19 June 2016

The Great Universal Mystery - Same Yesterday As Today


It is said that Krishna, like Jesus the Lord, was born of a virgin. He was born in a cave or a stable, and his birth, just like that of Jesus, was announced by a star. Krishna's birth was also followed by a slaughter of infants, intended to remove him from the face of the earth, and he too accomplished miraculous healings.

He shed his blood for mankind, and, like Jesus, is depicted hanging on a cross. He also descended into hell, rose again from the dead, and ascended into heaven. Both names -- Krishna and Christ -- have the same meaning. Christ was called the Good Shepherd, Krishna, the Shepherd. Krishna was also tempted by Satan and, like Jesus, he experienced transfiguration. He, too, preached a Sermon on the Mount and played an important role in miraculous catches of fish. Just as Jesus received the homage of Mary Magdalene, a harlot, so we read of a similar case in regard to Krishna.

In fact, so may comparisons can be drawn between the two that any suggestions that the similarity is purely coincidental can be dismissed as absurd. The superficial view that the gospels were borrowed from ancient writings must also be rejected definitely by anyone who has the slightest idea of esoteric matters.

Only one conclusion is actually possible: that throughout the ages just one unchanging message has been transmitted to mankind. This one unchangeable Message of Light can only change in color and form, in concept and vibration, when dialectical man, though in good faith, is unable to penetrate to the correct understanding of it and nevertheless wants to take up this Message of Light and pass it on to others.

One of the first tasks of any pupil of a bona fide Spiritual School is to free himself completely from every racial, national or cultural religious affiliation. The pupil may not be specifically Eastern- or Western-oriented; his foundation must rest upon the Universal, the Divine Word itself. To such a pupil it will be granted to discover and understand every great World Teacher as being "the same yesterday and today". He will then never be lacking in respect and gratitude to such a Teacher, whoever that Teacher may be.

If you experience your Christianity in this way, you will always be a universalist and never a sectarian. You will then be open to the great influx of Divine Grace which surrounds this fallen world in loving concern. This Divine Grace offers you the possibility to understand something of the mysteries of Krishna, so that you may then experience these mysteries inwardly, just as you experience the mysteries of Christ. We fervently hope that you will understand these words in every fiber of your being.

The Great Universal Mystery is based on the fact that there is a possibility for every human-being to lift himself out of the mire of nature and sin, and return to the Immovable, Imperishable Kingdom. That is the One Fundamental Mystery: the primary nucleus around which everything else revolves. Of what use would all the Divine sublimity and glory be to fallen man if there were no possibility, no opportunity to elevate himself to this Mystery?

It is therefore our intention to speak to you about this Universal Mystery, so that we may discover it together and see it clearly before us. If we succeed in this, the Way of Salvation will be open to you and we shall have accomplished our Task, for then you will be linked with the most Imperishable Treasure that can be offered to you here.

From "The Mysteries of Krishna" The Great Revolution - Jan van Rijckenborgh and Catharose De Petri


The Message is always the same, differing only in how it is presented to mankind. Depending on the stage of human development, the Gnosis is brought to humanity in a manner that can be understood by the mankind of that era.

You may not realize it now but some day, or in some future life, you will grasp the truth, which is that we are here on earth in order to accomplish a Single Purpose: Liberation from Matter. For as long as it takes, the Sons of the Fire will continue to incarnate here, teaching and shedding their blood for mankind, until all who are fallen have been raised up.

~ g

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