04 January 2015

Begin...End...Begin Again.

Man does not understand that humanity experiences in varying cycles of time. There are minor cycles of roughly 3,600, 6,000 and 12,000 years that affect the races. There are major cycles spanning roughly 26,000 years that affect the Earth and, by extension, humanity. This is a precessional cycle, also known as a sidereal year, or Great Year. Three such Great Years constitute a major cycle that affects not only Earth and her humanity, but the entire Solar System.

Each time a major cycle ends, the Earth is devastated (actually, cleansed is probably the better word). A large portion of humanity is destroyed and a remnant, those who followed The Good Law, is taken to a place of safety. The story of Noah is a symbolical representation of this very ancient fact.

The purpose of the destruction is to not only cleanse the physical earth, but to clean out all of the regions of the reflection-sphere, as well (the reflection-sphere is the realm of the dead, what man mistakenly refers to as "heaven"). Both halves of the earth-sphere, both visible and invisible, are cleansed of the astral filth and dross that have accumulated over the millennia due to man's ignorant and thoughtless thinking, willing and desiring.

Once the reflection-sphere has been cleansed, a new Day of Manifestation dawns. The remnant are free to begin again. However, they do not undertake this endeavor on their own. They are assisted by Divine teachers, known throughout the ages as the Sons of Fire, the Shining Ones, etc. These Helpers of Humanity return to the earth-plane once more to guide the remnant on the Right Path, the Path of the True Way. Because the archons, aeons, light-spirits and shades have been flushed from the invisible spheres, it is much easier to teach man that which he needs to learn. Many are liberated during the early stages of a new Day of Manifestation.

Predictably, this honeymoon phase does not last. Inevitably, man falls back into his old habits, his selfish way of thinking, willing and desiring. New aeons are created and commanded by new archons. Man descends anew into debauchery and violence. An appointment is set for a new Period of Cleansing. The Destroyer is dispatched to perform its gruesome duty.

We have reached the end of a 75,000 year cycle of time. The entire Solar system is undergoing a cleansing. On Earth, that purification is taking place right now, it has already begun. The Great Separation is underway.

This periodic cleansing is a mercy granted to wayward mankind by the Logos. It gives fallen microcosms a chance to start over before they crystallize beyond saving. These cycles will continue to repeat themselves in the millions of years that lay ahead, reaping and harvesting until all prodigal microcosms have returned to the House of the Father.

What is important to know is that this time around, something special is taking place. The Earth is moving up a rung on its own Path of Return. After this Cleansing, the physical Earth will cease to exist. Earth's lowest vehicle will be an etheric one. As such, all life on the new Earth will also have to be etheric in nature. This graduation to the next higher plane is known as the Lesser Harvest, as opposed to the Greater Harvest, which is Final Liberation.

Those microcosms and incarnate humans who are unable to make the required transformations will be recycled. Some millions of years hence they will have to begin again, as cave-men and cave-women on a physical Earth-like planet somewhere else in the galaxy in the hope that they can learn to follow the Truth that they once scorned.

May it be so that this time around, you find yourself aligned either with the Remnant destined for the New Earth or with the Chosen on the road to Final Liberation from matter.

~ g


Anonymous said...


"Of the time and hour, no man knoweth'.

I recently stumbled upon a website 'armageddonconspiracy.co.uk' wherein the supposed concepts of the 'Illuminati' are presented. Would you take a look....

BrotherGee said...

I reviewed the site you spoke of. The author is confused and/or living out a delusion. There is almost nothing of value here. From what i've seen, the majority of his conclusions are false, mostly because he starts from faulty premises.

I would not recommend that anyone spend a lot of time at the site.

There is nothing that can "make this world better". This world is a duality, an endless collection of pairs-of-opposites, an endless rising, shining and fading. Earthly "goodness" will always turn into evil at some point. Any entity that proposes to "make the world" better betrays their loyalties as such a belief indicates that they are actually in service to the aeons of this nature.

He states that Illuminists are Gnostics. That cannot be possible because no true gnostic would be caught dead serving any organization with earthly designs. True gnostics are devoted to leaving this nature-order, not maintaining it.

This website looks like something that was carefully planned to dupe and confuse the uninformed. The Illuminati do not need a website to "explain" themselves. They prefer to remain in the shadows, allowing people to imagine their own monsters.

Whoever set up this site went to great lengths to create something that will only send people off on wild goose chases. It's a dead end.

~ g

Anonymous said...


I have been reading what is posted on the website (armageddonconspiracy) for a couple of months now....still have not reached the end yet.

Like what is posted in this blog, it may not resonate with everyone. Like everything else, the seeker has to discern for himself. There is no easy salvation. Having said that I cannot dismiss all that is posted there, although their immediate intentions seem rather dubious some of what is narrated has piqued my interest.

BrotherGee said...


You are correct when you say that the seeker has to discern for himself. Trust me, I've gone through a ton of sketchy websites in the past during my search for Truth. REAL sketchy.

My response should have included that caveat. i offered an opinion because i thought that's what was being requested. By no means is anyone bound to listen to my or any other person's opinion on such things. All seekers must ultimately weigh and decide for themselves.


~ g