06 December 2015

Responses For A Distraught Entity

This post responds to a comment left here.

My friend,

The world we see around us is a result of humanity's collective poor decision-making over many thousands of years. What a man thinks, he shall become. We have the world that we have because we have made it so via the wrong-thinking of the many prior personalities that have lived in our microcosms in the past. You, as the current personality to inhabit your microcosm, have the opportunity to break this Chain of Error.

Nothing can "make you" do anything. You lash out at the world because you choose to do so. That is the manner in which you express your frustration at not understanding.

As to being a "temporary vessel for a trapped Spark", it is more accurate to state that we are an instrumentarium of our Divine Spark for use in attempting to reunite with Spirit so as to regain our Divine birthright of Immortality. Notice that the word used is "regain", as in restoring to ourselves something that was lost. If the current personality fails in that attempt, it will be dissolved and a new personality will be inserted into the microcosm to try again. This is the root cause that lies behind the twin phenomena known as death and re-birth (reincarnation).

Divine Love is different from human 'love'. Human love is conditional and changeable. "I will love you until you do something that I don't like. Then I will not love you anymore". Divine Love is constant, impersonal and freely bestowed upon all human races. "The Sun shines on both good and bad alike". It is man's turning away from the Love of the Father that is the cause of man's problems. When man makes the conscious, voluntary decision to Think, Desire and Act in line with the Will of the Father, his troubles will pass away like a bad dream.

There is no such thing as 'nothing'. As the classical Rosicrucians so wisely reiterated, "There Is No Empty Space". Every micrometer of God's universe is alive with Life. You cannot perceive this Life because your five physical senses limit your perception to that which is of the physical realm.

What occurred on 9/11 was orchestrated by the servants of entities who are currently in control of the physical world. These entities are extremely intelligent and diabolically cunning. They are experts in human nature and have eons of experience in manipulating human races. For that reason, we will never find out the full truth behind 9/11, or Pearl Harbor, or the 7/7 metro bombings, or the Challenger disaster, or the triumvirate of political assassinations of the '60's (JFK, MLK and RFK), when a calculated effort was made to demoralize and crush the hope of humanity via brutal murder.

Please be advised that it does not matter if we never find out the truth about these things. It is enough to know that we are continually required to return and experience in an environment controlled by the archons and aeons of this nature. What is most important is that each man and woman free himself or herself from the control of these entities, many of whom mankind itself is responsible for creating.

As for knowing the ultimate Truths, true "knowing" comes from within. True Knowing is not something one learns in a book. True Knowing is actually Remembrance. Due to the fact that your microcosm has hosted hundreds of personalities over many thousands of years, you have been, in a microcosmic sense, a material witness to all that has happened to humanity over that time period, including the rise and fall of Atlantis and the periodic flood disasters that submerged her, as well as all things prior. Those memories are stored within your lipika but are currently inaccessible to you due to the veil that has been put in place to obscure those soul memories.

The 'real' you is not the personality. The 'real' you is the Consciousness that infuses the personality. Close your eyes and stop up your ears. Can you see your body? No. Can you hear anything? No. Are you still there? Yes. Please remember the following: you have a body; you are not your body.

The way to Know Truth is via the Intuition. Intuition is the Soul's voice. It is the Voice of the Silence. If one works to purify their Thinking, Willing and Acting, one will begin to recognize when that Voice is speaking and will know via a certain resonant feeling whether a thing is True or not.

To answer your last question, once the aim of the Gnosis is understood / remembered and its Path accepted, all doubts/uncertainties flee like smoke. This is the power of Remembrance.

True Knowledge is like turning on a floodlight in a pitch-dark room. While the room is in darkness, one is in constant fear of bumping into something or having something reach out to attack or do harm. Every sound one hears conjures wild imaginings, every step taken is timid and halting. One's entire being is immersed in a constant terror.

Once the floodlight is turned on, one knows everything about the room. One realizes that there are no creatures ready to reach out and attack. One can identity all sounds and their origins. Each step is taken with surety and confidence because one can see clearly the direction in which one is headed. One realizes that the feelings of fear and trepidation stemmed from not-knowing and that, in reality, there had never been anything to fear at all.

If one wishes to be truly free of such Fear, then one's first step is to gain much-needed insight.

all love,

~ g

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