23 January 2016

The Silence

When we mention Silence, we are not referring to the silence that accompanies the stereotypical eyes-closed, legs-crossed yogic or meditative pose. The average occultist meditates with the aim of connecting with his or her terrestrial higher self or reflection-sphere entities. These are earthbound aims that are inextricably linked with the physical realm. Such meditations merely chain one that much more tightly to the Wheel of Death and Rebirth.

The Silence that the transfigurist is attempting to achieve is one in which not only the senses are quieted, but one in which the Divine Spark - the smallest part of God that lives within the microcosm - is able to make contact with the subtle vibrations emanating from its home realm, the Sixth Cosmic Domain.

This communication takes place within the Silence that occurs when the physical senses are stilled.

The vibrations of the Divine Kingdom (the 6th Cosmic Domain) are of a frequency that is too high for the physical senses of the 7th Cosmic Domain to detect. We, as physical human-beings, do not possess the sense organs necessary to perceive these very high vibrations. Only the Divine Spirit-spark Atom within us can "hear" what is being transmitted from this sublime realm. This because the Divine Spark is of the same frequency and composed of the same atomic material(s) as the Divine Kingdom. There is a natural affinity. Like Attracts Like is the law, so it is easy to see that a connection between ourselves and the Sixth Cosmic Domain is eminently possible.

Of course, living in the cacophony of today's world, it is very difficult to turn off the noise, to find a quiet place to sink into the Silence that leads to the Divine connection. If a newborn baby cries at a rock concert, will anyone hear the child? Of course not. All instruments must be turned off, all voices must be stilled and all movement must cease in order to enable us to hear the still, small voice of the crying newborn. It is no different with The Silence. All the "extra" stuff that we engage in during a typical day should be shut off, shut down, shut out. Unnecessary speech, wasted actions, counter-productive or impure thoughts, emotional mood swings...all these distractions must be eliminated in order for us to approach The Silence.

The hermits of old had it right. They left what was called "civilization" and journeyed to a place where Silence was a natural state of affairs, or at the very least, easily attainable. Throughout history they are depicted as disheveled and bedraggled fools, but you can trust and believe that these ones more than likely possessed the Gnostic Key.

LRC, the School of the Golden Rosycross, is intimately aware of the power of The Silence and incorporates silent periods throughout the day at their periodic weekend conferences. Even the vegetarian meals are enjoyed in silence. It is truly a blessing to be able to unplug from the delusion that mankind considers "reality" and sink into a Silent connection with the True Reality, even if only for 24 hours.

Find a quiet place in your home or apartment. Visit that place as often as possible each day. There is no need to think, chant or speak. It is your Silent intent that matters here. Set your intent upon linking the Divine part of you within, with the Divine Kingdom that surrounds you. The connection will be instantaneous.

You can listen for responses, but you will hear nothing. Again, one cannot "hear" this communication with one's physical senses. If, during your quiet periods, you hear or see anything with your physical ears and eyes, know that you are in touch with the un-divine reflection-sphere, the other half of the material world. You can be certain that you have not made contact with the Voice of the Silence.

So how will one know that this communion has taken place? Do not search for proof, just know that contact has been made. Ultimately, you yourself will constitute living proof by way of the change that will come over you as time goes by (read "The Silent Companion"). You will begin to crave Silence; you will look to shun and avoid the trappings of "civilization" whenever you can; you will begin to look forward to those periods of time when you can sit Silently and converse with the God Within.

~ g


Andrew said...


I am currently reading Tavistock Institute by Daniel Estulin which tells of the social engineering of the masses. The one chapter I find interesting is the one on television and the following is a quote.

The biggest hypnotist in the world is an oblong box in the corner of the room that tells people what to believe. Television, with its reach into everyone’s home, creates the basis for the mass brain-washing of citizens, as we will see in this chapter. You may not realise it, yet, but your mind is being shaped and moulded every time your turn the one eyed baby sitter on.

Where the hermits got it right was they had no television to fill their minds with noise yet today I see the youth spending hours playing violent video games on their computers and even on their mobile phones while their parents spend hours watching the TV until its time for bed.

The Tavistock Institute are well aware of this too and use whatever it takes to fill the minds of the masses with noise such as pop music for the young or so called entertainment for their parents. Mr van Rijckenborgh wrote a book about the unmasking but I don't think he could see how smart these reflection entities are and how they use anything such as the internet or new agers or the latest technology to control the masses.

OK, most school people watch TV or carry mobile phones around with them afraid they will miss something on their Facebook or Twitter accounts etc. That's what I like about attending conferences for the weekend, you become a hermit for a short time and you don't really care if Chelsea beat Arsenal in the soccer. The mind may return to its natural silent state and hear the voice of the silence. Should TV's and mobile phones be banned if one really is after silence? By the way I've never heard a mobile phone ring at a conference yet so maybe they are banned!

BrotherGee said...


Tavistock is the social-engineering arm of a large network of organizations that control the direction of the world, known as The Committee of 300. One of their contributions to the destruction of American morals and values were The Beatles. Here's a quote from the book by Dr. John Coleman:

"The phenomenom of the Beatles was not a spontaneous rebellion by youth against the old social system. Instead, it was a carefully crafted plot to introduce by a conspiratorial body which could not be identified, a highly destructive and divisive element into a large population group targeted for change against their will. New words and phrases -- prepared by Tavistock -- were introduced to America along with the Beatles. Incidentally, the word "teenagers' was never used until just before the Beatles arrived on the scene, courtesy of the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations.

Their 12-atonal system of "music" consisted of heavy, repetitive sounds, taken from the music of the cult of Dionysus and the Baal priesthood...".

Dr. Coleman goes on to state that the Beatles were put together by Tavistock and that their music was written by one Theo Adorno. If you can find this book it is worth reading, as it not only discusses Tavistock but the other tentacles of the beast, such as England's Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), the Club of Rome, the CFR, Rand Corp. and Stanford Research Institute, among many others.

Jan van Rijckenborgh was well-aware of the extensive cunning employed by the aeons of this nature and their servants in the reflection-sphere and on the physical planet. There are groups in Greenland, the Arctic and Antarctica that are doing things that one only reads about in comic books. In his book Unmasking he details how modern technology has been and will be used in combination with a sort of magic in order to confuse and deceive the world.

JVR also wrote a short pamphlet, now out-of-print, called TELEVISION: A Danger for the Individual. Future posts will contain excerpts from this work. Trust me, he knew.

~ g

BrotherGee said...

CORRECTION: The 18-page pamphlet entitled "TELEVISION: A Danger For The Individual" was written by one J. Schootemeijer, not Jan van Ricjkenborgh.

However, the work was published by Rosekruis Pers, the publishing arm of the Lectorium Rosicrucianum (LRC).

The above does not negate the fact that van Rickenborgh was well aware of the dangers of not only television, but radio as well. At all LRC conferences, no televisions or radios are present. All cell phones are voluntarily turned off by mutual agreement among all parties, as each individual recognizes that they are gathered together to bathe in the Light Bath of the Gnosis and that Silence is key to attainment of this lofty aim.

~ g

Anonymous said...

Thanks Brother Gee for your answer. The weekend conferences are indeed a great help.