25 January 2016

TELEVISION: A Danger For The Individual


Now we come to the second point, the elimination of the will. This viewing, evening after evening -- this behavior in the whole civilized world -- is the picture of an enslaved mankind. Looking at the magic box every evening, whatever is offered.

Our will is already completely attuned to television. It appears that what is offered has us in its spell to such an extent, that the visual impressions entirely occupy the consciousness and accordingly, the will is paralyzed. This also takes place because the other sense organs begin to malfunction. That is why the volume of the sound must be turned up so high and be so intense that no other sound is audible to the consciousness.

The kinds of radiations emanating from the apparatus are soundwaves, light waves and ether waves. The sound waves are considered especially harmful for man and especially for children. Moreover, attention is drawn to the great instability which emanates from the trembling and flickering picture. Owing to all sorts of atmospheric and earthly disturbances the picture is not still and moreover, is subject to all kinds of clarity fluctuations. By absorbing this picture for some time very tensely and attentively, a great pressure occurs on the nervous system which afterwards tries to discharge itself. For children, this causes insomnia or very restless nights.

A tone of nearly 20,000 cycles per second which is necessary to reproduce the lines of the electron radiation also emanates from the set and this sound is just audible by some people and especially by children. This sound, which is very high and just to be heard or in fact is not "heard", is felt as a pressure in the head. If one is sensitive to it, it is a very unpleasant sensation which also causes a burdening which must be worked off afterwards. By gazing for hours at the brightly illuminated screen, the eyes are taxed to a large extent which leads, just as in all long continued over-burdening, to unpleasant consequences manifesting themselves as disease of the affected parts of the body.

However unpleasant these phenomena may be, there is still another danger which is not acknowledged as such that must be pointed out as most serious. We refer to the nature and the type of radiation which originates from the picture screen itself. The screen is coated with a certain substance which is applied to convert the electron energy into light. Moreover, it must be able to react to the intensity of the radiation , thereby emitting either more or less light. In addition to this quality, the substance must also glow for a short time in order to allow the pictures to merge. Furthermore, the substance used must also produce a brilliant effect because a gray picture is lifeless.

In order to produce all these results, a substance has been produced out of a number of basic elements with special additions. So, for instance, zinc cadmium sulfite or zinc beryllium silicate are used as a base to which some very special elements are added. Mostly, the structure will be a trade secret, but for the brilliant radiation effect (the color) one principally uses Cerium, Europium and Terbium.

The normal black-and-white sets have principally an addition of Cerium, whereas in color television, the three substances mentioned play an important role. These elements are very rare and belong to the first series of the so-called "rare-earth" elements. The second range of rare-earth elements, among others, is composed of Uranium, Neptunium Plutonium, elements which are dangerous even under normal circumstances.

The fact that all these substances from the first range belong to the rare-earth elements points to the fact that these elements are only found in small concentrations in the earth's crust. Man does not apply these substances in their natural condition, no, he concentrates and purifies them and uses them under a high temperature and pressure in order to obtain a desired result. Such is also the case of the television tube. Here, for instance, Cerium is used to generate light. The Cerium atoms are bombarded with electrons of a high energy and under their influences, the Cerium atoms emit light. It will be clear to the reader that the light emitted by Cerium is completely in accordance with the nature of the Cerium atom. It is, and cannot be, anything else but Cerium light. It usually escapes one's attention that in this way other radiations than only the visible light are liberated. That is why we would prefer to speak of Cerium radiation. Every day the television public is for a certain time submitted to this Cerium radiation and in color televisions we can add the Europium and Terbium radiation. This radiation, however, is of a much higher potency than is normal in the realm of nature, firstly because of the much greater concentration and secondly because of the much higher energy level on which electrons of the elements were found.

From TELEVISION: A Danger For The Individual - J. Schootemeijer (1979)


CORRECTION to a prior comment: The 18-page pamphlet entitled "TELEVISION: A Danger For The Individual" was written by one J. Schootemeijer, not Jan van Rijckenborgh.

The work was published by Rosekruis Pers, the publishing arm of the Lectorium Rosicrucianum.

The following item was found on the web:


What are Rare Earths?

The Japanese call them “the seeds of technology.” The US Department of Energy calls them "technology metals". They make possible the high tech world we live in today – everything from the miniaturization of electronics, to the enabling of green energy and medical technologies, to supporting a myriad of essential telecommunications and defense systems. They are the elements that have become irreplaceable to our world of technology owing to their unique magnetic, phosphorescent, and catalytic properties.

The amount of rare earths used in high tech equipment is nominal but almost always critical to the unit’s performance. For example, an iPhone uses eight rare earths – for everything from its colored screen, to its speakers, to the miniaturization of the phone’s circuitry. While the amount of rare earths in each phone is very small, the quantity of phones sold each year is impressive. According to Apple, in 2012 over 125 million iPhones were sold worldwide, up from 72 million in 2011.


Harmful radioactivity is now at your fingertips. Isn't that wonderful?

~ g

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