07 April 2016

Answers For Brian

The following are posted in response to questions presented here. The responses were too long to fit in the Comments section ~ g

Q: I am trying to get insight into The New Man "merging" with the Other One. Does Oneness equal death for a Microcosm?

A: No. The microcosm is immortal. It is the successive, un-divine, mortal personalities inserted into the microcosm that are temporary. The mortal personality experiences birth and death, repeatedly. The immortal microcosm persists.

Q: What happens to the New Man? Does he not enter the New Field of Life then?

A: When we speak of the New Man, we are speaking of the liberated human-being. One who, through self-surrender and a complete, fundamental reversal of attitude towards life, has succeeded in undergoing the transmutation that leads to transfiguration, thereby allowing the Other One, the True Man, to regain control of the microcosm.

The New Man will be in permanent contact with the New Life Field (the 6th Cosmic Domain), no matter where he may be located in time and space. The New Field of Life is not a physical destination or a place light-years away. The New Life Field is here and now. It surrounds and interpenetrates our physical realm. It is only those who are able to tune into the frequency of the New Life Field that will be able to forge this link.

For these ones, there will be no need to return to the material world via the agency of physical childbirth, unless there is a voluntary need to do so for the good of the rest of fallen mankind. Even if such a one returns to earth as a Sent One, he or she will never lose their connection with the Divine Kingdom. Symbolically speaking, though their feet may be on the ground, their head will be in the clouds.

Q: Do the Pure One's become Shepherd's for the others stuck in dialectics?

A: Yes. This human life-wave, although fragmented at the present time, was once a unity. We must be unified once again before we reach the end of these Seven Cosmic Days of Manifestation. Those who have been Liberated from the physical realm will take their places as new links in the extensive Universal Chain of Brotherhoods. It is their sacrifice and their loving duty to remain behind, to postpone their own future development in order to "reach back" into the Physical Realm and fish souls out of the sea of living-death. No one needs to be lost.

Q: Is the Vacuum of Shamballa an astral realm? There is not much on it in JVR writings other than "you will have time to complete transfiguration there" and something about the Gobi desert. How would that be able to happen?

A: The Vacuum of Shamballa is a manifestation of the 6th Cosmic Domain (the Divine Kingdom), that has established a focus here in the 7th Cosmic Domain (the Physical Realm), right down to the material earth. You can say that there are seven aspects, corresponding to each of the seven planes of the 7th Cosmic Domain. The physical-etheric manifestation of the Vacuum of Shamballa is located in the middle of the Gobi desert. It is the Heart of the World.

Because the vibrations of the 6th Cosmic Domain are so much higher than those of the 7th, the vibrations radiated by the Vacuum of Shamballa, although very high, are stepped-down in frequency a bit to allow the seeking, terrestrial man on the Path to receive its special vibration or to approach it, if possible. One can think of it as a simple bridge extended over a deep valley, enabling people to move from one side of the valley to another. One can also liken it to a diving bell, which allows man to breathe underwater at great depths, or to an airlock, which enables astronauts to get accustomed to breathing oxygen again after a space-walk. Think of it as a sort of halfway-house, where one learns to acclimate themselves to a new environment before finally taking the trip home.

The Vacuum of Shamballa is a safe haven established here in the earth-planes for use by those who are intent upon walking the Path of Return all the way to the victorious Good End. It provides much-needed help for each candidate, providing them with the strength to walk the Path. Shamballa is characterized as a vacuum because, similar to how a vacuum can roughly be defined as "the absence of air", there is an absence of aeonic influences and reflection-sphere pollution there; the very things that conspire to interfere with our Walk while we are in the physical. If death comes to one while he or she is engaged in the process of transmutation, the remains of their personality cannot go to the ordinary reflection-sphere, as their microcosms no longer vibrate at that frequency. There has to be a place for these ones to go after physical death, and that place is Shamballa.

For more information on the Vacuum of Shamballa, you may want to read "The Brotherhood of Shamballa" by Jan van Rijckenborgh and Catharose de Petri, if you have not done so already. It should answer many questions for you.

Q: What are all the inner degrees/inner schools/various aspects in the LR for?

It is not critically important to obtain information about such things at this time. All organizations have a structure and a hierarchy. What is important is to gain much-needed insight about the Path of Return so that the decision can be made to surrender the self in diligent pursuit of the One Goal of Humanity: Liberation.

~ g


Brian said...

Thank you G.

Hoping and praying that my serious weaknesses will be redeemed by the power of Christ so that I will not hinder the objective of my task by my utter imperfection.

I also pray that during this time of destruction very many will grasp the hand of Christ that is offered to mankind.

Peace and love.

BrotherGee said...


As personalities, as I-beings, it is very difficult for us to not give in to whatever our particular weaknesses are. Even though we have made a decision to walk the Path of Return, the nature-of-death still surrounds us and still stimulates attraction and repulsion from the personality.

The only way we can address this is to adopt a constant attitude of objective neutrality. At first, this will be difficult to do, primarily because we will be trying to do this with our I. The I cannot help here, because the I is the exact thing we are trying to eradicate. The I is not going to participate in its own demise, so it will do everything in its power to interfere with The Process. Therefore,we must subtract ourselves from the equation and allow the Other One within to fight these battles. The best we can do as personalities is to try not to get in the way by forcing things. Neutral, neutral, neutral. Make this your aim, and the power of the Gnosis will take care of the rest.

If we do fall (and we will), we mustn't beat ourselves up with feelings of "unworthiness". All Liberated Ones have gone through the same, or worse, struggles. Get right up again and continue on with a renewed will to attain the Goal that we are seeking.

During the end of this major world-cycle, many are hearing The Call and are turning to grasp the rope that is being lowered for them. Still, there are many millions more who are unaware of the importance of these times, or who just don't care.

When the Time of Reckoning comes upon mankind once again, everything will stop. There will be no electricity, no TV, no radio, no Internet, no I-phone. All of man's gadgets and time-wasters will be neutralized. Cars will not run. Nothing will move. There will be but a thick silence. Man will be left himself, to ponder his true predicament. It is during those times that the many millions who have given no thought to the things of the Spirit will begin to see.

Every human-being will be given a final opportunity to make The Choice. Grace will be offered until the last possible moment. No one needs to be lost. That is the goal and hope of the Universal Brotherhood. It is our fervent hope that a vast multitude, a number that no one can count, will choose to begin the journey Home.

all love,

~ g