and more (is it that awakens more and more or is ourselves who begin to listen to it and to attune to it more and more like the precision instrument that the personality really is?)

Your post reminded me of a video I found in youtube, I can send the link if you want, but it isn't LRC material altough it says similar things,


BrotherGee said...


The "hostage" metaphor is a good one. Ironically, we are at the same time both Jailer and potential Liberator.

As for the link, feel free to forward.

in unity,

~ g

Anonymous said...

Okay, here it is:


You can hear Mr. Laitman speak about the spirit-spark in this video, and the "birth" of the original man through the upper light (Gnosis) - with his own words of course :-)
