28 December 2015

Welcome, Fool

Those who seek Liberation are considered fools in the eyes of the world.

Why so? We are fools because we have chosen to walk a Path that requires seekers to withdraw from the world. The aims of the Path are the eradication of the "I", the rebirth of the 'the Other One' within and the Final Liberation of the microcosm from the Wheel of Death and Rebirth.

What foolishness! Why would one want to erase himself or herself? Who or what is this 'the Other One'? Liberation from what? How is it even possible to take leave of the world or to be "born again"? What nonsense, what rubbish, what foolishness.

Those who have made their peace with the world prove that they are not ready to take Heaven by storm. To these ones, all efforts to escape this nature-order will appear to be folly.

Those who, after repeated lives of suffering and disappointment, have reached the nadir of existence in this nature-order are the ones who may finally choose to seek Liberation via transfiguration, via the ancient alchemical method.

For those who are not ready, there is no real shame. Someday in the near or distant future, they will tire of the material world and turn the eyes of their souls towards the stars.

For those who feel that they are ready, be sure to ask yourself if this is what you truly desire. If the answer to that question is yes, then we welcome you as both a fool and a fellow traveler.

"For God has chosen the foolish of the world to shame the wise, and he has chosen the weak of the world to shame the mighty" -- Cor 1:27

You're in good company.

~ g

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