19 June 2016

Like Sheep Among Wolves

“We lead a life hard and wandering. We fly from town to town like sheep among wolves. We suffer persecution like the Apostles and Martyrs, yet our life is holy and austere. These things are not difficult, for we are no longer of this world.”

-- attributed to the Cathar bons hommes and bonnes femmes  of medieval Languedoc, 13th century, Southern France

The above is no less true today than it was 800 years ago. The present-day Servers of the Divine Plan of Salvation also operate in enemy territory. The world-at-large is at the height of I-centrality, where the physical self is celebrated and the I-being is exalted. A large percentage of the planet is led by the mantra "Love Yourself" instead of The Golden Rule reiterated to mankind by the Christ, which is to "Love Thy Neighbor As You Love Yourself".

The message being brought to the world during this ending-cycle is once again battling to be heard. Like the salmon that must swim upstream to reach its spawning ground, so must today's Carriers of the Flame struggle against the populist tide of I-consciousness that has enveloped the world.

Those Who Serve take no notice of this difficulty. Deep within them lies the realization that these things must be so. With a dedication born of remembrance and with compassion for their fallen brethren who labor still in darkness, these ones will continue to clear a path through the wilderness, easing the way forward for those who follow.

For those who have located The Path of the True Way, there is no other duty more important. While still in the body, we must continue to serve humanity while remaining not of this world.

~ g

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